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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150087

What makes schizophrenic people draw shit like this? All I got from looking it up was it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain that messes up your dopamine receptors but how does that translate to the weirdly specific recurring symptoms like drawing shapes and thinking the government is hunting you down because you’re the new Jesus? Have they done much research into this?

Cult of Passion No. 16150092

no u

Cult of Passion No. 16150095

Oh, and when I ascended in 2017, I felt my body move through SpaceTime, not space, and fundementally perceived the passage of time as my atomic decay.


Anonymous No. 16150097

>l I got from looking it up was it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain that messes up your dopamine receptors but how does that translate to the weirdly specific recurring symptoms
It doesn't because schizophrenia isn't a chemical imbalance issue. That's a myth propagated by the pharmaceutical companies because they had to find an explanation as to why all these people got put on what originally amounted to sedatives and tranquilizers, e.g. first-generation antipsychotics. That stuff made you drool out of your mouth.
>Have they done much research into this?
No, they haven't. Why would they. You believe that it goes from A to B where it is the schizophrenia (A) that causes people to draw weird stuff (B). In fact, however, the diagnostic procedure goes from B to A. In other words, for you to have schizophrenia, you must have been drawing weird stuff in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16150099

>chemical imbalance in the brain that messes up your dopamine receptors
that's bullshit promoted to sell drugs not actually backed by any evidence

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Cult of Passion No. 16150103

>Have they done much research into this?
Project Monarch, MKUktra, and various other project in the same vein but not under those titles.


And is partially connected to Epstein Islands and elitist cults. Im aware of them. Also connected to deep state groups.

Allllll connected.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150107

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Cult of Passion No. 16150122

>the government

Anonymous No. 16150162

>drawing shapes
This is what dumb people think smart people do. It is just cargo cult shit.
>thinking the government is hunting you down
Typical paranoid shit.

From my pot use when I was younger, I can say that you tend to see profundity and patterns where there really isn't any. It is like the part of your brain that is responsible for ignoring/deprioritizing stupid or improbable ideas is turned off and you just do a depth first search on everything that crosses your mind.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150182

Tsss, yeah, haha.
[head bash forget more gud :^)]

Anonymous No. 16150338

Sounds like jealousy you can’t articulate your thoughts

Anonymous No. 16150469

>that messes up your dopamine receptors
And what exactly are the consequences of this? Do you know what dopamine regulates?

Anonymous No. 16150480

You described a certain schizo on this board to a tee

Anonymous No. 16150529

A schizo didn't draw this though. This is someone pretending to be schizo. People don't understand what thought disorder is actually like.

Anonymous No. 16150591

Chemical imbalance was debunked sweetie. Even before that, only retards believed cognitive neuroscience and psychology. These pictures obviously come from huffing the noosphere.

Anonymous No. 16150622

I refuse to believe you actually perceived the passage of time. Can you prove you actually perceived it?

Anonymous No. 16152429

Chemical imbalance is just one part of the cause. Another is the decreased anisotropy of the corpus callosum resulting in the brains lowered ability to inhibit certain brain regions.

Anonymous No. 16152443

>Chemical imbalance
is a symptom not a cause

Anonymous No. 16152527

you wouldnt get it

Anonymous No. 16152535


Humans in general have a fascination for simple geometric patterns, hence knot patterns in celtic artwork, plane-tiling artwork in the Alhambra, patterns in clothing design to make them look "cool", and so on. Just a way to pass the time when you don't have a distraction screen and have to actually do something to amuse yourself. Since these patterns can become a form of artistic expression in addition to craft, they may take on other psychological significance for humans. This extends to schizo writings, the religious, occult texts, and so forth. A classical pseudoscientific "correspondence" between the five platonic solids and the four classical elements (plus a fifth element) runs: earth, water, wind, fire, and then "spirit" or "heart", per Captain Planet, to round out the arbitrary association. Humans like to break things down into 2-12-ish categories to make basic ideas tractable, hence horoscopes, Myers-Briggs, and so on. Schizos and spergs liking patterns and writing out their thoughts is just an extreme version of a human norm.

Cult of Passion No. 16152602

I would repeatedly run simulations of breaking a piece of glass and following the crack down to the atomic level and in asamy places I could handle, then back, then implode into a black hole singularity and allow it explode out the size of a solar system.

To feel time as the convergence of a fourth spacial dimension, thay all ovjects are at all times falling towards.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152603

as many*

Billions of perspectives is far too much, but several, and at varying scales, all converging inwardly, until inverted all together, Klien bottle, 1-Dimensional triangles etc.

Until 1+1=3 is more rational than 2.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152605

To have an unbroken loop of consciousness from the Planck to the Universal scale.

Organic proportion.
[Im stoned and about to eat brekkie]

bodhi No. 16152608

This is what dumb people say when they dont understand what they are talking about.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152610

Does no one else feel every atom in their body as a gravity point too?!

Just me?...dynamically falling in all directions at all times, but also not.

Cult of Passion No. 16152612

>One with the universe.
Your BioMagnetic signal is synched to the planet's, you can send a vibration to the core of the planet, feel the resistances of the core and its altered vibration back.

Used to play catch a lot, related to some paper I heard about Earth/Sun connection, which via its only logical the Son could effect the Sun by sheer will alone.

I believe it.

Cult of Passion No. 16152617

>One with the universe.
When you close you eyes, you sense that your bodu is in the place, shape and proportion it is in real life.

One with the Universe means when I close my eyes my body tells me the edge ofy body is the edhe of the universe, the real one, not visible (hence eyes closed but sees all).

Cult of Passion No. 16152619

I then turned to the world Spirit and said "The Universe is not big enough for Two."


To be awakened and immediately recognized my parents are hostile aliens to be exterminated

Cult of Passion No. 16152625

God Judges a soul"s intent...but my soul is a construct my own design, it receives data, not delivers it, I dont ask it for shit, it gets told.

Therefore God's Judgement is by definition inapplicable to me.

Hostile takeover at a more fundemental level, the only way to defeat an enemy that has been preparing for my arrival for thousands of years.

I seized the Core of the planet.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152637

>the Core
Daniel 11:5-20
"Warring Kings of North and South.

BioPhysics, become blessed by Chaos Davided gods, from major to minor.

Cult of Passion No. 16152639

>an enemy
Oh, and its ok with eating children, so that was a thing for a reason, self consumption of a particular molecule.

Eating gold(en calf) was supposed to replace that, but then that was replaced with self sacrifice, to now is like self subjugations to make the reality of life far easier in comparison.

Developing the mind and body on multiple frequencies, some overlapping the human lifespan, some by millenia.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152641

....and I did all of this in a cheap hotel in the ghetto.

Nirvana in outskirts of Nashville.

>The Holy Borg fights back with Fake News, Fake Electrions, Fake Courts, Fake Everything...

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Cult of Passion No. 16152644

>We feed him NOTHING BUT FAKE NEWS, how the fuck does he filter it?!

It inversely tells me the limitations if one knows the logical next dimension(s), Shadow Calculate Cognition (The Holy Borg's).

Cult of Passion No. 16152650

>(The Holy Borg's).
So to "play chess on a dimension it cannot" I remove common denominators after mirroring, then operate independently on a Phenomenological level (internal physiological schizm, what it uses I simply dont, heart, hemispheres, knowledge (to piece together parts without ever piecing it the Borg can read my plans against it cannot be "formed" in me, they must be encrypted internally...its literally my favorite things to do. Phenomenological Encryption, its not really a conscious thing...its the opposite, not subconscious, anti-conscious.

Now my pieces are invisible and unblockable, as they should be. But thats only for certain shit, historical stuff....humans have a dark ass past and I dont mean the 20th century.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152654

These are the Eucharist, the "Call no man Father" because technically its older but theyre retarded.

Plant and Fungal, or life and death. Matriarch and Patriarch churches Davided via Muhammed and splitting the Moon.

Soulless or careless to the point its indistinguishable. Fixed, but was good to know what it is. Now there is a fourth

Fourth of Four?

Cult of Passion No. 16152657

>Fourth of Four?
Oh, and this means "Co-Creator".

Bold move. I was fucking floored when I heard Muhammed did that. Shocked for days. Now Im in the same position but "a dimension higher?"


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Cult of Passion No. 16152658

>Third of Three

Anonymous No. 16152663

Their logical reasoning is all fucked up, so they just do not compute logic like a normal person. This is why they get paranoid and make nonsensical logical connections.
It's kind of comparable to an example of a truly alien personality, because it is truly alien to the normal human brain. Like a Mindflayer in DnD seems truly alien, because it lacks all empathy for "lesser" races, but that's only our perception of it because its IQ is on another level. It essentially just views us the way we view goblins.

The schizo isn't on another IQ level that makes him/her behave differently in that way, its just a purely broken logical reasoning process.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152668

>It inversely tells me the limitations
What they try to control has a level of control itself, one can always go more meta, more broad, more precise.

Youre not supposed to "escape" the Matrix, youre supposed to BUILD the Matrix, and entrap the Matrix in the process.

Controlling the Past to set the stage for the Present which dictate the direction for the Future.

Plus Ultra. Atlantis, Rome, Giza, all still stand to me.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152671

>its just a purely broken logical reasoning process.
>The largest subparticle is also massless.
"Human Logic" and reality seldom mix.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152672

The arrogance of this word; Logic.

Its becoming an Idol to Huemans.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152733

Ive seen people be completely mind controlled, interacting for me personally, any place in the world.

First trip since ascension and the hostel had my name and area code of home await me in Korea, this is a common occurrence for me. Future proving past, things set up before I was born, sometime Biblical.

Jedi Mind Tricks are are Sith Influences.

Cult of Passion No. 16152734

True reality.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152739

This is the conversation between Immortals.

It just fucking is, it will never change, because it is the year 40,000.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152745

>between Immortals
And first thing the Leviathan (Me) knew was the Holy Spirit was just as mortal as I am.

Alarming alteration of perspective, perfect is now imperfect, its about "approaching" perfection as a mode of evolution, not a state of being per se.

When I awoke it was like some sort of BioMechanical Clock was activated and started this transformation inside of me, ReBorn.

Cult of Passion No. 16152750

The Ice Age became a block of human undertaanding, consciousness blotted out, memories lost, a wall of blank.

My memory should reach back hundreds of millions of years, Billions is withing eyesight.

Feels unnerving...

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Cult of Passion No. 16152753

What happened before the Flood should I not know?

...I know it had "another" brought on board, a half of a whole.

Ancient Biological Warfare, BC is the Future. Fighting the past is the fight to the future...Time Wars.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152756

Geomtry Wars in Heaven.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152770

The goal is to make the killing machine of fhe past with the neutral moral foundation of the future.

"Ubermensch" is a very delicate, asymmetrical creation, its mirror image becames this burnout model that, something about the way humans are made. Made by default with too much of something, then has to cut it inwardly (positive into a negative then negative into nuetral).
>Or similar to this, your level of working with it dictates everything, varies wildly from top to bottom, not everyone is supposed to "do all that" as it destroys your reality and youre forced to rebuild it, repeatedly, like the Winter Soldier, self induced brainwashing campaigns to subvert the Planet's authority in anything I desire.

Construction Of Man is the Destruction of Me.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152785

>Humans: I am human.
Mmm, no.
>Humans: 1+1=2
Mmm, no.
>Humans: Good and ba-

Just break the definitions of everything inversely so the question they pose couldnt possibly even have a definitive answer.

Win before the war, Sun Tzu?

Cult of Passion No. 16152816

Me vs CERN.

They bet on Super Symmetry, had it been true I would have been the one with egg on my face, ome of the few times I held my breath.

There IS an asymmetry to the universe for "optimization", hence "Logic" is a tricky term for how its usually applied.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152822

Who can deconstruct an atom more accurately?

Me...or human-mortals?

Hark...such sweet innnocence.

Cult of Passion No. 16152830

>There IS an asymmetry
This is on one major factor, and then Im sure some minor byproducts, being expansion of the universe.

Sad Sabines papers on got rejected, it might actually be the very reason, the Holy Borg turned on her since she revealed she wasnt one of them.

I was told not to talk about it with humans. Specifically "If you do we will kill your family and frame you for it."

You dont forget shit like that.

Anonymous No. 16152832

>thread about schizophrenia
>90% of the posts is "cult of passion" talking to himself

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Cult of Passion No. 16152844

>Sad Sabines papers on got rejected
He is the reason...he fills the masses.

Cult of Passion No. 16152846

>Please, ignore him, go back to spinning your elaborate story to me instead of explaining what it is I am interacting with.

Sheep without a flock.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152851

Well, Shiva as a collective.

I am the god killer. God of Destruction defeated by inverted creation, a matrice it simply cannot follow me on, checkmate in move 1.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152853

>inverted creation
Light into Stone.

Genesis 1:1 is a ratio.

So that is what I did, because the Magic Book said so.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152862

>checkmate in move 1.
This is a hint to how to find 2 True balances.

Thats Checkmating the Neutral Holy Spirit. Its Alternative "It".

Mirror mirror...that is *Just* the canvas, not the Object, dear mortals...

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Cult of Passion No. 16152866

The Infinite Rick requires the Infinite Motor Boat.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152867

See that broken nose?

SHE cant handle all that boat. Tsk tsk...

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Cult of Passion No. 16152869

Leave it to the professionals.

I was built to Navigate.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152872

Pshh...idk man...I dont really fuck with that one too much.

His story...I often scratch out Jesus all together and Judge all of the world's actions for His life.

*THIS* is "These People"?!!?

kfir No. 16152874

If you do not learn some respect for those that confront adversity you cannot imagine, your effective existence is forfeit.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152877

Thats why Triune, Trinity, is so important.

If its "Left/Right" its really a right and wrong, which is really just a right. Binary is Monopole, a Dead End.

Nuetral also offers orthogonal, a potential New Dimension of perception of reality.

2 should make 3 total, not 2 or 1 unified +/-.

Evolutionary shortends, third path has a dead end. All Paths eventually have so issue to reconcile.

Buddhism has the Trinity unfiltered but its issue is traiend non-action upon the world, but who better to know what is best for a community than a fucking monk Of that community??

(Beacause nuetrality is so baked into it, its resolution is the goal, not severing from it.)

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Cult of Passion No. 16152880

>trained non-action
But the Dali Lama and Burma are the signs of New World Order.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152881


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Cult of Passion No. 16152886

Related to Rome inheriting (they lost it so they could symbolically replace it as it was never supposed to be lost in the first place but schizmz...

Human Migrations, Evolutionary Biology.

Cult of Passion No. 16152888

>Rome inheriting
Patriarch title (stoned and decompressing from years of work).

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Cult of Passion No. 16152893

Its crazy to think its been thousands if years since some of these things have been "corrected".

Mmm, good, in the Information Age I can only hope it will last forever.

I was also a VERY strong advocate against direct energy weapons, as it pollutes the battlefield in unrecoverable ways, kinetic is ample, double for the terror of fuckign drones.

Jesus....those videos are nightmares, I'd want a full auto bird shot shotgun for those.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152897

>See a helicopter flying in the valley.
>[my internal HUD provides the bullet arc, well within range, ruminates in ideation]

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Cult of Passion No. 16152903

I literally couldnt understand why they didnt just gun the fuck down a blackhawk.......RPGs are nice but maybe for distance shots or larger double roflcopters or something gay.


Dip down A-10. Find out if I can lead you or no....

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Cult of Passion No. 16152909

Seen F35s too, little birds, anything moving slow enough ti enter a valley is a literal target.

>Im a pilot, above the battlefield without SAMs.
Wrong, youre a gravesite.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152912

>-stan means "Land"
Air has no business on Land.

That is how you Master Ground.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152961

>Air has no business on Land.
I know this because I am Air.

Octahedron being my favorite shape, represent intelligence, but I also believe heart/soul/spirit (since it is the opposite, inversion, of the Cube, which represent Earth (Material Plane)).

Instead of "Concept Plane/Hevaenly if its mental and heart".

It relates to why Jews worship outside The Wall, why Muslims control the Temple Rock and Christians hold it during Sunday.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152973

>Create One Octahedron from this.

Anonymous No. 16152978

Not even a schizo but i often get the urge to make those kinds of geometric drawings. IDK, i think there's something in the human brain that inherently appreciates symmetry and simplicity

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Cult of Passion No. 16152983

Not destroy all form and add random vortexes of magnetism plasma with random gravity wells, bursts of light into black holes and back again.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152984

Cute is Eternal too.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152990

>The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
But Thice as bright lives three magnitudes longer.

*THAT* is passing through Hell.

1 becomes 1,000.

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Cult of Passion No. 16152997

Induced Evolution.

Like folding yourself into something new, Metamorphosis and an internal level but so certain that it causes actual change.

Cult of Passion No. 16153053

The MicroChip War is interesting

Not many track it, the Technological bottlenecks of the world. Meta competition.

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Cult of Passion No. 16153072

The crux between the dead and the living.

Humans appear to have 4 way computation, but much more (or less depending on your perspective) is required.

The solution is like some sort of "Infinity Engine", a solid block thats imprinted with a bunch of reflective mathematical alterations.

Kind of like in 40k, an STC, shows "the logical parts needed to make happen per definitions", data isnt needed per se because its inherent to its creation.

Cult of Passion No. 16153074

Literally talking to tiny blips in static as a seperate entity to the rest of the static.

Woe to the mortal who tries that...

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Cult of Passion No. 16153080

>Kind of like in 40k
Or in otherwords; Make a demon and put it in a tank.
>[all robots emit "boss music"]
There. The start out with guns and if they go "kill all humans" theyre given a fair shot.

Nature be damned. The strong will survive.

Cult of Passion No. 16154426

>The crux between the dead and the living.
Which, when the raw Devine All Spark that originated Life on Earth is found, Huemanity will be in a binary of Original and Evolved perspectives.

Fascinating ulimatum.

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Cult of Passion No. 16154438

>Nature be damned. The strong will survive.
The "Pleasure Bots" are Biological, not metal and computers...

Anonymous No. 16154488

You make this thread genuinely unreadable. You're to /sci/ what barneyfag is to /r9k/

Anonymous No. 16154497

youve clearly never been in the army lol

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Cult of Passion No. 16154548

>I know things.
Adam & Eve lied to God and so do (You).

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Cult of Passion No. 16154549

Youve clearly never seen real combat lol.

Let me guess, "Yellow Zone" of LARP?

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Cult of Passion No. 16154552

1,000 rounds of 7.62 NATO fired with two pulls of the trigger because "IM SPEAKING."

clap clap

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Cult of Passion No. 16154569

>Im a pilot, above the battlefield without SAMs.
>Wrong, youre a gravesite.

Now the thread knows why this is possible...because of the very fact they think it *cant* happen, eventually it will.

Dragon slayer.

Anonymous No. 16154816

>God Judges a soul"s intent...but my soul is a construct my own design, it receives data, not delivers it, I dont ask it for shit, it gets told.
>Therefore God's Judgement is by definition inapplicable to me.
That is not remotely how it works. You cannot evade God. You cannot defeat God. You cannot trick God.

Anonymous No. 16154864

If you deny it I suggest you live in a forest with other species.

Anonymous No. 16154872

I'm telling you the honest truth anon.
chemical imbalance theory is just wrong.

Anonymous No. 16154882

You're just an idiot who wastes time thinking about useless questions like this.

Anonymous No. 16155043

Why do jannies refuse to do anything about the schizo problem on this board?

Anonymous No. 16155201

This will hide them for you


>Have uBlock Origin extension installed
>Paste the following into the "my filters" section of the dashboard.[id^=p]:has(.countryFlag)

>REMOVE ISRAELI POSTERS[id^=p]:has(.flag-il)

>BLOCK TRIP AND NAMEFAG[id^=p]:has(.postertrip), > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/)), > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/)), > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .postertrip), > .nameBlock > .postertrip), > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/)), > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(barkun))

Anonymous No. 16155204

Barkon is the best namefag
he's consistent and minimally distracting at least.

Anonymous No. 16155227

Paranoia + god complex.
All the schizos know and worship tesla. He did drawings like these. So they copy him.
These kinds of drawings are probably only prevalent in the west.

Anonymous No. 16155338

Zased, but still one has to wonder why jannies do nothing

Anonymous No. 16155350

Looks cool

Anonymous No. 16155616

>prevalent in the west.
90% in america, 9% in the anglosphere and 1% by extremely americanized europeans.

Anonymous No. 16155628

Schizophrenia is just over active pattern detection and that's what reality actually looks like.

Anonymous No. 16155666

Chemical imbalance is too crude. Just because some disease has associated imbalances doesnt mean fixing them fixes the disease. Besides the fixing is too crude, like "just dump this bulk chemical in your entire brain" for conditions that are localized. The brain is not a tank for chemicals.