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๐Ÿงต Autism - Does this make sense to you?

Anonymous No. 16150530

>Can be smart, sociable, hyperfixating, but also severely mentally retarded, nonverbal, epileptic, inattentive.
Makes sense for opposites to be subsumed under the same label?

>Symptoms must set in before the age of 3, but symptoms can only manifest later on, for example in adulthood (per DSM-V).
So, how do we know that the symptoms actually set in by the age of 3? Like, if they weren't there back then, how would we know they didn't happen because of something later on?

>If we have found some underlying issue that caused the autism, we still call it autism, just with an additional tag that specifies the diagnosis
Why not simply call it after the actual medical issue?

>You still have autism even if you don't have the symptoms (per DSM-V).
How can you have a disorder defined by behavior when you don't exhibit the behavior that defines the disorder?

>You can mask autism, a neurological disorder or so it's claimed. Can you mask epilepsy, or Alzheimer's? Aren't neurological disorders supposed to be measurable and detectable?
Oh... quite right. I forgot... we don't have the lab tests yet for autism but they're right around the corner, aren't they?

>Autism is inborn and genetic.
What about autism caused by the rubella vaccine, by valproates? Haven't anti-depressants been linked with autism as well? So, clearly... all of autism can't be inborn.

>Autism therapies are effective.
Why is autism considered incurable and life-long then? Why are the screaming tards not improving?

Am I crazy or is autism one of the most stupid concepts I've ever heard of? It clearly makes no sense. The formal definition contradicts itself and the shit has spawned identitarian autists that endlessly fetishize their "neurospiciness". What, exactly, are they hiding?

Anonymous No. 16150534

I think there is a way to somewhat check for it, with a fMRI machine. the firing pattern is different from normies, more activity in a different way. that can be telling I think. just that fMRI machines are not as common I think, mostly for research purposes.

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Anonymous No. 16150538

autism is just overfitting

Anonymous No. 16150546

>I think there is a way to somewhat check for it, with a fMRI machine.
This relates to my point here.
>I forgot... we don't have the lab tests yet for autism but they're right around the corner, aren't they?

I mean, assuming for once that the fMRI had a reasonably high chance in predicting some kind of autistic behavior, would we now speak of a very specific autistic syndrom? What about those who would screen positively for autism according to the fMRI, but don't have the behavioral issues? What about all the autism without the readings?

Anonymous No. 16150562

there is a reason someone might think they're on the spectrum. the reason may be more subtle, that is easily dismissed if you're looking to. the different brain activity might offer insight.
why are you so butt-hurt about it anyway?

Anonymous No. 16150565

also if they'd start using fMRI's to diagnose people they'd just keep the machines busy non-stop. dunno if that's helpful for research. those things can be quite expensive.

Anonymous No. 16150573

The link between autism and vaccines is pretty intriguing and I'm sick of pretending like it is'nt.
It's obviously the strong immune reaction having some effect on the development of the brain.

Anonymous No. 16150576

>why are you so butt-hurt about it anyway?
Because the argumentation is circular at best and disingenuous at worst. It's a scam. Just like with ADHD drugs fixing ADHD.
>the reason may be more subtle, that is easily dismissed if you're looking to...
If someone thinks he has autism because of something and has some tests coming up that "might" indicate something, then does he have autism? And what are these subtle signs? Practically anyone can be argued to have subtle signs of autism.

Anonymous No. 16150585

>The link between autism and vaccines is pretty intriguing and I'm sick of pretending like it is'nt.
I actually brought that up. The rubella vaccine when administering during pregnancy is known to cause autism (increases likelihood by a factor of 7-10 for a child to get diagnosed with it). It also causes a shit ton of other issues, including heart defects.
>It's obviously the strong immune reaction having some effect on the development of the brain
Frankly, I have warmed up to that idea as well after having read pages of drug side effects and reports that all started with social dysfunction, repetitive behavior, sensory processing disorders. But it doesn't really resolve the more fundamental issue.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16150590

you seem pretty dumb anon. what's the matter? don't you feel special? think autists have superior brains to yours and feel the need to act salty about it? kind of weird to have these kinds of outbursts online with strangers.
you also should have a better image of yourself. even if not special you can still do useful things for society. you just need to learn to accept your place in it.

Anonymous No. 16150618

read between the lines

Anonymous No. 16150639

>Can be smart
There is no such thing as an intelligent mentally ill person, the phrase "mentally ill" means "brain is working poorly"
What does exist is people with poorly functioning brains who have grandiose delusions of being a special snowflake genius

If you have been diagnosed with mental illness then you have been diagnosed with low IQ

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16150655


Anonymous No. 16151152

Autistic people are usually called neurodiverse and not mentally ill, because a lot of autistic people aren't retarded or crazy

Anonymous No. 16152160

yeah that should be a good autism test

Anonymous No. 16152206

>What about autism caused by the rubella vaccine, by valproates?
lol, Jesus, thanks for putting that in there, I was about to respond in good faith

Anonymous No. 16152397

>I was about to respond in good faith
Knee jerk reaction. If you can't engage with controversial ideas, even if it is established medical knowledge, why bother commenting here?
Yeah, I can pick up that one too. How can you study someone's ability to "read between the lines"? At its best, it's just about testing how well a person is adjusted to society. At its worst, it's whatever a clinician himself projects into it.

Anonynous No. 16152408

This nigger is gonna pretend that you can't be psychotic and get good grades.

This nigger has to either pretend Bobby Fisher was either stupid or totally sane. I don't care how based and redpilled you are, that boy wasn't right.

This nigger has to explain how you can suicidal and not mentally ill, ie Japanese and other high achievers who kill themselves from stress.

Read Das Kapital. It is one of the longest most stunningly empty books around, written by weirdo who never showered, and yet his ability to parallel the exchange of commodities with the book of revelation and ancient grecoroman society and older French and British society could not have been constructed by a mere simpleton.

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Anonymous No. 16152439

>the phrase "mentally ill" means "brain is working poorly"
Not necessarily.