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Anonymous No. 16150976

Is it possible for something like a vaccine program to cause mass psychological and behavioral changes in the population? If so, why would they want to do that?

Anonymous No. 16150984

>why would they want to do that?
depends in what way they make the changes. if any

Anonymous No. 16150996

Aww, he's smiling!

Anonymous No. 16151001

Yes, it is possible. the COVID-19 vaccination campaign mindbroke millions of people. It is an example of a vaccine program causing mass psychological and behavioral changes, but not an example of a vaccine doing it as side effects.

>why would they want to do that?
They wanted youtube ad revenue.

Anonymous No. 16151007

Brother, it's possible for a TV program to cause mass psychological and behavior changes in the population. Even setting aside the fact that any large scale program that the population is exposed to will invariably provoke some reaction, however minor, psychological and behavioral changes can be contagious.

Anonymous No. 16151030

Fun Fact #1: You can treat rabies with amputation if you catch it early enough and don't have access to the vaccine.

Fun Fact #2: The rabies vaccine is the only 100% effective vaccine (also it's not technically a vaccine).

Fun Fact #3: Rabies is the second deadliest communicable disease on earth once symptoms develop with the only effective treatment being some mad science shit that virtually never works.

Fun Fact #4: The deadliest communicable disease on earth is transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, which has a 100% fatality rate. It turns your brain to sponge, hence the name. There is zero treatment.

Fun Fact #5: Rabies and transmissible spongiform encephalopathy have heavily influenced zombie media with zombie viruses often drawing from elements of one or both with everything from symptoms to treatments to methods of infection drawn from the diseases.

Anonymous No. 16151049

>Is it possible
>why would they
Control. From your perspective you may not think that way, but you need to look at from "their" perspective. They get to hide behind secrecy, spend large sums of government money doing studies of all kinds (psychology, data collection and analysis) and run tests (put out fake stories and watch in real time how people respond via all forms of electronic media (facebook, myspace, twitter, tiktok, comments on various websites). The US and other governments have been involved in many coups around the world using many different types of actions to rile the public to overthrow someone not aligned with certain governments. The countries that to this are also subject to such adverse actions from other states (russia, china, iran, israel, england, and others). There are always groups trying to stay in power, and other ground trying to gain power. Been going for thousands of years. Some new techniuqes have developed based on how much of the world in online and connected in real time electronically. The US was trying to capture and read all electronic communications back in the 1980s with the "Total Information Awarness" or TIA program, but did not have the IT infrastructure to do it the, but they have it now.

Anonymous No. 16151052

>it's possible for a TV program to cause mass psychological and behavior changes in the population.
This was demonstrated by the War of The Worlds radio broadcast in 1938 and it scared the shit out everyone. Some people even committed suicide because the thought the flat earth was really being invaded by martians. Gee, I wonder why "UFOs" is being pushed so hard these days?

Anonymous No. 16151089

Also demonstrated by 24 collectively breaking a bunch of Americans' brains.

Anonymous No. 16151172

I would say no. Alone, a vaccine program is a fairly boring thing that nobody cares about. What can cause people to go crazy about a vaccine program though is sensationalist media articles and wild theories on social media

Anonymous No. 16151795

what if the vaccine has rabies in it

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Cult of Passion No. 16151819

I heard the vax has chaff grenade type materials, a crystal that reflected special bandwidths of radiowaves, refacts infinitly many times inside, ensure a hit.

Broad band subliminal oppression.

Create a defeatable hell for yourself or have another's soulless hell be put on you. It can ALWAYS BE WORSE.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151825

But is that any worse than long-mad?

Are I not no better?

Anonymous No. 16151861

Yeah, it's possible. Your immune system can absolutely alter gene transcription in neurons.

Anonymous No. 16151910

>Fun Fact #4: The deadliest communicable disease on earth is transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, which has a 100% fatality rate. It turns your brain to sponge, hence the name. There is zero treatment.
Turns out this is wrong and was disproven by Mark Purdey in the 90s before the british government had him killed.

Anonymous No. 16152690

no it can't

Anonymous No. 16152719

They don't need this, the whole covid fiasco proved already that most of the population lives in a de facto mind controlled state to the point you can have them take experimental clotshots no questions asked while also calling for the death of anyone who raises questions

Anonymous No. 16153102

>Is it possible for something like a vaccine program to cause mass psychological and behavioral changes in the population?
you can cause generational trauma with circumcision

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Cult of Passion No. 16153118

No, generational trauma was NEEDED *so* circumcision [to make it].

Because they are "the undeveloped man", he must start from quite a low bar. When "ascended" the "humans" of that Age follow the flows of His direction, HIS-story.

I like extreme ways of Life.

Compressing your soul into some poly-dimensional angel, "Valid", not "Optimal" is the distinction.

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Cult of Passion No. 16153127

แ••( แ› )แ•—

Anonymous No. 16153610

>I would say no.
How do you convince people to take the vaccine you developed? Especially if the vaccine is not critical? You need to implement psycological operations to scare people into wanting to take the vaccine. There is a reason the "news" is always "Breaking News" with red and white flashing banners and scrolls the new casters are always fast talking repetive morons a who read the scripts they are given. Speaking of scripts that they read, who writes these scripts that they all read?

Anonymous No. 16153735

Fix prions by genetically engineering stuff. Remove old prion susceptible protein, replace with new protein that does the same job without being susceptible.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16153755

>Turns out this is wrong and was disproven by Mark Purdey in the 90s before the british government had him killed.

Anonymous No. 16154110

I could fix her so much it's not even funny