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Anonymous No. 16154036

how do i be white

Anonymous No. 16154040

Step one is to use punctuation and capitalization.

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Accutane Pill (20....png

Anonymous No. 16154049

You poor thing. Eat plenty of Vitamin A most times found in carrots peas and sometimes egg shells if you've got the belly for that. Don't overdose though because I took an acne drug called "Accutane" which is a very high potent form of Vitamin A-12. It did a number of hysterically almost demonic things to me. What Vitamin A does is cleans out your skin and rearranges your genetic structure helping you develop whiter more vibrant skin in higher amounts—permanently. If you weigh about 150 lbs. just take 20mg of Vitamin A supplements. Enjoy!

Anonymous No. 16154051

you're a stupid fucking spamming faggot KYS

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Anonymous No. 16155234


Anonymous No. 16155262

You will never be a white woman.

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Anonymous No. 16155281

like this

Anonymous No. 16155902

Glutathione injections

Anonymous No. 16155909

attack black people publicly and openly at all opportunities.
this is the only real answer ITT