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๐Ÿงต Erectile Disfunction

Anonymous No. 16154173

Seriously why? WTF. I'm just 24. My testosterone is right, I dont have heart issues or diabetes or stress. I fear i might have nerve damage. My weiner never gets hard, and i i force it to, it just fades away in like 5 seconds


Anonymous No. 16154174

inb4 le nofap meme: i barely ever masturbate, only like a few times a week if i remeber to do se

Anonymous No. 16154175

Not science or math fuck off

Anonymous No. 16154176

woah you are really retarded. This is medicine retard

Anonymous No. 16154200

Does it even matter? You are not getting laid anyways lmao

Anonymous No. 16154202

yeah really i actually wonder this lol, but it is also holding me back from getting laid in first place too (i have no libido and it would be embarrassing to deal with this if i were to get laid). the problem is i dont want impotence and abstinence 4ever, and i could easily get pussy (not an incel)

Anonymous No. 16154207

you need to work out and exercise
your dick is a vein with blood flow
it needs more blood flow
either exercise or take viagra and live 20 years fewer

Anonymous No. 16154209

yeah but how does that help though if i have no heart diseases. i can get hard while i make excersize though LOL
anyways will try some cardio and shit

Anonymous No. 16154211

Try getting fucked in the asshole, maybe you are just a fag.

Hyped_About_AI !!UvVvLRJ2txS No. 16154220

the answer is simple but you're likely to reject it.
Your ED issue comes from a lack of emotional connection with the sex of your choice.
I've had a ton of sexual partners, not saying that as a brag but saying this to give some grounding to my answer.
I noticed that the women I was lusting after, they never full aroused me, I was just seeking the orgasm. but for the few women who I truly felt a connection with, I had no issues with performance or pleasing them.

Find someone you like beyond the physical attraction and ed will be fixed (if you have no biological, mental or bio-chemical issues.)

Anonymous No. 16154511

Did you take the mRNA shots? How many?
Guess which company patented Viagra.

Anonymous No. 16154613

tripfag brag opinion, but this actually true, OP. I can confirm this is it

Hyped_About_AI !!UvVvLRJ2txS No. 16154711

>tripfag brag opinion
but then you say;
>but this actually true, OP. I can confirm this is it
stfu man, no one is bragging about shit. I gave OP grounds for my answer you trolling little shit head

Anonymous No. 16154713

it's probably pressure escaping through your anus, try doing it with a buttplug

Anonymous No. 16154755

this is completely bs. i have had sex and jerked off before and i never used to have this problem
i dont even remeber. i got some shady russian vaccine that gave me 0 colateral effects and astrazeneca i think. anyways this is not related bc i got them way b4 this started
i would see the blood faggot
i actaully might have hurted something my anus thats why i dont get hard

Anonymous No. 16154767

>i would see the blood faggot
maybe it coagulated. You better squat over a mirror right now and take a close look at your ass. Also make sure to stick a finger inside and feel it up a bit. Maybe you have an enlarged prostate that blocks bloodflow, massage it slowly and tenderly.

Anonymous No. 16154787

Are you stupid that's not erectile disfunction if you fap several times a week

Hyped_About_AI !!UvVvLRJ2txS No. 16154805

>this is completely bs
To you? maybe it is bs, but I stand by my post. your jerking off and having sex doesn't negate or even present a reason argument against what I said.

Anonymous No. 16154820

How fat are you? Can you run 5k?

Anonymous No. 16155147

well i do get like soft "bonners", enough so i can fap
i'm pretty skinny (bmi is like 20) and idk you mean 5k since i dont use american units. but i made a running test in the doctor and it was ok

Anonymous No. 16155149

it does, i mean i have fukced girls i didnt like personally just bc they were hot. but yeah hating or having fighted with a girl does make you boners go away

Anonymous No. 16155152

and btw i have to force my boners too, and never get one spontaniusly or when i wake up

Anonymous No. 16155213

How is your memory? Are you sure you're 24yo ? Because you sound like might be 44

Anonymous No. 16155236


get your boner back:

none of this is bullshit btw, do ALL of it

squats with heavy weights (goblet/front squats are fine)
SAD light 30 minutes before 10AM
magnesium, particularly magtein but make sure you are getting a lot of dietary magnesium too (sunflower seeds)
aerobic exercise

you WILL be fucking hard as a rock, the SAD light is probably the most important, there are studies on this look it up

Anonymous No. 16155240

You should hang yourself by the neck until dead. Make sure it's a short drop so you suffocate instead of snapping your neck.

Anonymous No. 16155299

ok maybe it's bc it has been raining for weeks so i cant even go out and run or sun

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Anonymous No. 16155326

Just get the nut pump thing FtM trannies have installed

Anonymous No. 16156357

>i actaully might have hurted something my anus thats why i dont get hard
You might have damaged the pudendal artery. Hop on 6g L-Citrulline (Citrulline Maleate) daily and see if things improve

Anonymous No. 16156689

You were born to live a life of the mind rather than succumb to vice and waste your life pursuing base distractions like carnal pleasure. You're destined for greater things froggo.

Anonymous No. 16156702

Have you ever taken antidepressants?

Anonymous No. 16156716

What's the point of having an erection anyway?

Anonymous No. 16156720

I had that for a few years from 16 to 19, fixed it with viagra and it restored function over time

Anonymous No. 16156721

teenagers need viagara? Lmao

Anonymous No. 16156726

Just kys

Anonymous No. 16156733

you should you limp dicked genetically deficient retard who takes drugs meant for geriatrics haha you must have heart problems or something

Anonymous No. 16156736

First of all, it happens. You're not unique or anything. Secondly, see a urologist. The solution might be as simple as taking 10 mg of cialis once a day. That's what worked for me, brother.

Anonymous No. 16156764

Good thing this isnt based on genetics, you fucking retarded sperg

Anonymous No. 16156810


Anonymous No. 16156817

Is the vaccine, kill some zog bots on your way out.

Anonymous No. 16156963

I have erectile disfunction unless I take capsules of oregano oil. I feel like I have untreated prostatitis. What do I do? I'm from Canada where seeing the doctor is free.

Anonymous No. 16157341

You just need to own it. Like a bald man who owns being bald. Chicks dig a confident man. Just be confident when you show women your flaccid penis

Anonymous No. 16157417

Just be a cuckold. You won't ever need to use it.

Anonymous No. 16158044

Do you use a mouthwash? If so, your mouth microbiome has to proceed nitrates ibto form that we can absorb. Then yiu get nitric oxide that is used to regulate erection.
If you take l-citrulline and your dock works again, than that's it.

Anonymous No. 16158074

5k meters you fucking retard. you deserve your fate.