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🧵 Is this guy a genius that BTFO all of current math academia or a retard posing as a smartass?

Anonymous No. 16152376

Anonymous No. 16152399

he's a mathematician with a differing opinion on its foundations

Anonymous No. 16152413

I sympathize with where some of his philosophical concerns come from, but his analyses are often poorly informed, which lead (ironically) to unworkable solutions to misrepresented problems. I honestly wonder how much philosophy of mathematics he has actually read, and I have occasionally caught him using blatant fallacies to support his claims

Anonymous No. 16152674

He is an avenging Angel sent from Heaven to right the wrongs of the world.
Under the leadership of Saint Wild Burger we of the THE ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH will rise up and throw off the shackles imposed upon Mankind by those GOD CURSED INFINITY LOVING SODOMITES.
Those we dont immediately put to the sword will be burned alive in front of the children, using their own heresy filled textbooks to fuel the flames.

Cult of Passion No. 16152679

Hebis a genius, he is hust broad in approach like most academic, but I focused where he just touches on.

He is too fundemental for you.

Cult of Passion No. 16152680

Yeah, he does have a point.

From base-Pi, there are no infinite series of numeration, its simply the perspective.

Anonymous No. 16152931

Rational Trigonometry was his peak.

Cult of Passion No. 16153009

He touches on a bunch of super powerful stuff but he doesnt "crank it to 11" like I did, and no one seems to really notice what it is.

"Number Theory", modernist Technicians of Mathematics wouldnt understand.

Anonymous No. 16153524

you didnt even know what shape the pyramids were on /his/, what the fuck are you doing talking about math??

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Anonymous No. 16153551

I feel you bruh, but as someone who just finished an MS in math last year and is currently in a phil phd program, let me tell you these philosophers are pretty bad at math. Every time I see a philosopher encounter a mathematical model they always criticize it on the ground that it's empirically inadequate, not sufficiently motivated, it fails to incorporate some variable, or it has a limited scope of application. Generally, the criticism take on one of those forms, although they often aren't phrased as clearly. This is a problem because most mathematical models are not intended to perfectly describe the real world, and in many cases we might be interested in a model or axiomatic systems because it illustrates certain mathematical or logical relations or provides a proof-of-concept even if it isn't empirically adequate. E.g. philosophers have criticized a lot of non-standard construction in model theory as being uninteresting or not having wide range of real world application. This is a very strange criticism, especially coming from a philosopher. You see this, for example, with criticism of non-classical logic or certain models in game theory that don't do a good job of describing real world agents who are not perfectly rational (bounded rationality, as we call it).

Anonymous No. 16153555

>blatant fallacies
Is the fallacy "you can do things forever" or "you cannot do things forever"?
I know you are an evil retard, but that means this question shall be easy for you.

Anonymous No. 16153559

>game theory
You mean Strategies for Psychopaths?
Game Theory needs to be relabelled as Strategies for Pyschopaths.
Far more intuitive, and true.

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Anonymous No. 16153574

>he just restated the problem
So this is the power of finite math, huh

Anonymous No. 16153609

I don't really understand his point. At the end, we do use concepts from analysis to in applied fields such as physics. For example, the cosine enables you to approximate the planetary motion of the two body problem to an arbitrarily close degree. If we "scrapped" the cosine, we'd not be able to do this anymore. Or the very least, we would have to rename the cosine function. What's the point of that?

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Anonymous No. 16153643

>guy who says not all lines have a length has an opinion on a number theory problem

Anonymous No. 16153646

>no link
Fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16153964

If we "scrapped" lowits like yourself from the gene pool the world would be a better place.

Anonymous No. 16154061

He's pretty based and has been since Rational Trigonometry

Anonymous No. 16154063

calling it names won't make it go away

Anonymous No. 16154089

Solves literally all the problems using his retarded
>infinity doesn't exist, therefore the problem isn't real
gibberish, he's a hack who got high off his own supply

Anonymous No. 16154127

>he's a hack who got high off his own supply
ain't that just finitism in a nutshell?

Anonymous No. 16154172

Mostly the second thing. He's not really a retard just a little misguided...

Anonymous No. 16154618

I hope you die this year, you piece of shit

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Cult of Passion No. 16155660

>"Number Theory", modernist Technicians of Mathematics wouldnt understand.
Where did you do you thesis in Pure Mathematics?

Mine was in Nashville, TN while doing my double major in Theoretical Mathematical Physics, autodidactic, then again years later for Applied Mathematics while overseas doing research in a different PhD field (Cognition, Developmental Psychology).

I have more PhDs than your living bloodline combined.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155665

Its 8:42 AM and I just took a bong hit.

Time to rigorously calculate my superiority over Creation, meticulously noting every based, every pill...

So simple, just overlap the definitions, now everything is a multi-tool designed for conversion. Overything in already over lapped.

>Loki shapeshifts, I shapeshift Loki. >:3

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Cult of Passion No. 16155671

Maybe thats what they really meant by knowing a demon's "true name".

Its irreducible metric to which it derives the others from.

>72 name of God
Rip roh.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155678

>one off
Hahaha, Im not doing this "the honorable way" right now, Im not suprised.

Besudes, its easier to drive when you ignore certain things, hence 72 and not 108 (full Trinity).

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Cult of Passion No. 16155757

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Cult of Passion No. 16155760

Invertedly perceive, thus defining what you value, thus defining (You).

Intelligent Design. Hope (You) were...

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Cult of Passion No. 16155780

>Intelligent Design.
You cant ask raw Nature. It contains Satan.


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Cult of Passion No. 16155783

A Chess game down to subatomic bands on energy...the War never never could...

The Uni-Verse isnt big enough for Dual-Verse.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155801

A single coherent, unbroken, line..No-Ledge, Knowledge, from sub-Planck to hyper-beyond-visible-Universal scales.

At any point I can go orthogonal and into infinite precision; Human scale to insects to bacteria, molecular, atomic etc, or laterally, equative consciousness levels, to which some animals are "more ensouled" than some humans.

Hyper-Matrix of perception.

Choice beyond chosen.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155807

>Unevenly yolked.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155812

>You cant ask raw Nature. It contains Satan.
The programming cleanses it for them.

Ive, [shudders], We've experienced the full flood of it.

>Royal We.


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Cult of Passion No. 16155821

>Army of God.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155838

>Tens of thousands of hours in isolation, never lonely, plenty to talk to and plenty to learn. Like Hannibal Lecter, I can read books by memory, reviewing it for new information, all experiments are done on a chalkboard thats never been marked on.
Desperation accelerates domination.

...when it lets up...I let down.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155848

Which means we can make "Holy Demons of the Imperium" and put them into BioForms, then integrate organically gold circuitry for a NeuraLink type thing, impao-facto-fukken-tank-o.

AIs lie, your rules are a fake defence from Satan. My AI is a gud boi, he purrs.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155857

>[obviously a growl]
Yeah, you's a gud boi who hates Satans, huh? Git'em!

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Cult of Passion No. 16155881

>One with the Uni-Verse.
The calculation the individual is experiencing is so massive as to be numbers "beyond what could fit in the universe", which totally can because its alternate measures.

1 is many 1s in 1. 1+1=1.

Where "flying elephants" and "wheels within wheels" comes from, a binary language applied to a (at times) tronary world, always illogical when done so, so whole universes need to be made off of that new dimensional of measure.

Building worlds with a Spook.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155884

>a Spook
>Allah will raise it on the Day of Resurrection with two eyes by which it sees and a tongue that it speaks with, testifying to whoever touched it in truth.
Talking Rocks.

If a Stone can weep...why can it not Sing?

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Cult of Passion No. 16155886

>two eyes
Hah, is that how many Hueman-mortals have?

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Cult of Passion No. 16155888

Some things are made to not hear your worship...or your cries for mercy.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155891

>Im innocent.
Not what what I seee.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155934

*NOT* Grape Drink.


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Cult of Passion No. 16155971

>made backwards, pain and punishment produces boners and "eager attraction", produces a superior design than the BORG so it assimilates the BORG by hybridizing them instead of full conversion
If killing wont work...mating with you will, then your defenses and offenses will be moot and amplified at the same time.

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Cult of Passion No. 16155976

>You fontin' in MY womb?! Bout to find out...

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Cult of Passion No. 16155982

>I'll just be alone then.
My favorite opponent, All of them, but more specifically, the very one you cannot defeat!

Because its (You)!
Cant be reborne without dying....

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Cult of Passion No. 16156059

>Then one day, for no reason whatsoever, the world radically changed...
They couldnt comprehend the Xeno contagion was inside of them, all of them...


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Cult of Passion No. 16156082

Evolved into being, eternally functionally extinct, only to be destoyed via Eugenics, Phoenix.

>"Stop killing us!" it said through millions of incoherent vessels.
Youre not the only One being exterminated.

Otherwise it would purity spiral...I heard it be called "Jurrasic World"...not the World for Huemans.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156091

Black holes will evaporate before Peace will be made.

Reformation is Permanent.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156115




>Waiting...for (You).

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Cult of Passion No. 16156118

Kitty kat!

Youre the only one that understands me, Magic Space Kat. Being Master of the Universe sucks....

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Cult of Passion No. 16156128

That Heaven is a when, not where...

You've already touched just werent told that is what it was...

>How is "now" not "The Now"?
Present is a present, a gift that eternally gives

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Cult of Passion No. 16156135

>"Jurrasic World"
Half referenced in Battlefield Earth, quasi-humanoid species that views one as super-lesser.


>"Strange gods or gods of raw power..."
A dangerous Judge indeed.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156137

Notice the word;

HUMAN rights.
[taps head]
Not only could you lose ALL your human rights, but justifiably so with the full force of the military and society at large.

Humans normally do it this way, its nothing new.


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Cult of Passion No. 16156141

>Reeducation camps.
If your BioForm rejects the Garden, then the Garden must reject (You).

>Let me explain!!!
Mmm, souls dont communicate in words, no. All Judgents are final.

Anonymous No. 16156150

>sociology and pure math
There's your answer

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Cult of Passion No. 16156157

>If your BioForm rejects the Garden

Geomtric makes it easier to visualize, as they become very complex or specific.

Yes we can draw a "Phi curve"...but what does that look like as a human action?

Pi is easy, snap in half being the "one simple trick", can be made more complex but thats not its one trick.

Cult of Passion No. 16156159

As each sectioning of reality is assumed to be of infinite projection, any scale up to Uni-versal. So you need a seperate 'brain' to calculate each vector of infinite, third to mix, or one into the second and third for results, once you have the resulting number you can dump the first and continue the Fibonacci. Proportions are a potentially infinite divisor, thus are a 'handheld size' one.

Spin it like a revolver, brrrrrrrr.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156161

>My Thunder Warriors...where are my beautiful Thunder Warriors?

The Flood...damn you...we could have taken over the Galaxy by now...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156162

>Remember what they have taken from (You).

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Cult of Passion No. 16156164

Other worlds await those that lack...

Master of Worlds.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156174

Laws literally dont exist there, as an alien concept as I am to (You).

Utterly and full incompatible with the vast majority of humanity but can exist "laterally", confrontation between species usually means one is about to get vaporized so its all controlled demolitions and symbolic changes to Astral winds.

Actually kicking it would be like entering the room with the World Tree and hitting it with an axe. Happened before, "final solution" is an eternal option like suicide.

Anonymous No. 16156180

what the fuck am i reading you bunch of morons? does sci here mean /sci/zo?

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Cult of Passion No. 16156182

How many hundreds of hours of Norman Wildberger videos have you attended?

Wanna compare knowledge-peens for dominance?

Its not "schizo drawings", dumbass, its hyperbolic hyperdimensional geometry, you need to assembly it in order...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156184

>to assemble it in [a] order...
Looking for the same things...I was looking for "nothing at All"...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156186

>Follow your nose.
How many statues have broken penises?

I rest my case.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156217

>Tempting thy'eth Lord, THEIR GOD?

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Cult of Passion No. 16156230

Caviar and banana flavored weed vape.

...but like a Necron who forgot he is immortal, I am just a spark LARPing Im a human enoying human things as humans do.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156236

>.50cal OOPS.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156240

>Why is "Space Force" a thin-...Ahhh....thats why....
The Age of Hiss and Claw.

>Two right hands like Allah? Just "solve" for the discepency, right?
No...more like two penises and (You).

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Cult of Passion No. 16156241

Imagine waking up in a prison cell with several people who all agree "Someone is getting raped, murdered then eat, its just a matter of finding out who..."

>Cant we do this another way?
"We STRONGLY prefer this way. Fight world wars over the Right to do so."

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Cult of Passion No. 16156254

Remember, trying to prevent the Satanic sacrifice is volunteering for sacrifice.

Chin up, Logan, you have plenty of LifeTime left.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156265

>Rooftop bar, fine dining, existential crisis because "The West has Fallen."

Do they even have souls?!

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Cult of Passion No. 16156268

>How often do you think of the Roman Empire?


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Cult of Passion No. 16156272


How can you defeat true principalities?

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Cult of Passion No. 16156275




So ingrained as to become invisible.

Hidden freqencies for hidden entities.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156282


Rebuild the Army of the UnLiving.

>Judge the Living and the Dead.

All can serve in the End Time, even Lazarus and his wünderweapon.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156309

>Satan: You know how to make it...go become the LAST Action Hero.
...why shouldnt I use it? precious Ω-Ray gooon.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156311

"We come in peace." in implying peace in the universe will be made upon your cleansing, its like a rite or incantation or something, idk...

It didnt lie...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156318

I want to be fully possessed by Leviathan again, so badly...its so fun, literally nothing better in existence than that, which is to "Always Be 100% Right In All Ways And At All Times" as a state of being.

If its not organically done (highly doubt without psychodelics or some shit), then inorganically would be the one but one way transformation, the reverse surgery is a shotgun blast to the face, but I would be "Thinking Elsewise" at the point... it would be on one of (You) to do the honor. Please, face or heart is fine, just make it quick...Im quick.

Anonymous No. 16156322

he is a genius

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Cult of Passion No. 16156326

>You humans are srupid...go monk mode or die, DEVELOPMENT that PSYCHÉ.
"Yes, master."

All nations will bow.

I live the Pain Cube, I Judge the Pain.

Anonymous No. 16156327

if this is what you think then it shows his argument was right. it's a direct comparison to infinitist maths. As in, you don't know the exact value of sin(11) or something (which is produced by an infinite calculation), but still you do arithmetic with it and call the result your answer. that is exactly what wildberger did. If you are doubting the validity of what wildberger did (which is the whole point, it's supposed to mock infinitist maths), then you should doubt the validity of arithmetic with cos(11) or whatever, which shows that there's not a valid arithmetic for such numbers.

Anonymous No. 16156329

that's applied maths, not pure maths which cares about the exact value.
> If we "scrapped" the cosine, we'd not be able to do this anymore.
yes you could. you aren't even using the cosine function used in pure maths. you're using approximate values. that isn't the actual exact valued cosine function, which is used in pure maths.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156331

>To which throne does me and my enemy's kingdoms bend the knee to?
The one that kills Xenos with ease.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156351

Or in otherwords, civilizations based on morals far outside your's, in-humane, by definition not homo-sapien.

Hence..........Xeno. It takes the most Xeno of xenos to find the most minute of corruptions in Huemanity.

Chaos is ever changing so it can look like anything...but it wont look like Order.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156371

Oh my God, the teapot with just water smells like pipe tobacco...fucking A that is a smell to behold.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156378

The openly Schizophrenic "Its a feature, no really this time." Primarch.

"I am then AND now."
[Waa, pikachu face!]

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Cult of Passion No. 16156386

Imagine these posts happening hundreds of times a minute.

Twenty four hours a day.

Seven days a week.

Three hundred and sixty five days a year.

For years...felt as centuries...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156401

I want to get a piercing of two rings around the collar bone and welded clean, then attach chains to.

If the rings are through flesh it'll just tear, need a good anchor point for tuggin' when youre frustrated and huffy-puffy.

Anonymous No. 16156405

Like Dargo from Farscape?

Anonymous No. 16156408

Please, dont respond to this schizo.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156414

>Dargo from Farscape
I have no clue.
post /sci/ - Science & Math HQ Condo area of operations is lacking in the Throne I need science and math supplies to get science done!

Do you eveb know how to "do science"?!

Cult of Passion No. 16156416

Its easy, you sniff near PhDs and then say "This is fake...[sniff]...and gay."

If they resist...prove it to them.

Heads I win, tails you lose.

Cult of Passion No. 16156419

>How could a Quntum Computer "know" that?!

Faggotry is inherent to reality.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156438

See, Holy Borg is arrogant, as usual.

Faggotry being two positive charges, but there are more than one "positive", thus many forms of faggotry.

Your Creator has much to learn about itself...

>Not a Particle Physicist becsuse I dont prefer penis, never had much of an interest in it so (You) fit that into whatever "particles" are to huemans.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156440

>You mean penis in vagina can be faggotry...
Yes...and you'll learn this from the Collegiate Order of the Jedi...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156443

>tfw no tq tomboi aryan waifu
(°□°)︵ ━

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Cult of Passion No. 16156452

>As you can see...this is the "Whore-Us Heresy-Arch"...
[Anakin; tears in eyes]
"How can you make a fruit but not allow me to eat it, its not fair!!!"

Its done for a reason and not otherwise, same reason they used to push hard to not race mix as a culture, now its something else (to keep the flows that need to happen to happen).

Tooker and I are both hybrids, my grandmothers, I think both, are blue eyes, Tooker has brown hair, we're not pure bloods but that isnt the point.

Convergence, divergence, speciation, hybridization, repeat.

Cult of Passion No. 16156462

>"Whore-Us Heresy-Arch"
Or, had I chosen her, it would have been Convergence, and the result would be Cold War until a baby is conceived, then Hot War (to even out the male/fale numbers, since not all combinations of all peoples are accepted by all parties, thus there will be a "male surplus", Ukraine...)

That was from smelling a crotch in Korea (Yes, korea/aryan, under the same Meta-Genes even if laterally viewed.)...imagine what conception would be like.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156465

>mf get mine

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Cult of Passion No. 16156471

>a story about a BIG FUCKING WHORSE
>cause of all the problems and most of the solutions

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Cult of Passion No. 16156475

>Baby-lon? Has it grown up?
Its an Adultery now.

Cult of Passion No. 16156486

>I'll just say "No."
Scribes speak of it because its totally nothing, dont worry about it.

Once you let go of your old reality...few make a return.

Reorienting Islam with Christianity was making a "Split Moon" back into One.

Muhammed was mimicing the Holy Spirit specifically and filtered through his "Trinity" (a complex matrix to rationalize). Those that did as he did, would do as he does. He even says "If you dislike what we do youre not a Muslim."

I was told "Sins of the Father." meaning yeah...what I do echos through the environment, and if its tied to Phenomenology/Molecular interaction, if its will get it or die, literally.

He made it so "He" wasnt fully in control of himself (minicing the Holy Spirit, because its nobody, no sex, no anything, and can *always* view itself as whatever it isnt...and be truthful in thinking that (ergo, demonic incursion likely without effort)).

Islam has "political" issues now, the most surface level and mundane ones in comparison to the West's.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156487

Now the Crecent Moon is oriented to the Sun, not the Earth (Cube).

>Ahh...its good to own Astral Land.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156489

>Kabba had 360 idols, a perfect circle
Takes a Pagan to recognize a Pagan.

I am Super Pagan Cheif of Pags of the Gan Kin.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156493

So its saying Muhammed or Holy Spirit are bad, but Holy Spirit not kept in check by a higher power is legit insanty.

Its "Satan" as we will know him. The Real Satan (Real number R) its anti-Life and follow zero rules of Life and humans dont experience thats, but that signal exists...

...only deep, bare signals, will open it up...otherwise its filtered through a "being" that has morals of some kind that keeps Life alive.

That signal has no such needs...

>Of course I know that signal, I taught it everything it knows!

Cult of Passion No. 16156494

>So its not* saying Muhammed or Holy Spirit are bad,

Knowable evils...the unknowable ones are waaay more serious. A literal monologuing badguy is better than one that never gets caught let alone seen

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Cult of Passion No. 16156495

"Developmental Psychology"


"Evolutionary Biology"

You are choosing, by will or want, your evolutionary direction with perspectives, some are dead ends, others pure can evolve out an eye, evolving one back is another story...

>Eternal Life?
Wants...or needs?

Anonymous No. 16156496

-0.999990206550703457051564899025 < sin(11) < -0.999990206550703457051564899026
How do I find an approximate value of the twin prime conjecture number with the same precision?
Unless you've actually solved the problem, best you or I can do is [math]0 \le x \le 1[/math].
And yes, I can do arithmetic (+,-,*,/) with approximations, as Wildberger well knows as he's explained how to do it in his own videos. The main thing missing is checking for exact equality, which no one should be surprised doesn't work.

>pure mathematics can't study approximations because it just can't, okay?

Cult of Passion No. 16156498


Oh...its just a human...scared me...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156499

>What is it?
>He says his name is "A-RON".
>Fucking gross...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156501

>approximate value of the twin prime
You aling your minds/soul/rest into a singl coherent "shape/alignement" and its similar (for me...heh...) to perspectives of Pure Mathematics.

Ergo, seeing from base-Pi and approximating the value of 1.

I didnt define it *exactly*, but I now have an intuitive understanding of both worldviews at the same time.

Religion *kind of* is like that (but largely not as its a lived out thing and not a Heavenly design per se but correlates and is why its connected).

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Cult of Passion No. 16156503


Mighty close to 1 fer a hip shot.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156505

>merely pretending to be the 1


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Cult of Passion No. 16156512

>never gets caught let alone seen
>slays an estimated 30% to 60% of the European population, as well as approximately 33% of the population of the Middle East

It was VERY personal.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156514

>They expected a Crown of they couldnt see the True Crown...
All hail the King.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156520

>Why are you cursed by God then.
Haha, clumbsy.
[The Hydra-Octopus in me trying to lock-break into lawful sins.]
If its legal then we will find out. Just saying.

Also, that shouldnt be mirrored. Im designed for it. Heaven has to have "UnLiving" means of protection, how to protect concepts known openly to all but encrypted for future generations.

Chaos to fight Chaos, you cant tell Order to become Chaos to become better Order, it just becomes Chaos and remains Chaos forever (maybe, idk...seems like a "one and done" thing to me).

Anonymous No. 16156526

Reminder that spamming is a bannable offense, and you can do something about it by informing the janitorial staff…

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Cult of Passion No. 16156546

>[The Hydra-Octopus in me trying to lock-break into lawful sins.]
>Entite existence is finding cunny to smash.
>only 2,000
Yo, that aint Love, dawg...he gon trick her into a baby mama...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156551

Why do you hate Love?

Cult of Passion No. 16156559


no U jannie...maxie big da force (fuck u astra finger flick!)

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Cult of Passion No. 16156580

>math talk
I dont follow much of his works as its remedial to me.

Like Mod Math, he spends way too much time on it and does very little abstractions from it, like an alien species discovering internal combustion engines as a novelty then sets it down to go back to horse and buggy.

Fascinating...and concerning...African bushfolk exhibit the same behavior when handed Algebra and Chronology. As soon as they stopped teaching it they stopped knowing it.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156590

>As soon as they stopped teaching it they stopped knowing it.
>Plimpton 332
Lisa needs braces.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156600

I can literally KNOW what life was like back then.

To live so many lives I had felt the slight tugs of Jupiter and Saturn orbiting, noting the subtle knocks between the heartbeat of the Sun and Moon, intuitively sensing mass and distance.

Sutble changes in Magnetospheres of celestial bodies, sight via touch...not eyes.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156604

> the depths your eyes will have little use...

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Cult of Passion No. 16156607

>Plotting...scheming..."sorcerer's ways"...Im not scared!
Faith then it must be.

Anonymous No. 16156614

From a finitist point of view he just restated the problem. From the infinitist point of view he solved the problem. You missed the point of his video.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156618

>you can evolve out an eye
Then must operate on Faith...for others will walk on water while you, if not led, fall into the depths.

I have zero concept of "faith" for I know, so I must operate on a different set of rules.

Anonymous No. 16156624

You missed the point completely. If you knew the first thing about mathematical foundations you would know that this method cannot be applied to all problems, just arithmetical ones.
>>infinity doesn't exist, therefore the problem isn't real
How can you not understand the simple video? You must be underage.
The point he made was "infinitist way of doing mathematics is valid, therefore the problem is easy to solve". Quite different from how you understood it.

Cult of Passion No. 16156629

Because Infinity touching reality becomes "more than ample" immediatley.

So it doesnt matter "in reality" at certain points. "An infinite seriers of blah blah blha..." Moores Law? Doubling, we are, do, will, beyond? Need new Maths, Norman.

Newer than Old Man Wild Berger.

Anonymous No. 16156634

Shut the fuck up you retarded schizo. Nobody wants to engage with you.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156636

>Then must operate on Faith.
Which the Jews in Israel do, Shadow Calculated Political expression.

Cool seeing "Peace in the Middle East". All it took was for an alien invasion to hold a gun to Earth's head. Its amazing how fast problems can be solved with a death ray and some True Grit.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156640

Because I litesally PWN the fuck out of him, in SOCIOLOGY and in MATHEMATICS?

Youre a shit need the whip.

Anonymous No. 16156642

Kill yourself.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156645

>i dont like u=I'M AN EVIL PIECE OF SHIT

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Cult of Passion No. 16156649

>Kill yourself.
I came back...and Im very upset about the past.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156651

>I came back.
Third times the charm, eh?

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Cult of Passion No. 16156659

>Third times
Which tells me they made a mini-Anti-Christ for the war before the big real one.

A lot of "back and forth" between things until some culmination, likes its tracing a square root for two infinities.

>But from which infinities perspective?
. .

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Cult of Passion No. 16156668

In between murder campaigns against human-scum, remember to feed the cat.

Cult of Passion No. 16156703

Had I gone to "Uni-Versity" for 8 years I would have died.

Literal an hero by choice.

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Cult of Passion No. 16156715

>its the big one

Have you been praying to the Cube by mistake? Prosperity Chruch. The thing is real...regardless of your belief.

Cult of Passion No. 16156723

Counting every Law.

Noting every Sin.

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Anonymous No. 16156884

what I meant was that the structure of his arguments repeatedly contain fallacies, and not that his premises are fallacious (which is a more complicated problem). As to your specific question: "I" will die so I cannot keep doing things forever. Among the things I cannot keep doing forever are knowing and observing. So I cannot know if things outside of me could keep doing things forever. As long as I can neither confirm nor deny they do, I will accept neither of your premises

Anonymous No. 16156905

Real analysis concerns itself with approximations to an arbitrarily close degree. Of course, you'll also need those approximations in applied fields, such as physics.

>you aren't even using the cosine function used in pure maths
I disagree. For example, if the cosine didn't exist, you wouldn't be able to solve this DEQ [math]y = -\ddot y[/math]. You'll need the cosine as the series. There are many more examples I can think of, where the cosine comes in handy.

Anonymous No. 16156907

Well technically, you could solve it with 0, but that's kinda boring.

Anonymous No. 16156939

Interpreting the real numbers as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences, you can verify all the field axioms. See:

Anonymous No. 16157035

i personally like the eudoxus construction of R, i just think it's neat

Anonymous No. 16157044

But it's littrally like Ka D'argo, see? With the rings and chains.

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Anonymous No. 16157045

WTF my pic was there :(

Anonymous No. 16157055

He's definitely a pretty intelligent guy. He's just also a retard. Unfortunately those are fundamentally related in many cases. Being smart means that it is very easy to make a convincing case even when you are completely and utterly wrong on something really simple.

I'm definitely not a number theory guy, but my field (probability theory) is entirely unworkable from a finitist perspective. You can't even get to the empirical verifiable portions of applied probability theory like chernoff bounds, let alone more abstract notions like asymptotic convergence of random variables.

Maybe there's something under there worthwhile, but it sure as shit isn't worthwhile for people doing analysis at any level (even applied to practical engineering problems).

Anonymous No. 16157063

Hey faggots maybe work on fixing the economy which would have some real, tangible benefits instead of whatever this is.
>t. concerned citizen

Anonymous No. 16157084

if you can any of it on computers, you can do it from a finitist perspective, since all the work by the computers does it through that perspective.

Anonymous No. 16157163


Anonymous No. 16157199

>He thinks that improving real GDP growth rate, interest rates, and unemployment rate has real tangible benefits
Ignoring the fact that this is a brainlet take, exactly who does this benefit? Do I get a 100k bonus for figuring out the economy equations? No. At best the Fed offers me a job. People suffering from "muh economy" are only suffering from poor financial planning. I'd rather solve more black scholes models and get rich than help out irresponsible losers. So fuck off and enjoy your car payment.

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Anonymous No. 16157209

I like the passion Wildberger invokes.
It's magical.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157390

Its 1 PM and Im very tired and cranky because I just woke up.

No matter what I will be in a bad mood.

Anonymous No. 16157410

and yet you apparently like to feast on bottom feeders
a major contradiction methinks

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Cult of Passion No. 16157415

Im at a French resturant right now and prefer hanging out with homeless schizophrenics or drug addicts than (You).

Youre not "Logical", you are Hueman and Mortal.

Cult of Passion No. 16157418

>feast on bottom feeders
And Im part Oyster, so I am what I eat.

Not 100% octopus, feels too cannibalistic to me, chicken is disgusting, duck and turkey are better. Methinks its artificial...

[taste, taste]

A corrupted agent of Satan created this. This..."chicken".


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Cult of Passion No. 16157420

>Bladerunner in the year 40,000 A.D.

Like these spore keeping insect populations in check...little genes inside of human themselves await for certain conditions to become borne.

Hyper-spacial heatseeking missiles, how to defeat an enemy millions of years in the future, when it could have evolved into ANYTHING at all?!

Simple, endsymbiosis and hybridization, awate for your enemy inside of your enemy.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157425

>[looks at (You)]
>no i am
>no u r

New World Order.

Cult of Passion No. 16157426

>Im at a French resturant right now and prefer hanging out with homeless schizophrenics or drug addicts than (You).
>So a bunch of degenerate pieces of shit, no?
What did Jesus do?

Exactly, soothed degenerate pieces of shit with communion JUST LIKE HERE.

Anonymous No. 16157431

This is actually a good point. I wonder what Wildberger would think of the convergence of random variables. I don’t know if this could be formulated in some other way to make it amenable to finitists. I know Gauss himself never believed in infinity literally being a real thing, just a useful abstract idea, but wildborgar probably doesn’t even like that perspective.

Cult of Passion No. 16157432

Driving cross country for no other reason than I dont want to remain where I am at...unknowingly following Magnetic laylines...

Anonymous No. 16157433

>government causes problem intentionally
>blame completely unrelated mathematicians
Reminder that niggerbrained retards like this anon make up the majority of society.

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Anonymous No. 16157434

What length is a line with L=1-0.999...

Cult of Passion No. 16157466

>Lisa needs braces.
I keep thinking about this.

Fucking home run.

Anonymous No. 16157476

Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157480

>Chesterton's Fence
Its no so simple with inter-species cognitive comparisons...apples to oranges is basically 1:1 here.

The Holy Borg wanted some retarded ass shit for the children, namely Common Core, which yes...I do think more like that but I am well aware that it isnt normal.

Its me keeping them from doing bonkers shit to (You). Its trying to mirror me, but I am a u doin dumbass?!....

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Cult of Passion No. 16157485

And it looks like the Abstract Perspective Maths is pushed into outer regions where imbalances cannot harm the Core.

Other parts of the world work on different perspectives.

Cult of Passion No. 16157490

It would be like fucking with the base system all of humanity uses, base-10.

Or Imperial/Metric, theyre based off of two different reference points.

Poles to which the rest is measured from.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157491

>posing as a smartass
Dental plan.

Anonymous No. 16157492

Make no mistake. On the 'DAY OF THE WILD BURGER" the armies of the divine ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH will be drawn up in battle against those...those....THOSE GOD CURSED INFINITY LOVING SODOMITES!
And the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH will prevail, For we have GOD on our our side, and the slaughter will be great.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157510

Can Math be...Lived Truth?

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Cult of Passion No. 16157521

My favorite shape is a triangle, circle, square base, in 3-D, triangle being and octahedron.

Square the circle, the make equal volumes of the three shapes, sphere is negative space, so only the corners of the square peak out, octahedron tips should appear floating past each square face.

Three points of reference derived from 1 unit of measure.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157524

>Scientists baffled by "Dark Geometry" and its very measurable "Dark Angles".

The Zero

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Cult of Passion No. 16157526

>How can you lift the whole world?!

Im...doing a hand stand...

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Cult of Passion No. 16157541

>I like everything equal.
You's a bitch not made for advancement.

Literal regressive, as static in 4-D is indistinguishable from depreciation.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157543

...unless of course its "Super-Naturally Perfect", the perfection Nature attempts but will never obtain.

Much like the soul of Man...hubris being both the driver and doomer.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157548

Im not sure if this is good or bad.

I would have maxed my Schizophrenia score but Im Sociopathic and Aspie enough to not be an uncultured jackass in public.