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Anonymous No. 16151212

What are the long term consequences of tens of millions of people in the USA alone being reliant on prescription stimulants? AFAIK there haven't been any long term studies done on people who've been taking adderall or vyvanse for 20+ years. There may be some for ritalin but I believe adderall and vyvanse are the go-to drugs for ADHD these days. Adderall's been around since 1996 but you can't even do a long-term study for vyvanse yet because it's only been around since 2007.

What are the potential neurotoxic effects and adverse effects on the dopaminergic reward system over the long-term? Are we going to end up with tens of millions of people who end up reliant on this stuff for the rest of their lives because their brains are now too accustomed to outsourcing dopamine to a pill?

Has anyone had personal experience with being prescribed these drugs and then coming off them? A friend of mine told me about his experience with a pyschiatrist and it was frightfully unscientific considering the potency of these drugs. I assumed there would be neuroimaging involved but it pretty much amounted to her asking him very basic questions, things like "do you have trouble paying attention in class?" and "have you had problems with impulse control?" before sending him on his merry way with a prescription for pharmaceutical grade speed.

Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD? It seems fairly obvious that it's not a coincidence that the rise of diagnoses has coincided with the rise of high-speed internet and smartphones, filled with websites and apps scientifically tailored to take advantage of the brain's reward circuity, so humans can be fed with more advertising and their online presence can be sold as marketing data.

Anonymous No. 16151226

just do meth or shut the fuck up already

Anonymous No. 16151234

Sounds like you have adhd. care for some adderall?

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Anonymous No. 16151242


Anonymous No. 16151302

>Has anyone had personal experience with being prescribed these drugs and then coming off them?
A shitton of kids go off them every summer, so yes. It's nothing. It's not like there's withdrawal or something. The drug side effects go away and your ADHD symptoms come back. Simple as.

>Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD?
There is a known genetic component of ADHD.

>A friend of mine told me about his experience with a psychiatrist and it was frightfully unscientific considering the potency of these drugs.
There are more rigorous tests you can get to avoid a misdiagnosis (including brain scans), but there generally isn't a need. ADHD meds cause a paradoxical reaction if you actually have ADHD (fucking duh, they're treating HYPERACTIVITY with a STIMULANT). You'll fucking know pretty quick if you're misdiagnosed. Back in my day they stuck me in a dark room for a long ass time looking at a computer screen where white squares would flash in different positions on the screen at random and you had to click a button depending on where the square appeared. I guess it measured if you were able to keep focus during the test by how many times you failed to respond or gave a false positive

>It seems fairly obvious that it's not a coincidence that the rise of diagnoses has coincided with
Greater awareness of ADHD and treatment options as well as honestly a lot of over diagnosis stemming from docs trying to push pills.

Anonymous No. 16151678

Significant and long lasting.

Anonymous No. 16151923

>ADHD meds cause a paradoxical reaction if you actually have ADHD
Can attest to that.
Methylphenidate makes me calmer, less vigilant (especially to background noises) and generally much less impulsive / less prone to anger.
I’m pretty sure stimulants have just the opposite effect on neurotypicals.

Anonymous No. 16151934

I was prescribed it for two years, 2014-2016, ADHD diagnosis and 20mg standard daily dose. Vyvanse made me feel body lethargy for my one week on it so I went right back to Adderall. After going off it 2016 from weaning down usage I had positive effects for a few years after before feeling relatively baseline in all my habits by 2021
Being on it only two years, I feel as though my body's metabolism has never been the same since going off it. I stick forget to eat but not because I don't get hungry. My imperative to seek out food from those years has stuck to where I will procrastinate eating despite getting progressively hungrier. It's stupid

Anonymous No. 16151978

you're talking about several unrelated things in your OP you fucking idiot retard.
>What are the long term consequences of tens of millions of people in the USA alone being reliant on prescription stimulants?
>Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD?
these are two completely unrelated questions dumbass. never ever fucking post on /sci/ again.

Anonymous No. 16152016

>ADHD meds cause a paradoxical reaction if you actually have ADHD
This effect where a person feels calmer after taking amphetamine is actually extremely common in the general population and has been shown with a variety of stimulants. It has nothing to do with a person having ADHD, although it is obviously beneficial to someone who has ADHD

Anonymous No. 16152022

Adderall and meth are different douchebag. People with adhd rely on these medications for relief and you faggots are making it harder for people to get it. Stimulants make people with adhd tired, they mellow us out. I have taken adderal and meth. Not even close.

Anonymous No. 16152031

>This effect where a person feels calmer after taking amphetamine is actually extremely common in the general population
So is ADHD.

Anonymous No. 16152061

Smoke meth like real man...

Anonymous No. 16152066

>no you can't ask separate questions around the same topic
the sheer nincompoopery. sci has been taken over by low IQ schizos. sad!

Anonymous No. 16152478

ADHD doesn't exist. It's the medicalization of being a dumb kid that's not good at paying attention in school. The studies that got adderall and ritalin approved simply showed that meth helps everyone study, but it helps stupid kids even more. The animal models for adhd are a complete joke, as if you could induce adhd on a fucking fruit fly that doesn't even have hippocampi
>but muh dopamine reuptake
probably a component to you being a retard with poor impulse control, but correlation doesn't equal causation
>t. neurophysiologist who was on ritalin for years
utter bullshit. literally everyone will study better with concerta. every single person i've given a few weeks worth of pills to to study for this or that exam performed much better on it. the "it calms adhd kids but not the general population" is utter moronic bullshit. on the contrary, the tweakers are the rare ones, and even they usually get settled if they take it for long

Anonymous No. 16152514

>stimulants are calming
I think you might be an idiot. Nobody takes meth or caffeine to calm down.

And you don't take adhd meds to fucking cram. You take em to pay attention in class. They help fuckers cram cause they keep you up so you can put more hours in a day. Dipshits that abuse ADHD meds are just using them like caffeine pills. If they fucking calmed you, there'd be no point in fucking abusing them that way.

Anonymous No. 16152548

>>t. neurophysiologist who was on ritalin for years
So have you noticed any negative side effects after being on it for years?

Anonymous No. 16153160

bipolar depression is also actually caused by increased DAT expression

Anonymous No. 16153496

>ADHD doesn't exist. It's the medicalization of being a dumb kid that's not good at paying attention in school.
I was a (very) gifted kid. Olympiads and that sort of things, ended up as an aerospace engineer.
Got diagnosed (and started meds) as an adult. I had what was thought to be major depressive episode and anxiety since early teens - no treatment worked, went through basically every SSRI on the market. One psychiatrist figured out that it’s a result of untreated ADHD, a few weeks of therapy and starting appropriate meds fixed the issue completely.

Anonymous No. 16153505

i have no proof but no doubts that MILLIONS have ADHD overdiagnosed just to sell meds

Anonymous No. 16154225

Did you finish university before or after you got the drugs?

Anonymous No. 16154227

>reliant on prescription stimulants
addicted to prescription stimulants

Anonymous No. 16154235

I unironically support Dr. Schlomo's actions for making these retards the big pharma's puppy.

Anonymous No. 16154971

I started treatment about midway through my BE.

Anonymous No. 16155026

It could have long term effects like an increased parkinson's risk

Anonymous No. 16155057

Any ADHD chads who can’t tolerate stimulants, ask your psych about guanfacine. It’s an off label blood pressure prescription for the impulsivity component of ADHD. I can find stuff now, put stuff back, stop procrastinating, go to bed on time. All the little tweaks that were keeping me from being a full grown adult, basically. Plus my blood pressure is great now too.

Anonymous No. 16155143

Why does a young energetic child disliking sitting still and listening to lectures a sign of low intelligence?
Alternative early learning strategies that emphasize activity over lecture normalize the academic performance of these students without the need for medication.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the vast majority of children diagnosed with ADHD are boys, while women are becoming the majority in colleges/universities. The behavior hasn't changed so much as the preferences shifted.

Anonymous No. 16155198

The amount of daily exercise kids get has been declining steadily and significantly over the years, and cardio is known to calm down hyperactive kids.

Anonymous No. 16155833


Anonymous No. 16156882

I have a personal pet theory that most of the people who reee out about how adhd doesn't exist have adhd themselves and either don't know about it/can't handle it well, I can't imagine why most normies would give a shit about adhd.
Even if it's the whole, wtf these people are cheating taking drugs if only I take drugs I'd do well, you can just look at the overachieving Asian foreigner taking a dump on your grades as a counterexample that you're just regularly retarded it's not about the drugs

Anonymous No. 16156895

Meth works less effectively on me compared to ritalin but meth is much cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16157114

I''m reeeing about ADHD because I got myself diagnosed as an adult and have been growing ever more disillusioned with the lack of actual science being applied to people who have been diagnosed and to the powerful drugs we're taking.

t. OP

Anonymous No. 16157394

Just because ADHD is overdiagnosed doesn't make it not real.