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๐Ÿงต The expansion of hte universe

Anonymous No. 16152659

>be galaxies
>emit light
>be earthling, seeing the light
>"the illustrious lightform-wave's frequency seems to be of an unusual constitution"
>drink tea
>realize the galaxies are getting farther from us
It is totally the virtual particles bro, this totally does not throw out of wack completely the theory of conservation of energy.
>but the uncertainty principle
>>>/reddit/ for being a brainlet.
Explain, /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16152676

Yes chuddie, universe is expanding in the same way your anus is, lucky are those who die before their anuses prolapse as they do not have to suffer with diapers in retirement homes. Entire existence is just one big anus and its endgame is prolapse.

Anonymous No. 16152678

Its not that the universe is expanding away from earth, every point of the universe is expanding, like a huge ball pit where everyball is getting bigger.

Anonymous No. 16152716

Axil of Evil.

Anonymous No. 16152723

What i am saying still has value, the notion is that there must be some kind of empty space for these waves to travel through between particle and particle and that is these virtual particles. The idea behind these is that they are some quantum particles that just appear in random points for the wave to travel through since particles constantly move but if that was the case the fact that there are more of them to hold these waves for longer means that they must be moving faster due to some condition, that would imply that there is more kinetic energy in the universe and that means that energy is not constant but instead something is piping energy into our universe, basically the "big bang" is still ongoing. How this happens? God knows, take this last sentence as you may.

Anonymous No. 16152732

Oh also this means that the "big bang" wasnt a bang but if you have looked into how the four forces of nature work then you will have already accepted that things didnt simply start from energy and the universe has always HAD things where energy is simply a property that defines how they transform into each other.

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Anonymous No. 16152751


Anonymous No. 16152755

"like a raison cake" it is expanding faster than the speed of light

Anonymous No. 16152761

that is just blatantly wrong because if that was the case we at this specific moment would not be able to hear or see.
that really means nothing

Anonymous No. 16152799

Please /sci/ dont be joe-rogan watching kiddies, be like /g/