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Anonymous No. 16152616


Is this true? is technology and science really stagnating? yes these are my posts, am I an idiot?

Anonymous No. 16152687

There have been advances.
We didn't have lithium-ion batteries yet in the 1970s. They were introduced in the early '90s. Maybe it doesn't sound like a fundamental change, we had other types of batteries before that and continue to use them, but it has had a massive impact, helping allow other technologies to shrink and become portable and wireless.
>take out all the screens and it would be impossible to tell
Ok but smartphones are not just screens, and everyone having them now effectively turns us all into cyborgs with near-instant access to all the information we could ever want.

If you need a tease of something bigger and flashier, in the last couple years there has been fusion power r&d that achieved reactions with net energy gain (though not sustained power generation yet)

There's also the hypersonic glide vehicle arms race that began in the mid-2010s

Anonymous No. 16152758

The next frontier is the mind. Humans cannot sustain themselves in extraterrestrial environments like the International Space Station and we do not currently have the technology to solve this.

Anonymous No. 16152771

How does that become "the frontier?" Where's the incentive for us to suddenly have masses of people in space, not just like 5 or 10 at a time?

Anonymous No. 16152842

>yes these are my posts, am I an idiot?

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Cult of Passion No. 16152925

>Is this true?
>Whats this?
You tell me.

t.Global Military Technologies Analyst

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Anonymous No. 16152939


Anonymous No. 16152958

We're in a transitory engineering phase.
We have all that amazing science and technology but it hasn't been optimized and streamlined yet to a degree where it would allow working on the next revolutionary step.

For example: we already have all the knowledge required to build a humanoid robot with human like motion and speak.
But simply no one poured enough time, work and resources into building one yet.

Anonymous No. 16153048

The Cinese J-20 jet? What do you want to say?

Anonymous No. 16153122

>is technology and science really stagnating?
This comes up frequently also in /cyb/ and increasingly in mainstream media.

Cult of Passion No. 16153145

Its just a copy of the West's without an understanding of the R&D, *classic* ChiCom moment.

Reminds me of the Soviet haydays.

Russia actually has a couple weapons that caught my eye, definitely were "excelling" in one specific domaine.

In fact, one Earth there is only two "arms" mamufacturers, the US and RU, from two opposite approaches. F35 crashes if you coof on it, Russian planes can run on diesel and inhale birds and rocks just fine.

Everything else, no matter the country, theyre just trying to catch up to one of them.

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Cult of Passion No. 16153147

Amd because Direct Energy Devices was basically dead on arrival ("ultra-high Gamma ray guns" made easily and for under a few grand in a garage).

Errp...thats Retarded. Infinite energy doesnt matter if its that easily misused.

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Cult of Passion No. 16153152

Man...the destruction I could Impose on Huemanity...

Tesla's earthquake machine, imagine one day Tower started falling all around the world....have none of you considered how lost and confused the world would rhyme, no raison d'tri.

On the other side of the world when they fall, " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

Loopholes in military and international security create gaps of movement for foreign agents, just saying...

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Cult of Passion No. 16153169

>They thought I could help their cause..I also helped my own...
Alien intentions.

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Anonymous No. 16153180


Anonymous No. 16153594

advancing in a different direction, primarily converting males to females and females to males through medication. Funding goes where politicians decide its most important.

Anonymous No. 16153680

Have these people been living under a rock? Have you not seen the tremendous progress happening in AI? No, I'm not talking about chatGPT

Anonymous No. 16153688

my caretaker is taking shape

Anonymous No. 16153714

I recently learned that we've invented unbreakable glass
But it was unprofitable due to eliminating planned obsolescence, so it never took off.
The problem fundamentally is unregulated anarcho capitalism that we are currently living in. It doesn't want your innovation, your scientific breakthroughs, your genius, unless you can make profits with it in the next 6 months.