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๐Ÿงต Sleep Walking Medications

Anonymous No. 16155106

Which hypnotic medications causes sleep walking? I've had an anon on /fit/ tell me that all of them do. Ambien will definitely make you sleep walk (and do batshit insane shit while doing so), and lunesta will also make you sleep walk. A lot of unrelated sleep medications will also apparently make you sleep walk, like belsomra; although I find this highly unlikely. GHB is known for literally knocking people out. People will literally pass out in the middle of standing and just fucking drop if they take enough of it. There's a reason why it's such a popular date rape drug. I find it unlikely that this hypnotic would cause anyone to sleep walk. It essentially turns you into a stone at a high enough dose (3.5 ml or higher).

Anonymous No. 16156399

I used to room with a chick in college that would take Ambien and do all kinds of fucked up shit and not remember it. She would cook and leave the burner on, drive places, and she sucked my cock more than a few times while apparently dead ass asleep. I finally had to move out because I was afraid that she would burn the fucking house down on an Ambien zombie adventure while I was sleeping, blowjobs or no.

Anonymous No. 16157105

>and she sucked my cock more than a few times while apparently dead ass asleep.
Kek. Did she ever suck your cock while she was awake and not under the effects of ambien?

Anonymous No. 16157223

All the hardcore sleep drugs do that. Ask your doctor for an off label sleep drug. I forget the name but one of the first pills for depression doesn't really work well for depression but it does put people to sleep. I personally take 50mg of quietapine when I need a good night's rest. Its marketed as an anti psychotic but is by far the best sleep medication I've ever tried.

Anonymous No. 16157233

>All the hardcore sleep drugs do that.
I need proof, though. Ambien will definitely make you sleep walk, and lunesta is apparently not as bad, but still pretty bad for sleep walking. Ambien is the only drug I've heard stories of people sleep walking on. I take this medication called belsomra, which, as tested by the FDA, has the potential to get certain people to sleepwalk, but from my experience, I've never sleepwalked on it. I live with someone else, so I would figure out relatively quickly. When you sleepwalk on ambien, you tend to do really weird shit, so I figure sleepwalking on other medications would be the same. Belsomra isn't really that powerful in the first place. I've never heard of sleepwalking stories from people on benzos or GHB, and benzos can be pretty powerful hypnotics. GHB literally makes people drop while they're up and about, resulting in people around the house hearing a thud when someone collapses. I find it hard to believe that GHB, a hypnotic, would make people sleepwalk. People infamously use GHB for date rape because it essentially turns people into stones.

Anonymous No. 16157258

>There's a reason why it's such a popular date rape drug
Wrong retard. It takes grams of it to achieve an effect and tastes salty and like a solvent. Anyone would notice if you slipped it into a drink. The whole muh date rape drug was just an effort by regulatory agencies to ban over the counter sales of it, where it used to be able to be acquired as a supplement.

Anonymous No. 16157277

>It takes grams of it to achieve an effect
People typically dose it in increments of half a gram, which is literally just half a milliliter. Most people will pass out after any more than 3.5 ml. This is by itself. Alcohol is known for having a very strong synergy with GHB, making GHB a lot more potent and last a lot longer in the blood. If someone is really drunk, you could likely knock them out with 2 ml. That's not much at all. From what I've heard, when used for date rape, people commonly use 5 ml +. Also, it's a schedule I drug in the US. It's pretty fucking powerful, and the US government is known for making much weaker drugs available with a prescription only, so it seems funny that they wouldn't make it a scheduled substance. You can get a prescription for it in certain countries, since it is a powerful hypnotic. In Russia, people commonly get prescribed phenibut for anxiety and insomnia. GHB also has the power to make you stop breathing, so you could theoretically kill a teenager if he decided to take too much at once one day.

Anonymous No. 16157407

You can get a prescription for it in the United States wherein such a formulation is actually CIII (sodium oxybate), there are no restrictions for off label use and could well be prescribed for insomnia albeit at an extremely steep cost. Suffice it to say, your argument is a bit convoluted and falls flat whenever GABAA PAMs even more strongly potentiate alcohol and are active in sub milligram doses to which would actually be easier to drop in and harder to organoleptically detect. A spec compared to a decent sized squirt. GHB's hypnotic effects will expire sooner and it's amnesiatic effects are less pronounced, and like alcohol rebounds so the victim would quickly regain their wits and piece together a narrative as to who done it. As for its scheduling, that is a poor appeal to authority and only reinforces the idea of it being a date rape drug as fabricated narrative to ban sales of it and conveniently offer a path to have it sold as an extremely expensive orphan drug. Which wouldn't be an entirely bad thing (with the advent of dude weeding and heavy drinking and supplements are often junk, look at most fish oils) were it not for the orphan status which confines its on label use to rare diseases to which insomnia is not. The clinical trials ongoing are always for insomnia + some other disease which keeps the selection narrow enough to be considered rare.

Anonymous No. 16157438

The most fucked up drug I can think of that you can get without a prescription is benadryl, but that's only because allergies can be deadly. Insulin can also be deadly, but you still need a prescription for stronger insulin drugs like humalog. GHB can get you high, and you can form a strong dependence on it, it can knock you out, it can kill you by causing you to stop breathing, and it can be used for date rape. Allowing such a drug to be sold over the counter would be insane. I'm all for legalizing drugs, but it would be careless to allow the legal sale for such a thing without mandating a ton of warning labels all over the thing, and it would be careless to allow for its sale outside of businesses with special licensing, prohibiting it from being sold at places like supplement shops and grocery stores.
>and like alcohol rebounds so the victim would quickly regain their wits and piece together a narrative as to who done it.
From what I've heard, when used for date rape, they typically use 5 ml or more. The alcohol intensifies it's effects, so if the person is already pretty drunk, that 5 ml is more like 7 ml, and the alcohol also makes the GHB stay longer in the body. Also, the way drugs work is with half lifes, so if people typically sober up after a couple hours on a typical GHB dose, then 5 ml of the stuff with alcohol would likely be enough to keep you out for several hours. Date rape can only take around 15 minutes, though. If the offender does decide to rape the person for multiple hours, then there is a chance the victim would suddenly wake up during the act, but this would take literal hours.

Anonymous No. 16157983

ah, is this the new sleeping pill that acts on a different neurotransmitter, orexin, allegedly has nothing to do with Gaba.
I wonder if its also addictive and if you build tolerance to it as is the case with almost every drug. A fucking antihistamine like Benadryl can be addictive too because if you stop using it you get the withdrawals as an incredible strong itching that lasts for days. Or like hormone replacement therapy where if you stop it your body crashes and cant go back to what it was.
Its a new drug so ill wait for early adopters to test it.

Anonymous No. 16158001

I've been on and off it for quite a while. It's been available for prescription for a decade now. I haven't had any bad side effects. All it does is inhibit the receptors for a hormone for wakefulness, orexin. That's it. It does have a noticeable effect from my experience.

Anonymous No. 16158024

Benzos were used for decades before doctors noticed that it was addictive and that benzo addicts were suffering horribly from it killing themselves from withdrawals.
Because doctors tend to drop patients that start acting up. And medical trials are only for 6 months. Trials for withdrawal? Unheard off.

Anonymous No. 16158027

Trust me, you do not get dependent on them like GABAergic drugs. Benzos are GABAergic, and so is alcohol.

Anonymous No. 16158031

So what? Theres a similar effect for so many drugs, non psychiatric drugs too, like i said hormones and anti histamines, you first get tolerance and if you stop, severe worsening of the original symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16158036

The only drugs that are known to be able to actually fucking kill you in withdrawal are alcohol and benzos. It's possible that you can die from GHB withdrawal, but I haven't heard of a single person who has. Opioids won't kill you in withdrawal. It's ridiculous to fear belsomra like this. Development for belsomra began in 2006, and it took until 2014 for the drug to be approved by the FDA. It's been available for prescription for a whole fucking decade. Nothing bad happens from it. Trust me.

Anonymous No. 16158040

>The only drugs that are known to be able to actually fucking kill you in withdrawal are alcohol and benzos. I
Why would you write this? What motivates you?
Talk of death. Ha. Who asked you about this?

Anonymous No. 16158043

And you only die from overdose if you're retarded and don't taper down. Quitting GABAergic medications cold turkey has the potential to kill you, but not necessarily. That typically only happens in particularly bad cases where the person was taking tons of the shit on a daily basis.

Anonymous No. 16158048

Why are you even talking about this?

Anonymous No. 16158138

In more ways than one.
My elder sister (RIP) was stabbed by her fresh off the boat benzombie hubby.
While he was still technically not a criminal, he was very diverse and vibrant, though.

Anonymous No. 16158147

Ambien was the best, till I lit my phone on fire in the center of my bedroom and scarred my hands tryin to salvage it

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Anonymous No. 16158731


Anonymous No. 16158761

>I forget the name

Anonymous No. 16158939

this one can kill you, some dictator killed himself with it

Anonymous No. 16159787

it fires me up when people say shit like this.
you'd have to carry a little vial of liquid around and pour that into someone's drink.
it tastes like shit. with GHB, salty is an understatement. it's bitter and disgusting. taking it neat will make you retch. it's gross. gbl tastes like what paint stripper smells like.
you're not going to sneak a serious dose into someone's drink.
why would you? just crush a xanax and drop that in their drink.

or just get them really shitfaced. alcohol is the most popular date rape drug.

i hate the bad publicity ghb gets. society would be better off if it replaced alcohol.

Anonymous No. 16159948

>you'd have to carry a little vial of liquid around and pour that into someone's drink.
You only need to carry around a little syringe and squirt it in really quickly. If the person is really drunk, they may not notice or care, plus, if they're really drunk, then the effects of GHB will be magnified to a decent degree.
>it tastes like shit. with GHB, salty is an understatement. it's bitter and disgusting. taking it neat will make you retch. it's gross. gbl tastes like what paint stripper smells like.
From what anons have told me, it depends who made it. It's made from nasty chemicals, including lye. Some people state that it can burn your mouth, while others state they have never had such an experience. A little bit of lye can burn your mouth really bad when mixed with water, so it seems like the people who have burned their mouth were taking GHB that wasn't as pure as it could be. It will always be salty, though, because it's literally in salt form when you ingest it.
>why would you? just crush a xanax and drop that in their drink.
Rohypnol is literally roofies, and I figure it worked so well because it's also a decent hypnotic. Rohypnol and xanax are both benzos. I figure you would get a much greater effect from something like clonazepam, or better yet, clonazolam, if you can get your hands on it. Temazepam would likely work better than clonazepam, but it seems like a pretty rare drug on darknet markets.

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Anonymous No. 16159958

I just take 50mg of generic diphenhydramine HCl and that puts me to beddy-bye.

Anonymous No. 16159960

I regrettably took that shit when I was in middle school. I ALWAYS hallucinated on that shit. A single fucking pill was enough to give me auditory hallucinations. I remember dosing up and eventually seeing hatman. Don't take that shit. Go to a sleep specialist and get a fucking trazodone or seroquil prescription. All benadryl does is make you feel anxious and extremely lethargic and give you hallucinations.

Anonymous No. 16159962

I'm 31 anon. It makes me sleepy and that's it. Jeez.

Anonymous No. 16159968

Ambien has brought comatose patients into a semi lucid state but a half life. I think they stopped messing with people's family's by waking up their loved ones for 4 hours. Scary shit.

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Cute Sleeping Gir....jpg

Anonymous No. 16161442
