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🧵 how do you cope with being low iq

Anonymous No. 16153401

anything more brutal than studying hard for a test and performing very badly, knowing people that studied less effortlessly, with much less stress, did better than you?
even with amphetamine and studying many hours for months. brutal.

it's the most demoralising thing ever. I am a beaten down dead dog today.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16153418

Another low IQ crybaby thread.
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Anonymous No. 16153564

>how do you cope with being low iq
i just dont think about it

Anonymous No. 16153843

bumping because im struggling to cope

Anonymous No. 16153987

By being a Chad. If you are low IQ and ugly then it's absolutely over.

Anonymous No. 16154048

Tests and schooling are cringe and gay, generally it won't matter after like 2 years at any job, at least with shit like stem. It sucks but the only cope is to just chug through and do it, that at least places you further ahead than everyone who dropped.

Anonymous No. 16154860

fuck you useless niggas
how the fuck do I stop caring nigga

Anonymous No. 16155108

Studying is an acquired skill. Concentration is a skill also, which develops through discipline. Stimulants don't really help, cramming on speed is not a good idea, because you'll get blazed on dopamine + epinephrine and get a false feeling that you are "studying", but you are just tweaking. For me,even caffeine is too much sometimes. Stimulants do raise concentration, reading and comprehension speed, but the stored information rarely ever goes into long term storage. Retention depends on your interest in material and understanding of it. If you are studying a topic that you have no interest in or you are not familiar with, you won't have a good time.
The solution is to simplify it as much as you can, go as low as possible, start from the beginning, understand the concept and fundamentals and then build up. Dig around and find something that will get you interested in a topic. Repetition is also important, more so for topics that you have low interest in, make sure to revise every day what you've studied yesterday, so it sticks.
90% of studied material will not remain in your memory for longer than 6 months if you don't use it or brush up on it from time to time.
If you wanna get into the fine details read up on dopamine,acetylcholine, epinephrine, agitation and their connection to studying.

Anonymous No. 16155134

>studied less effortlessly
damn, it's bad.
>even with amphetamine
quit that brain-destroying shit and start working out. Cardio is the best cognitive enhancer yet discovered.
Also, too much studying can be counterproductive because you overtax your brain. Limit it to a number of hours like a part-time job and get good sleep, that's when your brain forms the firm connections and develops understanding.

Anonymous No. 16155366

Maybe this will help, it’s a quote by Calvin Coolidge.
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Look at anyone who has ever made a difference in human history. They weren’t just exceptional in a given field- they were defined by their drive and ambition. Loads of them faced tons of failures before finally getting it right.

Anonymous No. 16155459

you fuckers with this standard advice
niggers ive been through 4 years of med school and been top of my class, I know how to fucking study
my point is the second I take my foot off the pedal or real smart people start working hard, I fall down
hard work beats talent until talent starts working hard as they say
yeah this is a cool quote
wish I was like Herr Gauss

Anonymous No. 16155794

Medical schools are for stupid people with good memory, you aren't expected to understand anything, just memorize it.

Anonymous No. 16156776

I don't think your problem is with how smart you are, maybe you got a bad case of fomo or some other bullshit but being butthurt about it wont help you.
Leave sundays for yourself my guy or you're gonna burn out, if it results in worse grades be strategic with what you neglect, there is no way that all classes are equally important
Last advice i would give you is turn of your pc/phone go on a walk or sleep it off, you shouldn't be on 4chan right now

Anonymous No. 16156787

>Retention depends on your interest in material and understanding of it. If you are studying a topic that you have no interest in or you are not familiar with, you won't have a good time.
I got something funny about that. I took a mental evaluation when I was 10 and did poorly half of the evaluation and great on the other half. Docs stated in the conclusion that the test is not indicative of intelligence and I may simply have no interest in learning lol. I can fix most those on a car so it is safe to say that I'm not a total loss, right?


Anonymous No. 16156789


Anonymous No. 16156814

Soooo, I just have to assume that I'm low IQ?