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๐Ÿงต Kolmogorov probability concept

Anonymous No. 16154856

Is Kolmogorov's axiomatization of the concept of probability a physical theory?

What's a list of the physical theories?
1) General relativity spacetime with Newton laws and fields like the electromagnetic ones
2) Quantum field theory(s)
Then statistics applied to it (itself making use of Kolmogorov), which justifies but doesn't necessarily give all the models of
3) Thermodynamics
That all?

Anonymous No. 16154992

I still remember the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation from stochastics lecture

Anonymous No. 16155005

All of math is physical theories. The purpose of math is to describe reality.

Anonymous No. 16155704

no, the purpose of reality is to enact and embody maths.

Anonymous No. 16156901

without equals

Anonymous No. 16156999

schizophasia thread

Anonymous No. 16157048

Lmao what? Where did you get this notion? The purpose of theoretical physics isn't even to "describe reality." It's all platonic forms all the way down.

When we get some realistic application that's a benefit but it's certainly not the modern formulation of probability.

Anonymous No. 16158274

Interesting question OP. Quantum probability is closely related to quantum logic, and it definitely raises questions about the empirical nature of probabilistic theory.

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Anonymous No. 16158281

I'm taking a course of quantum probability at the moment. This is related to the Kochen-Specker theorem and Gleason's theorem and the notion of quantum probability spaces.