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Anonymous No. 16151893

Is it true red meat gives you diseases like cancer and type 2 diabetes?

Anonymous No. 16151904

It's the cure for them

Anonymous No. 16151905

stop asking, because the answer is impossible to determine.

Anonymous No. 16151906

it’s not the meat, it’s the stuff they put in the meat

Anonymous No. 16151926

Cuted meat like bacon and jerky definitely does.

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Anonymous No. 16152002

sorry but I'll keep eating red meat because vegetarians like a hindu (have you taken a look at their mutated bodies with weak grip strength) clearly the wrong way to go.
A vegetarian subhuman male has less grip strength than white women.

Anonymous No. 16152026

It's different for different people. Some people need a vegan diet, some people need a carnivore diet. Until we can get reliable data on genetics according to diet, which kikes won't allow cause they don't want us healthy, you just need to discover for yourself which diet fits you best.

Anonymous No. 16152038

>Some people need a vegan diet

Anonymous No. 16152058

No. Literally marketing by Canadian rapeseed oil manufacturer (canola) to sell you PUFAs as cooking oil or margarine. Both much more unhealthy than beef tallow or butter.

Anonymous No. 16152118

The relationship between red meat consumption and diabetes is complex and not fully understood. While some studies have suggested a correlation between high consumption of red and processed meats and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, the evidence is not conclusive.

Red meat is a source of saturated fat and heme iron, both of which have been associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, cooking methods such as grilling or frying at high temperatures can produce compounds that may contribute to insulin resistance.

However, other factors such as overall diet quality, lifestyle, genetics, and individual health status also play significant roles in the development of diabetes. It's essential to consider the context of an individual's diet and lifestyle when assessing their risk of diabetes.

Overall, moderation and balance in dietary choices, including limiting the consumption of red and processed meats, along with a focus on whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources, can contribute to better overall health and potentially reduce the risk of diabetes.

Anonymous No. 16152135

>red and processed meats
And here again we see the lie.

Anonymous No. 16152156

The operative word in his post is 'and.' This means that it applies in both cases, not just one or the other. But I will never stop eating steak, you guys can eat my share of the bugs.

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Anonymous No. 16152200

>Conclusions: This MR study demonstrated no significant causal relationships between red/processed meat intake and the risk of the four CVD outcomes examined. Further investigation is warranted to confirm these findings.

>Eating beef staves off cancer, scientists discover

Eating red meat and dairy could help to fight cancer, a new study suggests.

Scientists have discovered that a specific fatty acid found in beef, lamb and dairy products improves the body’s ability to attack and kill tumours.

The study, published in the journal Nature, also shows that patients with higher levels of the fatty acid – known as trans-vaccenic acid (TVA) – in their blood responded better to immunotherapy, suggesting that it could work as a nutritional supplement to complement clinical cancer treatments.

‘There are many studies trying to decipher the link between diet and human health, and it’s very difficult to understand the underlying mechanisms because of the wide variety of foods people eat,’ said co-author Professor Jing Chen, of the University of Chicago.

‘But if we focus on just the nutrients and metabolites derived from food, we begin to see how they influence physiology and pathology.

‘By focusing on nutrients that can activate T cell [immune] responses, we found one that actually enhances anti-tumour immunity by activating an important immune pathway.’

For the study, the team started with a database of around 700 known metabolites, small molecules that come from food, and assembled a ‘blood nutrient’ library.

They then screened the compounds in this new library for their ability to influence anti-tumour immunity.

After the scientists evaluated the top six candidates in both human and mouse cells, they saw that TVA performed the best.

Anonymous No. 16152268

>relationships between red/processed meat
Forced association again.

Anonymous No. 16152273

not all processed meat is bad for you
the method and adulterations matter

Anonymous No. 16152493

This is ai scribble.

Anonymous No. 16152935


Anonymous No. 16152974

that would be the carbon hydrates, especially grain slop

Anonymous No. 16152992

The likes of you have never even seen tantanmen did you?
>milky meat broth
>intensified by roasted and fermented condiments
>topped with runny eggs, fried meat and little bits of fresh vegetables
Don't you think that's a little bit more appetizing than Shawn Baker style same steak 365 days/year diet?

Anonymous No. 16152999

Many people find themselves satisfied with only beef

Anonymous No. 16153026

actually I'm an omnivore, nip food wouldn't be bad. problems would arise if that soup would have not those proteins. many health problems in far east arises from the carbon hydrate dominating food palette (noodles, rice)

Anonymous No. 16153033

>Everyone is eating red meat
>Everyone is eating processed sugar
>Everyone is getting cancer from red meat

Anonymous No. 16153645
