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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154325

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]

Anonymous No. 16155312

Not a real scientist plus he's black

Anonymous No. 16156077

>Not a real scientist
ok, but most scientists are total douchebags, so not being one should count in his favor
>he's black
now thats a valid enough reason to hate someone

Anonymous No. 16156469

I don’t trust adults who like him. Anyone else is fair game. If he made videos like Sabine, he would be my favorite science communicator. However, his stuff is very basic and he goes over it again and again. Kind of like Zizek. After a few interviews you get the same stories, ideas, etc.

Anonymous No. 16156476

I've never encountered anyone with an opinion about him outside /sci/

Anonymous No. 16156482

Because forming an opinion about him would entail addressing the problem of Ns in our society, and nobody wants to do that.

Anonymous No. 16156484

The only thing I like about him is his belief of still using AD and BC instead of the retarded CE and BCE.

Anonymous No. 16156504

people don't hate him they hate pop science now

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Anonymous No. 16157472

he has a lot of the same appealing characteristics as yogi berra

Anonymous No. 16157531

People here have massive insecurity towards black people on average. And of course they do, they should.

Anonymous No. 16157995

pretty much. to be mean about it, he's a midwit special-ed teacher. i don't think people really hate him though. they just don't wanna listen to his remedial ramblings. but so many "science good" midwits wanna exalt him as a saint of savage whispering or whatever. so it breeds contempt.

nigger No. 16158052

i like him for the most part,he is a smart nigger so he makes stuff more interesting.
my only actual problem with him is supporting false woke ideas that have nothing to do with reality,tranny shit outside of that he is good,also i rememberd the annoying way he talked with joe rogan,i tihnk that also did effect his reputation(sorry for the way i talk,my brain is dead)

nigger No. 16158054

by the way when i said "smart nigger" i meant in comparison with your average nigger.

Anonymous No. 16158154

Yogi was a god.

Anonymous No. 16158159

>guys omg I'm gonna tell you a shocking revelation the sun is akshually WHITE
>[gasps from amerinegro audience followed by disbelief]
>[some incoherent pilpul alluding to white man bad]
Just another pop-sci parasite made for the American infotainment industry.

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Anonymous No. 16159734

>white man bad
Wow, would someone with an Ivy league degree really hate white men?

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Anonymous No. 16160254

Einstein hated whites too

Anonymous No. 16160296

People who have met him say he has a really shitty personality. The kind of guy who likes to smell his own farts and condescendingly say 'well actually' when you get a minor detail wrong about something -

Anonymous No. 16160347

>ok, but most scientists are total douchebags, so not being one should count in his favor
It doesn't. Not being one type of evil does not preclude a person from being another type of evil.

Thanks for completely wasting my time with that entire page of slop.

Anonymous No. 16160602

Because he sounds like this:

>NO NO NO *uses shitty analogy* AND THATS WHY *talks about himself* SCIENCE!

Anonymous No. 16160621

Even this quote makes it clear that he's referring to the semantic categorisation and not its referent. From that we can deduce that the intended audience for this picture is not expected to be intelligent enough to be able to discern that.

Anonymous No. 16161768

Harvard students are a low IQ group

Anonymous No. 16161782

>ok, but most scientists are total douchebags, so not being one should count in his favor
He's a douchbag AND he's not a scientist, what's your point? This man has never produced a work with a single shred of academic value in his life. All his PHD advisor did was stick the name Tyson on a paper out of pity and because he's le black faggot. He grifted onto TV shows and talk shows because again, he's le black faggot.

Despite getting carried and babied his entire life he still has the audacity to sit around huffing his own farts, still. I want to hear experts talk about their expertise, not some grifting nigger who can't stop talking about kissing yourself in the mirror.

Anonymous No. 16161809

I just don't want to look, listen, smell, or taste any blacks

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Anonymous No. 16162254

>why does everyone hate him
keep me out of this mess

Anonymous No. 16162805

>i love you balck soience man!!!
>i want to suck your dick and sheeeiiiitttt!!

Anonymous No. 16162856

try to make it less obvious that you're a 17 year old /pol/kid next time you post

Anonymous No. 16163417

>everyone is obsessed with politics because i am
nice projection

Anonymous No. 16163687

I understand that your threshold for sucking dick is low. Would be cool if you didn't lump everyone else with you desu.

Anonymous No. 16163688

Not a real scientist and he's a stupid ass DEI used like a whore for funding

Anonymous No. 16164104

>everybody who says something I don't like is /pol/
Admit you only like Nigdegrasse Tyson because he's a trained monkey who spouts off popsci, just admit it, everybody else knows.

Anonymous No. 16164112

Good little 17 year old /pol/kid just going off in his room

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16164131

Whites to be honest deserve every "hate". Just look at history. They treated people as subhumans just because of skin color and ethnic backgrounds, while at the same time, ironically, worshipping a jewish man on a cross. Maybe it's time for you retards to introspect as to why others hate you.

Anonymous No. 16164208

I couldnt care less that you hate me suhuman, I just don't want you near me.

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Anonymous No. 16164635

NDT was a pretty good baseball player himself

Anonymous No. 16165394

black soience man is annoying

Anonymous No. 16165412

Found the lost /pol/tard.

Anonymous No. 16165558

He is popsoyence monkey who repeats same tired shit ad nauseam.

Anonymous No. 16165576

Because reddit types simped too hard for him which made him annoying by proxy.
Same reason people hate celebrities in general.

Barkon No. 16165577

This isn't philosophy


Anonymous No. 16166010

All I'm hearing is the absence of an argument. I'll take that as a concession.

Anonymous No. 16166339

Do you have a single reason why anyone should respect him as a scientist or are you going to keep seething about /pol/?

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Anonymous No. 16167684

He is important because he is a negro

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16168284

Jews and negroes hate whites out of jealousy and envy. Whites trigger their inferiority complexes

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Anonymous No. 16169428

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Anonymous No. 16170266

omg, how did people that dumb graduate from an ivy?

Anonymous No. 16170289

Watched a documentary about the Columbia disaster that was narrated by him just earlier, He really should narrate stuff more often.

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Anonymous No. 16171024

Did you know that he is related to Linda Ham through her father

Anonymous No. 16171865

unironically a far more important space scientists than black soience man will ever by

Anonymous No. 16172944

>why does everyone hate him
He demoted Pluto. That's unforgivable.

Anonymous No. 16173032

>ham the space chimp is linda ham's father
this explains so much

Anonymous No. 16173035

He is technically a real scientist in the sense that he completed and defended his doctorate and did do some research of note... but that was ~30 years ago and he's done nothing but PR shit and outreach since then.

Anonymous No. 16173135

I like how mad he makes everybody

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16173202

With his 120 IQ he is definitely in the 99th percentile of his race which actually is a shame for the nigs

Anonymous No. 16173660

What constantly being in the media does to a mf

Anonymous No. 16173686

I generally do not think about people being black or whatever. Normal people do not have thoughts like "good black" and the like. I just see a fellow human been and your brain rot thought process drenched in culture war shit is completely alien to me

Anonymous No. 16174969

>Normal people do not have thoughts like "good black"

Anonymous No. 16176148

>did do some research of note
no he didn't

Anonymous No. 16176854

He researches how to sell popcorn at his movie theater

Anonymous No. 16177680

let me guess, his sales pitch is
>buy my popcorn or your racist

Anonymous No. 16177958

Science loves me this I know
'Cause black science man tells me so

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Anonymous No. 16177971

I honestly didn't know everyone hates him which is such a tragedy. I purchased a copy of "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" a while back. He's actually the host on that show. I've watched the whole darn thing twice by now and it's like a 6-Disc set I think? Absolutely adore it. Mr. Tyson has to be one of the greatest of his kind these days.

"Success is inevitable with the differences of time." - ???

I guarantee you Mr. Tyson knows that Aristotle figured out 3 is a very Universal number.

Anonymous No. 16178587




Anonymous No. 16179297
The Star Trek connection

A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

The first thing detectives from the Toronto police sex crimes unit saw when they entered Roderick Cowan's apartment was an autographed picture of William Shatner. Along with the photos on the computer of Scott Faichnie, also busted for possessing child porn, they found a snapshot of the pediatric nurse and Boy Scout leader wearing a dress "Federation" uniform. Another suspect had a TV remote control shaped like a phaser. Yet another had a Star Trek credit card in his wallet. One was using "Picard" as his screen name. In the 3 1/2 years since police in Canada's biggest city established a special unit to tackle child pornography, investigators have been through so many dwellings packed with sci-fi books, DVDs, toys and collectibles like Klingon swords and sashes that it's become a dark squadroom joke. "We always say there are two types of pedophiles: Star Trek and Star Wars," says Det. Ian Lamond, the unit's second-in-command. "But it's mostly Star Trek."

Anonymous No. 16180201

trekkiexisters, this doesn't look good for us

Anonymous No. 16181018

shut up fatty

Anonymous No. 16181037

He's easy to hate because he's just a spokesman and entertainer, the "front door" of academia so to speak. Easiest to throw eggs and paper rolls at.

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Anonymous No. 16181324

He's not even the original black science man; that's my nigga Ronald Mallet

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16182190

the inventor of watermelonium

Anonymous No. 16182296

>immediately things about sucking dicks for no reason whatsoever
i get that you are gay but i never even asked in the first place.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16182297

Einstein hated Chinks and Jeets and left us his notes to prove it.

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Cult of Passion No. 16182322

Upgrade your AstroPhysics and Historical Astronomical Cartography and various eccentric curiosities.

Cult of Passion No. 16182837

I suck dick btw. Thinking about transitioning lately

Anonymous No. 16183408

jews hate everyone that isn't jews, they don't even consider nonjews to be human, dehumanization of "the goyims" is the biggest part of their religion and culture

Anonymous No. 16183756

Didn't this dude get forced by trannies to acknowledge gender ideology?

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Cult of Passion No. 16183781

Infinitly (∞) so.


Anonymous No. 16185030

he is a tranny, he pees sitting down

Anonymous No. 16185880

He kisses himself in the mirror too

Anonymous No. 16187069

>it retreads stuff a lot of the time
because of his extremely limited body of knowledge

Anonymous No. 16188468

he does that standing up

Anonymous No. 16188571

>his show
I didn't even know he had a show. I always see him as a guest elsewhere, talking about shit he doesn't understand with maximum confidence.

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Anonymous No. 16189123

hes not the only one, your showbiz career is pretty much over if you don't

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16190153

What wrong with hating negroes solely because they're negores?

Anonymous No. 16190492

He loves hearing himself talk and kissing himself in the mirror

Anonymous No. 16190591

Have you seen the ivy league? If you are a rich kid with a pencil and an average IQ they'd easily push you through. I doubt NDT is dumb but the ivy league is a fucking joke that thrives off our taxpayer dollars and refuses to allow those same peons to get into their school. Fuck the ivy league

Anonymous No. 16191025

Why nu-scientists like this?

Anonymous No. 16192112

>I doubt NDT is dumb
Why do you doubt that? What has he ever done to merit such doubt?

Anonymous No. 16192162

He's okay in small doses, but he thinks way too highly of himself.

Anonymous No. 16193327

stop being racist

Anonymous No. 16193728


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Anonymous No. 16194823

misgendering is illegal, its a hate crime

Anonymous No. 16195523

I best he has a whole collection of NASA t-shirts

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Anonymous No. 16195968

>why does everyone hate him
No they don't, you're spending too much time on /sci/.

These people don't get this man, at all.

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Anonymous No. 16195975

I said none of those words.

Anonymous No. 16195979

>All his PHD advisor did was stick the name Tyson on a paper out of pity and because he's le black faggot.
Evidence or shut the fuck up. Show me his advisor saying that.