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🧵 Covid Vax Confirmed Deadly

Anonymous No. 16152840

Its now official

Affected vaxxxxies to possibly be paid millions in pharma gibes if their court cases wrap up before they die

>AstraZeneca admits for first time its Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect in tense legal fight with victims of 'defective' jab
>AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect.
>Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to £20m in compensation.
>Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims, acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine 'can cause TTS'.

Anonymous No. 16152943


one lmao

nothing will happen with the lawsuits.

they will keep memoryholing this while the victims will keep on being harmed. the victims overwhelmingly refuse to associate their new health conditions with the experimental shots either

Anonymous No. 16152959

>be me
>not get vaxxed
>lose job
>be stupid vaxcuck
>take experimental gene therapy that doesn't work
>get fucked up
>get compensation
where's the justice

Anonymous No. 16153233

Did Congress give them immunity to lawsuits?

Anonymous No. 16153235

is this the beginning of something?

Anonymous No. 16153247

Yes but immunity only applies if there was no fraud.

Anonymous No. 16153328

a mere fortnight, I predict

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smug bitch pwnd u....jpg

Anonymous No. 16153369

>vaxxies all getting $20million eurobux
purebloods get nothing lol

Anonymous No. 16153389

Tired of clickbait poltard threads fuck off back to your shithole

Anonymous No. 16153392


Anonymous No. 16154141

All the Vaxcorps out there are going to go broke fast if they have to pay out $20million to every vaxxie.
Even if its in eurobux funny money, thats still millions each in American money

Anonymous No. 16155269

All the vaxxxies they'll owe the money to will be too dead to sue them

Anonymous No. 16155925

purebloods get to live lol

Anonymous No. 16156912

you're only upset at this news because you're a vaxxxie and you're not willing to admit it because you're ashamed of being a vaxxxie

Anonymous No. 16157455

Vaxxxies would be screeching and bragging about how proud they are of themselves for having gotten all 9 boosters if they weren't secretly deeply ashamed of themselves for being easily tricked useful idiots.

Anonymous No. 16157557

We will live to inherit that money.

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Anonymous No. 16157560

Is so over for you.

Anonymous No. 16157563

Since the beginning everybody with a brain knew there was something wrong with AstraZeneca. Pfizer has a lot more experience hiding their fuckeries.

Anonymous No. 16158563

commie inheritance tax will take it all from you

Anonymous No. 16158593

I took pfizer like a real American patriot supporting American company, not some UK Cambridge shitty vaccine so I'm safe.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16158633

>its official
is it really, though?

Anonymous No. 16159925

Did you also get all 9 of the boosters they recommended?

Anonymous No. 16161138

Good news

Anonymous No. 16162424

lmao that vaxxxies will never get to enjoy their money, it will all be recovered by the government in the form of taxes, the first portion in the form income tax when the claim is paid out and the remainder when the death tax is paid shortly thereafter

Anonymous No. 16163536


Anonymous No. 16163549

Someone on my facebook posted that they are in the hospital and have "long covid." I wouldn't be surprised if they were triple vaxxed and that is what is causing their illness.

Anonymous No. 16164245


Anonymous No. 16164941

Where do I sign up to get my free $20 million? I'm not vaxed, but I've lied about being a vaxxies successfully before so I should be able to do it this time to. Vaxxies are very low IQ, so they're easy to trick

Anonymous No. 16166100

astrazeneca was a vaccine taken by schizos scared of mrna anyways

Anonymous No. 16166259

>vaccine taken by schizos
no such thing

Anonymous No. 16166834

its not $20million in real money, its some sort of europesos

Anonymous No. 16167856

they made $9 trillion selling vaxxes so they can afford to pay out a few million dollar court fines.

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Anonymous No. 16168441

imagine getting $9 trillion for vaccines that don't even work

Anonymous No. 16169473

par for the course with science, scientist love wasting money uselessly. LHC discovered nothing, JWST is worthless, HST was launched with a broken mirror and they didn't even bother to check if the telescope worked right before launch despite having 4 years to do so after HST was completed due to the launch delay. Space shuttle was another incredibly expensive soience toy that was a total waste and didn't work right.

Anonymous No. 16169885

SWIM has been having chest pains since getting the Moderna vax in early 2021 (pressured by work/family), and had never had them before. Is there anything that can be done about this (health-wise but also legally)? He's been trying to live as healthily as possible, but besides that he doesn't know what to do. The last 4 years have been hugely demoralizing.

Anonymous No. 16170507

go shopping for a burial plot

Anonymous No. 16170514

1 euro = 1 USD dollar and 8 cents, so it’s about the same amount

Anonymous No. 16170717

Pretty glad I resisted the pressure to get vaccinated. My job wasn't dependent on it, so that was a big factor. As far as being barred from flying, I was willing to say fuck it and drive if I had to. I don't get how all these lefty retards screeching about how corporations are evil are all suddenly onboard with the notion that fucking Pfizer is their best friend. The same screeching retards were also incessantly braying about how they weren't going to take it when Trump was in office because "Orange Man Bad".

Anonymous No. 16171775

>I don't get how all these lefty retards screeching about how corporations are evil are all suddenly onboard with the notion that fucking Pfizer is their best friend.
they're like that because they're mentally ill, you can't expect rationality from a crazy person

Anonymous No. 16172927

Thats ridiculous, vaxxies lie aren't worth $20 million

Anonymous No. 16172934

Compensations are not for goys, only for jews who were too retarded to take the vax, but still have family money to sue.

Anonymous No. 16173508

Where do I go to collect my $20 million?

Anonymous No. 16174935


Anonymous No. 16175961

that seems like a long trip, plus i don't have a passport because i like my country and don't feel like leaving it. how do i get them to just mail me the money?

Anonymous No. 16176541

I thought the vaccine manufacturers were given total immunity from being sued

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Anonymous No. 16176742


Anonymous No. 16177649

they were on the usa

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Anonymous No. 16178802

Thats the power of science

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Anonymous No. 16179258

Anonymous No. 16179262

What the frick man

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Anonymous No. 16179289

sorry but it was suicide.
no refunds, no gibs

Anonymous No. 16179614

reminder that 'long covid' was coined by a jewish NYC hospital just when people started to wonder about long term vax side effects
>but what about the long term covid side effects goy?

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Anonymous No. 16180959


Anonymous No. 16181952

>gibes me dat $20 million vaxxxie reparations mufffugguh!
>gibes me dat moni fo free!

Anonymous No. 16183048

>the victims overwhelmingly refuse to associate their new health conditions with the experimental shots either
They have long since demonstrated their poor abilities at pattern recognition and critical thinking

Anonymous No. 16183054

>Sites dailymail
Jesus chris

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Anonymous No. 16183856

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Anonymous No. 16185018


Anonymous No. 16185721

>cause a deadly blood clotting
it not even funny anymore, they poisoned 230,000,000 Americans

Anonymous No. 16186969

Its weird how the people who were tricked into getting poisoned don't want revenge or compensation for what they went through because they're too full of themselves to admit that they were gullible enough to be tricked like that.

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Anonymous No. 16186987

Best depopulation ever. The sheep paid for their own slaughter.

Anonymous No. 16187102

Oh yes, because it was obviously the vaccine she took 3 years ago and not all the marathons scarring her heart

Anonymous No. 16188476

nice cope, vaxxxie. how many boosters did you get? are you up to date on them?

Anonymous No. 16189143

Good news for me, I'm not vax'd

Anonymous No. 16190202

>Covid Vax Confirmed Deadly
that happened ages ago, thats why everyone stopped getting their boosters