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Anonymous No. 16152954

Hey /sci/, tell me about gravitons

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Anonymous No. 16152964


Anonymous No. 16153019

>supersymmetric particles

Zoomer shit

Anonymous No. 16153050

No such thing

Anonymous No. 16153133

>up/down quarks
>electron neutrino
real particles

>everything else
mental disorders

Anonymous No. 16153138

where all my neutralinos at
they're mocking us aren't they

Anonymous No. 16153869

you dont agree with string theory?

Anonymous No. 16153877

what mediates weak force interaction? how does beta decay work?

Anonymous No. 16155083

>the gay nu-physics
After a hard day of sucking dicks for grants, it's nice to print out the newest publication, roll it into a tube and stick it up the ass.
Rough time to be into 'sciences', ngl.

Anonymous No. 16155703

you'll eat your words when we find a selectron

Anonymous No. 16155705


Anonymous No. 16155709


Anonymous No. 16155711

string theory is just a massive shot in the dark

Anonymous No. 16155716

got a better idea?

Anonymous No. 16155721

>bro gravity isn't even a force
>some bullshit about curved spacetime and deodestics
>and like inertial reference frames
>but we made a hypothetical force carrier anyway

Anonymous No. 16155722

you are the force carrier of the stupid field

Anonymous No. 16155725

>you are the force carrier of the stupid field

Anonymous No. 16155726


Anonymous No. 16156245

>where do the voices in my wall come from?

Anonymous No. 16156287

lack of psylocibin

Anonymous No. 16156299

Guess light ain't a thing then

Anonymous No. 16157437

> Implying ST curvature is caused by particles.

Jesus, when will people realize that Noethers theorem necessarily implies matter is a property of space.

Anonymous No. 16157439

Modern physics be like:
>and God said: "let there be the theorem of some random Jewish bitch"

Anonymous No. 16157446


The Cosserat brothers found Noether's theorem in their paper "Théorie des corps déformables" not Noether. We call it Noethers theorem purely because the "scientific community" says so. I think you'll find kikes steal a lot of shit and name it after themselves, so you better get used to it.

Anonymous No. 16157458

And Olinto de Pretto found the mass-energy relation before Einstein, but that doesn't mean that I have to believe all the subsequent Einstein dick-riding induced PR. "Noether's" theorem is an incredibly useful tool, but it is not a physical cause in itself.

Anonymous No. 16157493


Well I implore you to go to a group of physicists, have a discussion for a while then blurt out "Olinto de Pretto's mass-energy equivelence" or "Cosserat's theorem" Nobody is gonna know what the fuck you are talking about. You could then either explain the history of it then subsequently be labeled a history pseud.

> "oh on page 192 of Cosserat's book .... and so in re-"

To which the physicists reply:

>"Erm, anti-feminist anti-semite much?".

Or you can bend down and suck the kike dick you have been told to like a good little goy. I'd prefer to get somewhere in life, and if that's what it takes that's what it takes.

As for Noether's theorem not being a physical cause for matter. We already have a relation between space and matter its called the Einst... oh sorry Hilbert Field Equations.


So we could totally imagine a function of the metric causing the ... Hilbert tensor:


and that same function on a different tensor with a currently unknown purpose, causing the STM Tensor to form:


Then it would just be a matter of relating the two

[math]t_{ab} \propto g_{ab}[/math]

Noether's theorem is more of a "special case" showing some relation between the properties of matter and spatio-temporal transformations.

Anonymous No. 16157532

>Or you can bend down and suck the kike dick you have been told to like a good little goy. I'd prefer to get somewhere in life, and if that's what it takes that's what it takes.
Alright, but you don't get to pretend on an anonymous basket weaving forum that you're not doing what you're doing, that is sacrificing scientific integrity for social practicality. I would have said the same even if Noether weren't Jewish, that's why I didn't care about your remark that the Cosserat brothers got there first. It's just not my point. There probably wouldn't be as much dick-riding to the point of having to say that physicists take the theorem of "a couple of random French faggots" as the word of God, but in the absurd case that it did, it wouldn't change my issue.

Mathematics is a tool that can only describe relations. It cannot cause things to happen. Apples didn't fall then from trees due to Aristotle's law of natural motion, they didn't fall after due to Newton's law of universal gravitation, and they don't fall now due to Einstein's field equations.
>we could totally imagine a function of the metric causing
So this is a category error. The metric cannot cause anything, let alone a function of it. The metric being an appropriate mathematical description of our observations induces us to conclude (usefully) that the relations that follow are also true of them. We are still in the dark about any physical causes, and any wanking of mathematics beyond its range of applicability won't get us any closer.

Imagine if the theory of heat had had a similar development as gravity and electromagnetism, by being content with throwing out caloric theory, postulating the heat equation, and never seeking a microscopic theory of heat.

Anonymous No. 16157554


>that is sacrificing scientific integrity for social practicality

That's kind of what life has become anyway. Basically nobody does things unless there is an incentive to due so, integrity be damned. In truth I'm almost certainly going to die forgotten and there isn't much I can do about it, Except try an elevate myself as high as I can to get recognition for idea's.

>Mathematics is a tool that can only describe relations

True. Math is a tool and the physical interpretation is far more important. But I am limited by what I have and what the world has. Nobody can currently probe space-time to see what truly happens, so for now its essentially guess work. I cant give any answer other then math, since the universe is far more complex than I or math ever could be.

>So this is a category error. The metric cannot cause anything

Poor choice of words on my part, I don't mean cause as in literally "cause and effect". But there is a point I'm trying to make with the last latex line I wrote. You can call it aether if you like, but if we can relate 2 separate things as a manifestation of one thing we can often understand the cause of the thing (gravity) we are looking for.

Nobody directly stated to Maxwell, electricity and magnetism are one, he had to work it out, and in the end he explained not only electricity and magnetism but also light and basically catapulted us into the modern age. General relativity explains gravity at our scale. But when distances are small it does not. So my question isn't what causes gravity, but why does space-time curve with massive energy densities to which the quantum physicists have loosely stated "the graviton". That's not good enough for me.

>Imagine if the theory of heat had had a similar development as gravity and electromagnetism.

I'd imagine human curiosity wouldn't aid in that endeavour. But its is totally possible to quantize EM as an effect cause by photon exchange. We only run into issues when we get to gravity.

Anonymous No. 16157873

Light is the transfer of work through the EM field, which is a continuous field of non-massless photons, or it would be more accurate to say one single photon, it's the same principle as energy moving through heavy matter, if you push a steel rod on one end the force travels to the other end at the speed of sound, the atoms themselves do not have to travel at the speed of sound, if EM waves were separate photons zooming around at c then all light you observe should be length contracted and you should be able to see everything to the end of the universe

Anonymous No. 16157886

They may or may not exist, that's all we can say right now.