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Anonymous No. 16153022

>economy collapsing
>Exports collapsing
>demographics collapsing
>Infrastructure and buildings collapsing
>Food supply collapsing
>foreign investment collapsing
>Manufacturing and tech sector collapsing

Anonymous No. 16153089

Europe has all of that + turd worlder invasion.
US economy and industry still appears to be in good shape, but it's society has completely collapsed, both at group level and at individual level, add to this turd worlder invasion.
West will become Turd world before China collapses

Anonymous No. 16153099

china has been "collapsing" for the past 20 years according to random retards calling themselves experts

Anonymous No. 16153167

Go back to your containment board, incel.

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broken china.jpg

Anonymous No. 16153168

If China collapses, what will Thunderzeihan make videos about?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16154059

Rome didn't fall in a day...

Anonymous No. 16154078

The most annoying part about all this is that they completely ignore the fact that current trends are based upon past and current situations. They just keep extrapolating as if the trend itself doesn't impact the situation in the future.
I mean fucking hell, even children's games like Sim City model this.
Population declines. Sure. But as it does a number of things happen. Labor becomes more valuable. Workers become politically stronger. Land and housing becomes cheaper. This in turns makes it easier for people to have stable families and more children.
Yeah sure, it dips for a while but then as situation changes so does the trend, it either declines dramatically, stabilizes, or goes back up.
This entirely retarded idea of population growth = good regardless of the social and environmental cost is batshit insane.
If anything population decrease should be encouraged, should have been encouraged decades ago, and if governments with all their fucking census taking bullshit were in any measure competent it would be managed in such a way that economic pain is minimized. Instead we get the usual panic knee jerk reaction of importing more migrants.

Anonymous No. 16154084

Basically this

Anonymous No. 16154111

I have no idea why this overhyped grifter is so popular. I guess its his non stop self promotion and him telling retards what they want to hear.

According to him the Ukraine war is all about Russia's "existential" threat and securing invasion corridors that lead into the heart of Russia. He even mentions the transiberian route as one of the major invasion routes, which is nearly like saying Russia should also be worried about an invasion route over the north pole from Canada.

Not once does he mention anything about Ukraine having the second largest natural gas reserves in Europe, most of which are still untapped, which if developed by the West would effectively cut Russia out of the energy export market, upon which the bulk of their economy relies. No. No, according to him its all about the Russians fearing another invasion across the Ukrainian plains, which worked out so well for the Germans last time.
I dont know how it gets away with such retarded bullshit. But if there anything to learn here then its that you can make a lot of money by talking out your ass about geopolitics.

Anonymous No. 16154148

>and if governments with all their fucking census taking bullshit were in any measure competent
often wonder what the real number of humans currently is on the planet... how far off from the 8 billion number do you think we are?

Anonymous No. 16154201

Most western countries you could count on being reasonably accurate. But Africa, South America, India, most of Asia? I am sure they have no fucking idea. And given the level of corruption in many of the countries and inefficiencies in those areas I wouldn't be surprised if numbers are concealed so local officials can pocket the tax take and bureaucratic fees. I really wouldn't be surprised if the global numbers are underestimated by 2 billion or more.

Anonymous No. 16154205

what the hell do you even mean?? the only thing "collapsing" is demography. they are literally better off every single year.. do you think china was any better in the 90s while in actual famines? fuckign retard

Anonymous No. 16154213

Not in the 90s, but China is in a much worse position than they were 10 years ago. Their economy, industries, trade etc etc are all collapsing hard. It's great

Anonymous No. 16154215

The trick to determining the level of bullshit is the type of language used. Note the use of the word "collapse" which sounds dramatic and disastrous. No. Its not disastrous. If they were more intellectually honest they would say something else like "demographic decrease".
Unfortunately however most of the world's populations seems to be made up of hysterical bitches who do not respect intellectual honesty. To get these people clicking their articles ( to get paid ) the authors have to use hyperbole and dramatic words.
Writing "There has been a decrease in China's population and therefore we can expect an overall decline in their consumer spending in the near future" will not pay your mortgage on your house. Writing shit like "OMG! LISTEN TO ME! CATASTROPHIC COLLAPSE CHINA FUCKED LOL" will get you the clicks you need.

If you want to go down the tinfoil hat path you might also suspect that a lot of this doom and gloom mongering concerning other countries is intentional distraction. "Wow, fuck its getting so hard for ordinary working people to make ends meet in the West, so lets make out at how bad it is elsewhere"

Whatever way you look at it, tinfoil hat or not, we are all being played. And the vanishingly few who know this are such an insignificant minority that it makes no difference.

Anonymous No. 16154288

Every nation is struggling because the world is running out of money.

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Anonymous No. 16154290

Give me your spoons.

G-d hates avatarfags No. 16154326

How long have you been at this?

Anonymous No. 16154331

>China is in a much worse position than they were 10 years ago. Their economy, industries, trade etc etc are all collapsing hard.
So it turns out if a country repeatedly screws over their customers by producing total crap products there will eventually be hard consequences.

Anonymous No. 16154354

Chinese people don't starve anymore and seem to have a better education than westerners at the top class. They apply Whiteheads education model.
Their government doesn't hate its own people and doesn't import armies of rape gangs and terrorists.
>muh low birth rates
if a population falls down significantly they'll likely bounce back up again because of pricing going down, housing prices are terribly expensive because of immigration in the west and our elite just continue importing them. Most evil or dumb act in history.

Anonymous No. 16154355

It's crazy that there are retards out there who think a healthy economy with a high standard of living is a function of thw population size.

Anonymous No. 16154400

It's actually the opposite. More and more money is created every year. The problem is that it's created in the form of debt, that will have to be repaid with interest. Guess where the interest will come from? More money, created through more debt. Modern money is a giant Ponzi scheme. If the total amount of money was fixed or severely limited, as it was when it was backed by gold, or as it would be if we used something like Bitcoin, everything would be much more stable.

Anonymous No. 16154531

Which is why population decline so frightens the banks and corporations and why they are aggressively pushing governments into increasing immigration. They have the tiger by the tail and dare not let go. They have built the entire economy on the future paying back that debt, they need population growth to generate income and the demand for consumer goods and more debt slavery, or else the house of cards comes down. The biggest ponzi scheme in Human history and hardly anyone sees it lol.

Anonymous No. 16154544

seethe, cope and mald
Just observe how literally no one in this faggy thread can answer this.
The whole "china collapse" shit is nothing but a projection by dying race of Americhud and Eurocuck wegros.

Anonymous No. 16154556

the third world shit is just a racist dog whistle, it's just a matter of culture, which can be fixed easily. Meanwhile China is 100% fucked in all sides. It's not one thing, it's a dozen factors, most of them completely beyond the country's ability to fix.

Anonymous No. 16154573

Culture descends from race you braindead tranny
I will say it again North America and Europe will become completely dysfunctional, stinking turd world hell holes with subhumans shitting on streets before China "collapses".
Muh "china collapse" is COPE by dying wegros, nothing else.
All "factors" are rooted in human resource, the demography, it matters whether you have a population of a 100+ average IQ north western Europeans or 60IQ blackest gorilla niggers from Africa.
You can COPE all you want, the more your gobermint imports your beloved turd world worlders, faster I will be proven right, infact there are already urban ghettos across North America and Europe, which show that I am right.
So good luck, getting destroyed lmao
Unlike wegros East Asians will exist in 100 years from now

Anonymous No. 16154590

And this is just cope from a seething Chang. China will collapse by 2030, so unless America and Europe goes to shit in 6 years... If 3rd world mass immigration is so bad, why are America/Europe hosting record GDP growth and scientific innovation while China and the rest of east asia stagnates? Where's China's SpaceX or Airbus, or ASML or openA.I or GTP-4? A handful of urban ghettos is just the price for not having your entire economy collapse like a house of cards due to poor demographics. Society is moved by the 1% anyway. Was Europe or America doomed just because they had slaves toiling away in the fields 200 years ago?

Furthermore, China and the rest of east asia would still be starving rice farmers without European and America so IQ means nothing.

Anonymous No. 16154591

> 70IQ inbred apes eating mud and poop in Turd World will get le "fixed" if we import them
> They just will
Average shitlib magical thinking
Adding poop to the pool, doesn't improve the poop, but shits up the pool.

Anonymous No. 16154597

America is getting most of it's immigrants from Mexico, which has a decent IQ. Europe is getting most of it's immigrants from the middle east/north Africa, which also has a decent IQ. Both are also getting Indian immigrants, which are some of the smartest people in the world, just look at the CEO of major tech companies. Stop acting like they're getting people from the Congo that can barely read or write.

Anonymous No. 16154602

> If 3rd world mass immigration is so bad, why are America/Europe hosting record GDP growth and scientific innovation
Do you live under a rock?
Europe has been stagnant for decades now, infact countries like UK and Germany posted GDP decline in recent years.
Eurocucks are currently undergoing deindustrialization and degrowth, turd worlders who are mostly unemployed and dependent on gibs are a burden on Eurocuck economy.
And this burden is only increasing.
If these turd worlders are so advanced and innovative why did they fail to develop their own countries? Why aren't they seeing record growth, as they have more of these people?
You are a dying cuck projecting your own misery and pessimism on the most Industrialised country on the planet, there are billions of us.

Anonymous No. 16154607

Europe is doing fine. There was this thing called the Ukraine war that is fucking up the continent, very different from your racist rants. And they still have decent GDP growth, and critical companies like Airbus and ASML. Where's China's version huh?

Also America is more mutted then Europe and for a lot longer, and they're thriving. Completely failed to mention that in your post I see.

>If these turd worlders are so advanced and innovative why did they fail to develop their own countries? Why aren't they seeing record growth, as they have more of these people?

You act like America/Europe aren't taking the top 1% of this people

Anonymous No. 16154625

> America is getting most of it's immigrants from Mexico
Yeah a country famous for being Drug Wars
> Europe is getting most of it's immigrants from the middle east/north Africa
These places are known from only 2 things
1. For being 70IQ inbreds
2. Low IQ Islamist Terrorism and War
> Both are also getting Indian immigrants, which are some of the smartest people in the world
I can literally smell you from here, you stinking panjeet, you guys are shameless.
> look at the CEO of major tech companies
Yeah I know that the highest achievement of panjeets is to be slaves for their wegro masters, bet these uncreative guys licked a lot of asses
> Stop acting like they're getting people from the Congo
Both America and Europe get a lot of Negro migration, specially Europe.
I am pretty sure there are more negros living in Paris than the French
As we can see the future of America and Europe is to become a hybridised hell hole with Mexican, Arab, African and Indian characteristics.
Basically in future, you can hope to see in these places a mexican burger flipper shitting on street while yelling aloha snackbar, an absolute baizou ideal