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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153042

Ok /sci I need some serious input here.
I am a 5, how do I improve to a 1?
I have been reading everywhere online but nobody is giving me good info on how you move up the chart which is the most important part.

Anonymous No. 16153045

Do you have any real reason you want to move up other than to cope with your subhuman nature?

Anonymous No. 16153047


So when I read books I can see what is going on, right now reading books is really boring as I cannot picture anything from the story.

Also I will be able to design things better if I can imagine them beforehand.

Anonymous No. 16153052

>reading books is really boring
>I will be able to design things better
You shouldn't be allowed near any designing, if anything you should only be allowed to clean toilets

Anonymous No. 16153073

I did lots of LSD/DMT and went from a 5 to a 3.

But I also went psychotic from doing it and I'm not schizophrenic because I haven't gone psychotic after 5 years of not touching the stuff again, YMMV.

Anonymous No. 16153088


so what happens when a 1 takes lsd/dmt?

Anonymous No. 16153104


I don't understand, what are you guys talking about? what is this?

Anonymous No. 16153107


If you dont understand you are a 5.
Just know their is whole world you cant even see that other people can.

Anonymous No. 16153111


I'll decide that for myself just tell me wtf yall are going on about

Anonymous No. 16153112

Everyone is a 1. The only people who think they're not a 1 are those who expect to literally hallucinate.

Anonymous No. 16153115


Some people can imagine and picture an apple with perfect visual clarity in their mind.
Other people can only see blackness in their mind, no matter how hard they try.
The question is if you can only see blackness in your mind, how do you learn to see the apple.

Anonymous No. 16153116


Is this referring to the general ability of people to visualize things? is that it?

Anonymous No. 16153117


Yes, some people will see a 3d apple with bright colours and perfect texture so it looks like an actual real life apple but is a picture in their mind.

Anonymous No. 16153124

Oh like that, thank you.

In this case, the inability to conjure imagery in your head is called "aphantasia", it's not really a medical condition per se, so you don't (can't) "cure" it.

Though if this more of a developed condition, i.e. you remember being better at visualization, then it's possible that you could improve it through some deliberate measures. Try to read descriptive literature and do more math that requires "visual" thinking, stuff like topology.

Don't be disheartened if you do end up having aphantasia though, there's plenty of things you can still do despite lacking visualization.

Anonymous No. 16153135


you think its a mental condition?
I believe it can be fixed, this very thread proves people can take drugs and move up the scale.
That proves its a medical or mental condition.

Anonymous No. 16153140

I also believe it can be fixed, provided that it's just poor visualization ability. Aphantasia and just a below average ability to visualize imagery are different things.

Drugs will probably move you down the scale though.

Anonymous No. 16153144

So if I look in the mirror I should see an apple floating inside my head?

Anonymous No. 16153159

I still don't understand this. If I look at this picture then close my eyes, I think I can form something like 2.5 immediatly then start filling in details until it's about 1.5. But how is that different than just memory? I don't really "see" it. Am I really a 5?

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Anonymous No. 16153202


Anonymous No. 16153208

why the lack of that type of thinking is considered wrong and how do you figure it's "better"/fixed when you think that way? that's quite retarded

Anonymous No. 16153216

You know that the picture is a meme to make people comment right? It's not a science at all.

Everyone is 1-5 depending on how you describe your own imagination. Everyone imagines things, but it's not literal, not like a picture and not like an empty 5 either, much less the ones in between.

It's just a meme, the difference never existed. It's made to make people comment either one of the following:
>i can't believe there are people out there imagining full rendered apples omg!
>wait, so there are people who can't imagine anything?
And they are both having the same experience.

Anonymous No. 16153257

>Other people can only see blackness in their mind, no matter how hard they try.
This is insanity. If you can't picture something in your mind then you'd be unable to remember anything. The colour red, the dog you own, your pantry cupboard. There does not exist a human on this planet who can't picture these things. The only reason 5s think they're real is because they're dumbasses who expect to hallucinate an image and don't understand the concept of "mind's eye". Every single person who has ever existed is a 1, it's just low IQ retards who don't understand the concept suggesting otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16153262

what languages you know?

Anonymous No. 16153267

hola anon, me sucasa only know mexican you hombre

Anonymous No. 16153286

If you actually believe in aphantasia you’ve failed the litmus test

Anonymous No. 16153292

I don't agree completely that it's "not real", but I have seen that there are a lot of people out there that somehow got the idea that it's "normal" to be able to fully see imagined objects, just like they're real, and anything else is "aphantasia". It's really, truly not.

So I do agree that this is a good litmus test to see how intelligent or aware or “conscious” someone else is.

Anonymous No. 16153295

Retards actually think they can turn themselves schizophrenic if they flex their mind’s eye hard enough lmao

Anonymous No. 16153850


It’s definitely real because I have it. It’s like a computer with the screen turned off, I know what the colour red is but my mind just sees blackness.
The real giveaway is dreams, I can see images when dreaming and definitely cannot do that when awake.
Thus it’s 100% real and why we need to find a cure.

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Anonymous No. 16153949

>if you were a perfect 1 you could make the apple physically appear

Anonymous No. 16154065

Learn to draw. Specifically with the book:
Drawing on The Right Side Of The Brain

Anonymous No. 16154079

how do you test this exactly?

so I imagine an apple. I give it all the details I need. I see the colors and I can rotate it around.

But am I really? Am I actually visualizing the apple or am I just tricking myself into thinking I am?

Anonymous No. 16154088

ignore what your eyes see.

Anonymous No. 16154092

try remembering e.g. dreams or past events
close your eyes and see if you can retain an after-image of the scene
its probably over for you though

Anonymous No. 16154096

try shape rotations on IQ tests; if you get the right answer then there is no trickery

Anonymous No. 16154122

This image is dumb, nobody sees artistic 2d simplifications of what they imagine.

Anonymous No. 16154144


Memory tests, there are heaps of apps you can download on your phone. 5 have awful memory especially for the visual memory tests.
That is actually something I have been trying, to so heaps of these tests to see if it helps but so far it has made no difference and I am still a 5

Anonymous No. 16154159


There is a visual memory app called blocks, I am struggling to get past level 6 as I can’t visualise in my head. Curious how far a 1or 2 can get.

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Anonymous No. 16154189


This is even worse, I can’t get past level 1 on this app as a 5.

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Anonymous No. 16154233

Science is too busy making money for big corpos, nobody cares about doing real science to know how to fix problems like that. Ask in /x/, you will have better chances there.

Anonymous No. 16154236

Wrong. Practice WILD lucid dreaming. The process to make AI hallucinate images follows the same steps as WILD.

Anonymous No. 16154278

honest question to fives.
could you describe your through process when you remember things?

also, do you have dreams at all when you sleep?

kfir No. 16154299

Imagine being divided over this internet meme. It's become like a real meme, like the mind virus that stopped people from building the Tower of Babel.

Hopefully the competency crisis will (not) lead to a breakdown between (not only) internet protocols.

Anonymous No. 16154308


I remember words thoughts and feelings. No pictures. That’s enough for most stuff but is terrible for visual memory tests etc.

It just feels like auto knowledge, I see a person and know who they are but I could never visualise them if they were not there.

It gets really odd driving, if I want to go somewhere I have not been for a year I just drive there, I will just randomly know to turn when I get to certain places but I have no idea beforehand where I will be going or what it will look like.

Also I can see vivid images when dreaming which is how I know with certainty this stuff is real and I am a 5 and 1s will exist, I am a 1 when dreaming.

Anonymous No. 16154514

The metaphor is so self-evident that an inability to recognise it would speak to a thorough lack in imaginative ability nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 16154822

Wrong. Try reading the post you reply to next time.
>This image is dumb, nobody sees artistic 2d simplifications of what they imagine.
>artistic 2d simplifications
Everyone who can visualize an apple can visualize a realistic 3d apple, the difference is in lucidity.
Again, you were wrong, but that's okay! Try to not be wrong 2x in a row.

Anonymous No. 16155202

i got three standard deviations above the norm for spatial IQ but i still feel like i’m not seeing anything

Anonymous No. 16155558

To the retards out there.
The way you solve the problem of being an NPC is you just have to imagine remembering doing the thing.
When you imagine the 3D apple, you remember what it is like to handle an apple. You remember what it is like that the apple smells, that when you cut the apple the juice leaks out. That the juice is not exactly like water, but not exactly like honey.
You imagine all these things from memory, using your memory. If you have no life, you have no memories to use.
There are such things as bad memories, which can lead to imagining bad things.
So, retards, there you are. If you want to know how to manipulate a 3D apple in your mind, remember the last time you handled an apple.
But you have to remember.

Anonymous No. 16155579

LMAO, you can't even understand why you are wrong.

Anonymous No. 16155582

what does being a 1 practically do for you in everyday life? as compared to a 5

Anonymous No. 16155619

Wrong! Again, you were wrong, but that's okay! Try to not be wrong 3x in a row.

Anonymous No. 16155737

No, you're the retard here. Aphantasists have given extensive descriptions of how it is they remember things, and it's generally that they recall by 'judgement', i.e. if you show them a red color thing and ask them "is this red?" they will be able to answer if this is true, but wouldn't be able to deliberately bring up a picture in their mental imagination of redness. That memory and imagination can be separated by this is an interesting and valuable thing to understand about psychology.

Anonymous No. 16155920

Am a 5. Wish I was a 1. If i could close my eyes and visualize the women I've seen that'd be great. If you've always been a 1 you can't change it. It has never been a hindrance personally nor am I a statistical anomaly due to it.

Anonymous No. 16156974

Let's do a test.
Hold an apple in your hand and look at it.
Close your eyes while still holding it: try to envisage it while you sense the apple by your hand.
Open your eyes and compare your imagined apple with the real thing, did you get close?
Now try to do that without holding it.

Anonymous No. 16157006

Is the aphantasia test the good old "can you jerk off without porn?"

Anonymous No. 16157534

Bean counters arent supposed to imagine, be creative or remember loved ones faces
You go back to your cubicle to count the beans

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16157570

I am a 6 or 7. I can imagine the apple rotating, when I am looking for something I can imagine that something in detail and rotating. I can even imagine the apple being cut into pieces and each piece eaten by a leprechaun.

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Anonymous No. 16157572

The numbers should increase with imagination level. Beyond photo-realistic is possible to image the object moving, rotating, being disassembled or cut into pieces and each piece eaten by a leprechaun or something.

Anonymous No. 16157638

You guys are so, so fucking retarded. Wow.

You actually think you're supposed to visualize your thoughts?

Fucking lol.

Anonymous No. 16157846

Most of you are not a 5. That is like those autistic people that can draw cities from memory. 4 is probably more than enough. Someone could design a part for a machine in their head on their morning walk or design a house or car in their head. Room for error, but sufficient for most applications in life.

Anonymous No. 16157849

I'm fucking retard. switch 5 with 1 and 4 with 2

Anonymous No. 16158108

as a child, i was a 1 with a very vivid imagination. i could also imagine sounds and voices when reading text. now, all is gone, and i can only imagine abstract objects like a 3.5. i suspect depression and caffeine.