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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonynous No. 16151970

How do I get music out of my head?
I finally quit my podcast/music addiction, and tried reading. I've made a good deal of progress, but now I can hear a song once and its stuck in my brain on loop for weeks until its replaced with a different song.

I can't properly meditate like this.

What the fuck do I do?

Anonymous No. 16152019

That's why you don't listen to songs at all.
If you're getting song stuck in your head, try listening to ambient music. That will gradually replace that song in your head.

Anonymous No. 16152025

Seek psychiatric attention

Anonymous No. 16152607

Kill yourself OP

Anonynous No. 16153095

Probably not gonna do that.

Anonymous No. 16153143


Anonynous No. 16153206

Because life is worth living even if theres problems in it.

Anonymous No. 16153275

Were you blasting music into your ears? Generally the stupid normies who blast music into their ears get tinnitus but musical ear is also possible

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Anonymous No. 16153320

To me, nothing beats birdsong, especially blackbirds in order to soft reset the mind. That and rainfall.

Anonymous No. 16153381

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16153727

>life is worth living
yeah so you can wageslave till death lmao
Unless you're rich af male, your life is not worth living. Same applies to me too tho. I'm doing the daily wageslaving because I'm too scared to die and I'm even more scared of the possibilities after death: eternal void is insane, by chance if reincarnated as human or other life form, then dying was meaningless in the first place.

Anonynous No. 16155170

I've never heard of musical ear. Is that a real thing?
I don't think I have it, but my ability to imagine a songs or sounds, is strong enough to be a mild placebo effect that I'm legitimately listening to things quietly. I know this, because I was playing a Mario game on my laptop, and I could swear I heard each coin I was walking into, but when I turned the volume on, the music was totally different than what I thought, so I knew my brain was making it up.

Anonymous No. 16155190

you use a fucking gun anon

Anonymous No. 16155195

has no one here k-holed..? just cook ket then shoot it IM and youll overcome this retardation you suffer

Anonymous No. 16155243

>I can't properly meditate like this.
>What the fuck do I do?
Focus all of your attention on the music. Either it will go away or you will have quite the experience losing yourself in it.

Anonymous No. 16155492

Sounds like ocd or schizophrenia.
My advice is stop being a pussy

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Anonymous No. 16155728

lol i dont wageslave & im not rich get pwn'd n00b

Anonymous No. 16156863

so what do you do all day? Cooming and sleeping must be exhausting after a week. Or are you a consooomer gaymer or one of those weirdos

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Anonymous No. 16157144

i read visual novels all day and look at my mlp figurines
also hobbies DO exist fortunately so i edit a lot of video / audio

Anonymous No. 16157620

Doesn't it get boring and repetitive? I don't have any hobbies for the same reason. I had electronics hobby and I used to do stuffs on breadboard. Once you make circuit, led blinks then what? Lmao

Anonymous No. 16157699

throw an arduino into the mix. now you’re programming and doing breadboard at the same time.

branch out to ham radio. branch out to EM physics and eventually maybe fourier analysis

Anonymous No. 16157735

I know Arduino, I meant all of these were my hobby. Sadly I'm a postdoc physicist and I do a lot of numerical analysis/computation