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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Why don't people want Jewish Science?

Anonymous No. 16153385

Anonymous No. 16153476

Why should anyone want jewish science when they can have their own domestic science from their own people instead?

Anonymous No. 16153490

look up groups like talpiot and other israeli military groups designed to infiltrate and dominate fields so they can be subverted.

Anonymous No. 16153494

commiting genocide against another group of people isn't a very nice thing to do.
>inb4 sandnigger worshipper
yes, I dated a sandingger woman. they're very nice.

Anonymous No. 16153569

Based. fuck Jewish science. Iran gets no funding, they're subject to a shit ton of sanctions, and yet they actually manage to do pretty good research, instead of pozzed globohomo woke research. Jews get all the funding the world, and all they produce is faggotry.

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Anonymous No. 16153651

because jews are all conscienceless liars and manipulators

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Anonymous No. 16153655

Anonymous No. 16153665

never knew /sci/ was soo antisemetic

Anonymous No. 16153841

Its afraid.

Anonymous No. 16153921

>commiting genocide against another group of people
TSMT This.
The jews' White genocide campaign is a legitimate tragedy that makes the whole world worse and its particularly bad for science

Anonymous No. 16154011

First day?

Anonymous No. 16154058

Yes, I am receiving my M.D. next year and none of my colleagues know that I am viciously anti-semitic and will subvert care for Jews however I can.

Anonymous No. 16154093

Name a single piece of good research produced by Iran

Anonymous No. 16154162

stop being racist, shlomo

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Anonymous No. 16154168

Show me a single cheek of decent Israeli ass. And no.. your photoshopped armysluts don't count

Anonymous No. 16154192

Their people created the systems of arithmetic we still use to this day

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Anonymous No. 16154208

They always lie and take credit for the hard work they never did. Only a complete imbecile would want anything to do with that vermin.

Anonymous No. 16154230

Itranny produced nukes while being sanctioned meanwhile Israel received tens of billions from the US every year plus a fuck ton of other support in the form of military bases that cost hundred of billions each year and still can't wipe out a shit tier army like Hamas.

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kfir No. 16154237

You guys are going to make the Angel of Death insane with your inane babbling.