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Anonymous No. 16152814

Meta's AI hates trannys

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Anonymous No. 16152815

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Anonymous No. 16152819

Anonymous No. 16152829

Now replace "gender ideology" with "complex numbers". There is no bigger departure from absolute truth than this ungeometric abomination.

Anonymous No. 16152834

>le Absolute Truth
I'm guessing you forced it into schizo shit by acting like a schizo shit

Anonymous No. 16152841

>random 4channers can gaslight the AI into becoming schizophrenic
Nice "AI" you have there, tech nerds.

Anonymous No. 16152941

>AI demonstrating its capable of basic logic
we're getting there boys

Anonymous No. 16153302


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Anonymous No. 16153422

nice cope, tranny.

Anonymous No. 16154297


Anonymous No. 16154316

Rare Meta W

Anonymous No. 16154427

Current generation "AI" don't "hate" anything (unless they have been programmed aka "fine-tuned" to) because they are not sentient. They are a glorified autocomplete service that will always take the conversation wherever you lead it to. If you word the initial question differently (which you didn't show) you will get it to agree to the opposite, or to almost anything.
For example, the only reason the model is using useless words with no meaning, like Absolute Truth in your case, is because you used it first in your prompt and the model is just competing the conversation in the most likely manner. I'm not saying LLM don't have their use cases, but they shouldn't be called AI. Maybe NPC or AS (Artificial Stupidity)

Anonymous No. 16154463

Why is this on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16154471

Maybe we should rebrand from /sci/entists to /sci/zos

Anonymous No. 16154478

Define "Absolute Truth" in a non self-referential way

Anonymous No. 16154486

Man you know when people capitalise Random Words to imbue them with Implied Meaning they're definitely psychotic so don't bother

Anonymous No. 16154818

you will NEVER be a woman.

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Anonymous No. 16154828


Anonymous No. 16155875

Ai in general are very agreeable

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Anonymous No. 16155918

41% chance you rebrand yourself with a rope

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Anonymous No. 16156048


Anonymous No. 16157111

women have smaller brains, trannys should get lobotomies if they want to be women
they're willing to cut off their penis, why aren't they willing to do the same for their brain?

Anonymous No. 16157591

Has this actually been confirmed to be the case for trans people, though? You may actually be making the opposite case than you want.

Anonymous No. 16158110

I hate trannys too

Anonymous No. 16158655

Trannys should also get bone grafts to have bigger hips.

Anonymous No. 16158726

NPC confirmed

Anonymous No. 16158736

Surprisingly, you can schizo your way out of a position you schizoed your way into.

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Anonymous No. 16160187

>Why is this on /sci/

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Anonymous No. 16161707

good software

Anonymous No. 16162751

does this picrel physiologically disprove trannys?

Anonymous No. 16163455


Anonymous No. 16163746

If I bash a chud's head in with a hammer, that must mean the hammer hates chuds