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🧵 How true is this ?

Anonymous No. 16154439

Anonymous No. 16154450

Homo sapiens (modern humans) came out of Africa, gone through 100s of thousands of years of natural selection, genetic mutations for hair color, skin color, etc. to be as adaptive to the environment as possible. Africans in Africa (especially in certain parts) didn't have to move out and didn't went through evolutionary pressure unlike others that moved out, so it's natural to think that the "chimps" that stayed there didn't had much mutations and stayed closed to chimps there, and chimps that moved out, varies a lot due to selection pressure. Monkeys originated from Africa, so are humans.

It's not that it's controversial to say this. It's just that some dumb racist retards who don't give a shit about actual evolutionary biology would abuse this to validate their racist beliefs. Of course, I know about moralistic fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16154464

>It's just that some dumb racist retards who don't give a shit about actual evolutionary biology would abuse this to validate their racist beliefs

But wouldn't they have a point if they say that those mutations and pressure made some groups genetically predisposed to be smarter ?

Anonymous No. 16154477

Out of Africa has been debunked. Deboonkeeddd. Go with the time.

Anonymous No. 16154484

First, you shouldn't use space for question mark in the end. Don't write like some 3rd world retard.

>But wouldn't they have a point if they say that those mutations and pressure made some groups genetically predisposed to be smarter?
Of course they do. Sustaining in cold, harsh climates would require planning and decision making (prefrontal cortex activation for executive functioning). This is why Northern Europeans (and those who have Northern European admixture) have high intelligence because they had to survive in harsh climates. Jews are also selected for their intelligence, because they have been minority virtually for 1000s of years, and they give emphasis on education. Hindu Brahmins are also selected for their intelligence because they must memorize the entire Vedas because most of Indian texts were transmitted and preserved orally for 1000s of years. And the list goes on.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16154490

>Out of Africa has been debunked
No, it isn't. You're a retard - try reading about it in detail. It's still the most prominent scientific theory. Your jew-god didn't crate humans in 7 days.

Anonymous No. 16154503

Right, so what's so bad about "racist retards" making other people cogniscent of these differences?

Anonymous No. 16154513

Ancient hominins are found all over the fertile crescent, near east and north africa. The oldest modern human remains are found in Morocco, not Sub-Saharan africa.

Anonymous No. 16154520

Because racism is bad. If your intellect cannot comprehend this, you're too low IQ to understand evolutionary biology anyway, so don't even try.

>waiting for autistic retards to go REEEE for "racism is bad"

Anonymous No. 16154550

It is very true infact Negros in Africa have "ghost" DNA which literally no other race of humans have.
Go back to your bunker you illiterate donkey

Anonymous No. 16154557

Humans aren't One, it is obvious to anyone who isn't a low IQ failed leftist ideology worshiper.
There are and were many different species of Humans that evolved in different regions, this has been already confirmed.
Modern Humans descend from many of these species, different races have distinct ancestry.
Asians mostly descend from erectus and neanderthals
Europeans mostly descend from neanderthals and sapiens.
Negros descend mostly from some unknown ancestor and sapiens.
The truth is the taxonomy is fucked up, a lot of people think that Homo sapiens are le one Human race/species but that isn't true.

bodhi No. 16154563

>Homo sapiens (modern humans) came out of Africa
nope, wrong

Anonymous No. 16154576

Homo sapiens aren't even a single unified race of "humans".
There is no one on earth who is a pure "homo sapien".

Anonymous No. 16154628

>Because racism is bad.
What exactly do you mean by "Racism"? South African apartheid? Nazi Germany? Indian caste system?
What do you mean by the word and why is it condemnable?

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Anonymous No. 16155360

Its 100% true, Africans continue to interbreed with chimpanzees to this day.
>The genetic makeup of a 12-year-old Angolan, boy is now disputed by experts
>after his deceased mother allegedly told him he is the offspring of a human
>chimpanzee love affair, reports the Gazeta Nacional.
>The story made national headlines and has unleashed an outpour of generosity
>towards Augusto Dembo, 12, who now lives with his uncle and aunt in the capital
>city of Luanda.
>Although the young boy has become an instant celebrity, many experts dispute the
>claim that he is the product of the s*xual intercourse between a human and a

Anonymous No. 16155373

Because they don’t just want to “make people aware”, they explicitly want to use these differences as a justification to treat people they view as lesser poorly.

Anonymous No. 16155404

No, it's antiracists who use their lies as justification to treat white people poorly

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Anonymous No. 16155425

Trvthnuke inbound. Out of Africa theory is wrong because human fossils from South America were found that date back to the early Pleistocene two million years ago. Throughout the world in various locations, modern human remains and stone tools have been discovered at geological strata that dates them to being tens of millions of years old if not older. These findings have been dismissed as being flukes due to biologists having a preconceived notion that’s it’s impossible for the bones to be that old and therefore their placement in the geological strata must be wrong somehow. Modern humans have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years.

Anonymous No. 16155433

This is like saying Mercury is closer to the sun than the Andromeda galaxy. Like, of course Mercury is closer to the sun than the Andromeda galaxy but also what's the point?

The implications are that somehow that makes Africans unworthy of being called human in order to push some racist agenda when the question should be HOW closely related they are and the answer is obviously, not very. Africans have far more relation to other humans than Chimpanzees by so much that to even bringing this up is nonsense. It's akin to the aforementioned distance between Mercury and the Andromeda Galaxy and forces the question of why you even brought this up. What's YOUR agenda OP?

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Anonymous No. 16156123

>I refuse to accept reality because muh "antiracist" political dogma is more important to be that truth is

Anonymous No. 16156185

>unworthy of being called human
No racist says that. Even Homo abilis was human. The point is that blacks are on average incapable of living peacefully in white societies.
Stop making up strawmen.

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bodhi No. 16156194


Anonymous No. 16156201

>How true is this ?
No clue, but it seems believable based on what I can see with my own two eyes. It's kind of like if someone claimed that the sky is blue; I'm not going to argue against it.

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bodhi No. 16156218

As opposed to whites and asians having to be treated poorly and watching their entire civilization collapse from living alongside wild animals. I mean we might as well give gorillas citizenship and voting rights, nothing to lose at this point. Access to white people is a privilege not a right

Anonymous No. 16156347

> smart because they had to survive in harsh climates

Africa is also very difficult to survive in kek

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Anonymous No. 16156535

Okay, I'll bite. What are these schizos attempting to prove with shit like this? I don't even care about the validity of the """"data,"""" but what conclusions can be drawn from proving person A is 6 gorillionths of a percent genetically closer to a chimp than person B? How does it contribute to science? I'm just curious at this point.

Anonymous No. 16156572

Yeah but being more intelligent helps you survive winter but doesn't stop you from dying from malaria.

Anonymous No. 16156584

>How does it contribute to science?
Any piece of knowledge contributes to science no matter the conclusions.

Anonymous No. 16156592

Science isn't concerned about knowledge, as it isn't concerned with truth in general. It only wants models, moderately accurate isomorphisms, which don't map to any underlying thing whatsoever.
In this manner, they can dispense with reality and embrace the materialist delusion.

Anonymous No. 16156796

I'm the OP and I think this matter is important because if X population additionnally to its archaic morphological traits :

>The present investigation is primarily concerned with this latter finding. Qualitative and quantitative comparative analyses of Plio-Pleistocene through recent samples suggest that, of all modern populations, Sub-Saharan Africans are the least derived dentally from an ancestral hominid state

also shows a genetic closeness then we can start wondering about the implications as far as their intellectual capacities are concerned.

Anonymous No. 16156908

Fuck off you ignorant piece of shit. You only repeat like a parrot all the nonsense you were fed.

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Anonymous No. 16156914


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16156918

Niggers are beasts, those things are not humans. Simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16158142

You should stop projecting your own poor morals and selfish values on innocent racists.
Under the righteous rule of racists, negroes in America became the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of african origin anywhere on the planet.

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Anonymous No. 16159422


Anonymous No. 16159722

Since when is Turkey in Europe ?

Anonymous No. 16159732

Well post the paper.
Also note that 'ressemblance of DNA' isnt really as informative as numbnuts generally like to imply as much of DNA encodes basic life. And alot of it also is rubbish, trash, evolutionary baggage and so on.
If expressed in integer percentage I would not be surprised if humans share the same amount of DNA with a pig as they do with a chimp. Maybe 95+ percent or whatevs.

Anonymous No. 16159736

Turks are blacks. They are not europeans, turkey is asian. The fact that they are an occupying force of parts of europe, cyprus and constantinople to be precise, does not make turks a tiny bit less asian or more european.

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Anonymous No. 16159764

>How true is this ?
do you really expect anyone here knows or cares? malicious bullshit
humans are similar to chimpanzees and bonobos to around the same degree, right?
i'd be curious which race is most similar to bonobos.
chimpanzees are violent neurotic fuckheads, while bonobos are more about chilling out and smoking weed, from what i understand. a bonobo is much less prone to suddenly ripping your face off, all else being equal.

bodhi No. 16160140

Anatolians were aryans

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Anonymous No. 16160167

>What are these schizos attempting to prove with shit like this?
They're desperate to seperate themselves from Africans as some vain attempt to state they are a different subspecies or species.

The problem is that animal models already show humans in general are already so close to other species dna wise that the chimpanzee comparison looks quaint.

Pic related basically makes the entire debate looks foolish. There's a good reason we use flies and mice for medical testing that ultimately ends up for human trials.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16160587

It makes perfect sense to classify negroes as a foreign species, separate from the white man. They behave completely differently, their countries were so underdeveloped that they were completely cucked by the more advanced Europeans for about a hundred, the remainder of their civilizations fell back into bickering tribes of barbarous apes as soon as the wypipo left, they even smell like a foreign species when I walk by them on the street. If you gave me a sample of negro sweat and white man sweat I 100% guarantee I'd be able to differentiate on the spot.

The facts here are an excellent justification for racism, it's great really.

Anonymous No. 16160625

>Homo sapiens (modern humans) came out of Africa
it has been disputed

Anonymous No. 16161773

The out of Africa meme was developed as a means to shill a political argument, it has no basis in reality, all the fossil and genetic evidence says its not true.

Anonymous No. 16162325

The most frustrating part of all this is that everyone is like "Diversity is good!" except when it comes to human diversity.
Because humans are not diverse and are entirely identical in form and function.
I mean, Academia deserves to collapse, because Academia is the same everywhere, because all humans are the same everywhere.
I mean...this is all deserved.

Anonymous No. 16163507

>Africans in Africa (especially in certain parts) didn't have to move out and didn't went through evolutionary pressure
They went though evolutionary pressure via events like the bantu expansion, which is still currently ongoing. Over the past 400 years or so bantus have even started to expand their range outside of Africa

Anonymous No. 16164289

that's a question for the next episode.

Anonymous No. 16165193

An in the process of the Bantu expansion, the Bantus have wiped out hundreds of other black African races. They don't care about diversity even slightly, they're only concerned about their own kind, they don't have a savior complex for other races

Anonymous No. 16165329

Pop sco trash; not a paper. Read the literature you tard.

Anonymous No. 16166027

>surviving the cold is hard
>surviving on the continent with the most man eaters isn't

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Anonymous No. 16166797


Anonymous No. 16167844

>The out of Africa meme
has been conclusively disproved, yet the theory remains popular.
if it was science then the disproof would've made the theory go away, since it didn't that proves that The out of Africa meme is not a valid scientific theory

Anonymous No. 16168455

Same thing is true of so many other supposedly scientific theories, when they evidence that disproves them comes around that evidence is just disregarded because scientists don't want to admit they were dumb enough to believe in a false theory.

Anonymous No. 16168917

Out of Africa is retarded since all the other species in our genus we find are actually just a small slice of of the various species everyone in the world evolved from locally, with great intermixing as well. Nothing close to humans coming out of one place or developing in one place. This is the reason homo sapiens shouldn't be treated as a single, unified taxonomic entry. I mean it is quite obviously inconsistent with the rest of taxonomy, especially hominid taxonomy.

Anonymous No. 16168955

The Chinese believe than the Han are a different species than other humans and that's pretty pervasive throughout Chinese academia. If the west falls and China rises, we could see the concept of there being different human subspecies become widely accepted in science.

Anonymous No. 16169287

True enough that everyone knew it intuitively already, including blacks

Anonymous No. 16169309

Historically, Han is not always used as a racial concept but a cultural concept. If you were "civilized" by Han culture aka sinocized, you can claim yourself a Han. And no, they dont think there are different human subspecies either. Their country are to ethnically diverse to do that. Non-Han are considered savages, barbarians (aka cattles). They would force you to knowtow to them (which is reserved for worshipping ancestor) to acknowledge their superiority. If you refuse to submit, non-Han men will be castrated or killed and non-Han women raped and forced assimilation into Han culture. They were multi-ethnic imperialist yellow jews.

Anonymous No. 16169802

>scientists don't want to admit they were dumb enough to believe in a false theory.
They don't want to admit that they intentionally shill theories that they know are false because they want to maintain their fictitious credibility. If they were just making innocent mistakes then they could just cop to having learned from their mistake and move on

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Anonymous No. 16170962

Anonymous No. 16170994

>we could see the concept of there being different human subspecies become widely accepted in science.

Not him but then they would have to change the categorization of other species too. The Common Cuckoo and the Hawaiian Happy Face Spiders both have races despite being classified as a single species.

That's part of why the whole human race to subspecies argument is bullshit. Because humans aren't the only organism with this type of layout despite what the spergs on this board say. More importantly if there was validity to this argument then why isn't there more outspokeness by entire countries outside the west? How the hell can countries be willing to be outspoken on territorial disputes, economic disputes, military disputes, population decline disputes that can affect the entire world openly but be silent as a church mouse concerning scientific human categorization?

If this was legit we would already see China pushing for it openly.

Anonymous No. 16171853

On Novermber 16, 1945 the UN declared the humanity was a single species and all UN member nations must abide by this declaration.
The UN made it's declaration with no scientific basis or even any debate of the facts, DNA hadn't even been discovered in 1945, so most of the facts available today weren't even available and yet the issue has never been revisited regardless all the new information which has come to light, and that on goes to reinforce how completely unscientific the idea of humanity as a single species is.

Anonymous No. 16172983

have they ever revisited their declaration and considered the new evidence that has subsequently come to light?
maybe the negroes of the UN consider it insulting to their race to be considered the same species as whites?

Anonymous No. 16174195

>maybe the negroes of the UN consider it insulting to their race to be considered the same species as whites?
They'd be like that if they had any pride in their race, but why would they have that?

Anonymous No. 16175034

they clearly don't, all of their cultural efforts are just imitating and cargo culting white culture

Anonymous No. 16175041

so you agree small genetic differences can have a huge impact on what a living being is

Anonymous No. 16175080

Let's examine your statement using real world examples.

Aboriginal Australians and Inuit Eskimos are more related to non-Africans than they are to Africans. They also have less proported Chimpanzee DNA than Africans do.

But on the flip side they have less civilization and academic development than the Africans who are supposed to have more Chimpanzee DNA than any other population on earth. Which actually makes Africans closer to non-Aboriginal Australians and non-Inuit Eskimos development wise.

What small genetic differences caused this situation to occur?

Anonymous No. 16176235

my ancestor :)

Anonymous No. 16176236


Anonymous No. 16176605

Racism against observably and statistically violent demographics is a survival mechanism. Try leaving your gated community.

Anonymous No. 16176610


Anonymous No. 16177482

So according to this Neanderthalis contributes autism, Erectus contributes bug-like behaviour, Sapiens contributes sapience, and the Unknown Ancestor contributes low time preference.

Anonymous No. 16177486

>But on the flip side they have less civilization and academic development than the Africans
You have to remove the civilization Africans have that is just obtained from whites

Anonymous No. 16177524

This is not an argument. It would only be valid if groids were less than 61% similar to us. All you've shown here is that tiny differences in DNA make MASSIVE differences between organisms.
You're too stupid to understand this, of course, but that's why you're a leftist.

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Anonymous No. 16177559

>But on the flip side they have less civilization and academic development than the Africans who are supposed to have more Chimpanzee DNA than any other population on earth. Which actually makes Africans closer to non-Aboriginal Australians and non-Inuit Eskimos development wise.
Australia is a wasteland, but Africa is the most resource rich continent. There, I've come up with a rebuttal.

Did you know that they've found that European populations have a higher frequency of alleles positively associated with intelligence than African populations? Despite that, within the reaches of their power, they attempted to entirely ban such research. But, as always, the truth prevails. Down with your ideologically driven pseudoscience! It's extremely, extremely unlikely that all populations had an equal evolutionary pressure towards intelligence, despite evolving in entirely different ecologies for thousands of years; it's utterly ludicrous. You guys literally banish intellectuals for investigating this sort of thing. You're not the good guys here; history will not paint you in a good light. The commies pushed pseudoscience, so it should be no surprise that you'll try it too.


Anonymous No. 16177560


bodhi No. 16177611

Yes, that is what I said. Is there an echo in here?

Anonymous No. 16178082

good video

Anonymous No. 16178431

>>surviving on the continent with the most man eaters isn't
behavioral sink moment