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๐Ÿงต how do minerals tend to distribute themselves when put into an oil water emulsion?

Anonymous No. 16153166

How do minerals tend to distribute themselves when put into an oil water emulsion?

Like, you sprinkle some magnesium citrate into a vinegrette, where do you suppose its bits would end up hanging out?

Is it different when it's shaken or settled?

This isn't a homework question.

Pic is unrelated but it's funny that i happen to have it on my phone.

Anonymous No. 16153200

fake but believable

Anonymous No. 16153978

The aqueous phase

Anonymous No. 16154204

Yeah, this isn't a hard question. Mineral ions would be in the aqueous phase. If it's an emulsion the ions would surround the micelles

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Anonymous No. 16154415

>drinking a non-virgin's bath water

Anonymous No. 16154444

Seriously, can you get herpes from drinking bottled bath water? I thinks it's unlikely. The virus doesn't survive that long (at least 2-3 days for shipment) and the soap in the water should destroy the virus envelope.

Anonymous No. 16154446

>If it's an emulsion the ions would surround the micelles
Even at the level of crude organic fats and elemental minerals, matter organises itself like interstitial fluid: fatty globules, often enveloping beads of water if the emulsion is sufficiently blended, with any charged ions dissolved having a tendency to coat the lipid globes.

Anonymous No. 16154521

>bottled bath water
The robot waifu revolution cannot come soon enough.

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Anonymous No. 16154650

>The robot waifu revolution cannot come soon enough.

Yes... HURRY!