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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155123

Do you see red? Explain this.

Anonymous No. 16155124

I see magenta.

Anonymous No. 16155125

i do

Anonymous No. 16155127

i see crayon

Anonymous No. 16155128

white is more red than blue is red

Anonymous No. 16155135

Zoom out, more red. Zoom in, less red.

Anonymous No. 16155144

I don't see red at all.

Anonymous No. 16155151

The red is actually black
The white is actually cyan

Anonymous No. 16155153

>Do you see red?
>Explain this.

Sage No. 16155206

It's called memory consolidation. Your mind wants to see red because you explicitly know what a coke can looks like, so you see red.

Anonymous No. 16155222

This. It's red because it's a coke can, and you see a coke can because it's red.

Anonymous No. 16155297

This exact shit was on Facebook yesterday and today

Anonymous No. 16155311

white from your monitor is made with RGB pixels. that means that in that photo there literal red photons hitting your eye. thus, your red cones are stimulated. the rest is some brain trickery. but your red cones are physically being stimulated by red photons emitted by the coke can in your picture

Anonymous No. 16155327

There is no red in the pic but 4chans thumbnail renderer is fucking up and creating an incorrect thumnmail with red in it

Anonymous No. 16155328

>There is no red in the pic
there absolutely is you braindead chimp

Anonymous No. 16155356

Zoom in retard

Anonymous No. 16155369


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Anonymous No. 16155374

>>16155369 me
and before you answer "white" check picrel for what white is on your fucking screen

Anonymous No. 16155375

da letter cyan and white and black n shieet

Anonymous No. 16155377

I don't use an rgb monitor. My monitor has the actual colors hardcoded in

Anonymous No. 16155381

and what is your monitor's white hard coded as lmao

Anonymous No. 16155390

Just because rgb monitor requires red green and blue subpixels to produce white doesn't mean that there is red in it. You could print the image and there would be no red pigment in it.

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Anonymous No. 16155392

You are a fucking idiot.

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Anonymous No. 16155394


Anonymous No. 16155396

I see that canned black sewage shit that imbeciles like you love to drink.

Anonymous No. 16155399

and green + blue is cyan which is the dominant color so brain might be taking that out from white which results in drumrolls please ... fucking red

Anonymous No. 16155403

It’s red all the way down for me . My reality is a lie

Anonymous No. 16155435

there's a bit of this as well but don't think it's fucking up, it's just how it works out for small size photo to keep some of the details.

Anonymous No. 16155448

Pure white. Sorry if that offends you. Actually no, on second thought i am not sorry. I wont apologize for being superior. Chances are your rods and cones are primitive and can only perceive RGB combinations. At best you can maybe see magenta. Maybe. A true superior and evolved specimen as myself is able to see the entire spectrum, imcluding ultraviolet and infrared.

That's because i did a bunch of dmt and advanced to the next stage of evolution. You are merely a crab, vibrating on a lower energy frequency in a proverbial bucket. Using your rancid (metaphorical) claws to grasp out and pull others down into the filthy and unclean material world. Me? I'm a shooting star, a hypergalactic cosmic eagle soaring through the cyber world. Flying with my (literal )wings through space, time, and aether. I can see colors you can't even imagine. And my computer monitor renders and displays magnificent hues beyond your wildest dreams.

I can see, hear, smell, and even taste pure platonic forms. I can enter and exit the realm of idealized existence at any moment.

If you humle yourself, I may be willing to teach you. First you must rid yourself of negative vibes and also do a bunch of psychedelics. Only then will you be prepared to see. See the true colors of the coke cans of the multi-universe

Anonymous No. 16155461

But the colors you see on your monitor are an illusion, much like your drug trips. True genetic lottery winners can easily pick out the sub-pixel chromas and only mix them when it is necessary to communicate with the lesser breeds.

Anonymous No. 16155509

chromatic adaptation

Anonymous No. 16155515

No you couldnt

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Anonymous No. 16155545

Anonymous No. 16155548


Anonymous No. 16155597

>Do you see red?
Only in the shrunken down image. Not in the expanded image.

And a good old dropper test shows some of those pixels are actually a slightly reddish grey.

Anonymous No. 16155614

the effect is the same for large image. I put it on laptop display and walked few feet back and I perceive it as I do the thumbnail while sitting close. even if the thumbnail is fucked

Anonymous No. 16155621

it's teal, black and white for me.

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Anonymous No. 16155803

It's red because its a fucking jpg

Anonymous No. 16155811

Why do I see a merchant?

Anonymous !ozzzNxUSU. No. 16156488

Image > Mode > Indexed... > Use custom palette > Blues and it's still happening
this is the best theory >>16155399

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Anonymous No. 16156598

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Anonymous No. 16156606

From far I see red. If I look at it closely I see white.

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red part.png

Anonymous No. 16156609

If you screenshot the red part, it's actually white.

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Anonymous No. 16156613

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Anonymous No. 16156617

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Anonymous No. 16156620

Anonymous No. 16156631


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Anonymous No. 16156674

Explain this image.

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Anonymous No. 16157436

No, I hack your brain instead.

Anonymous No. 16157440

In the thumbnail it's because of blending. In the real pic it looks white, unless you defocus your eyes just right, in which case it looks slightly red, probably because of the contrast with the left side (where the cyan is equally strong but the white is not). This effect disappears when you cover the left side of the can with your hand.

Anonymous No. 16157445

shut up nerd, im color blind

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Anonymous No. 16157694

CGA is best protocol

Anonymous No. 16157702

What happens if you do it with a can of sprite instead? Is it just because our brains "know" that coca cola should be red?

Barkon No. 16157704

How did you achieve the effect?

Anonymous No. 16157715

>muh eyes
>also, this is qualia

Anonymous No. 16158116

pls i didnt even understand the dress

Anonymous No. 16159190

You would see green I assume.

Anonymous No. 16159275

reality is purely phenomenal, there is no relation to any underlying materialism

Anonymous No. 16159277

>no relation
if someone steals your car do you still have your car in your garage?

Anonymous No. 16159281

If you imagine diet cola with a blue coca cola logo you can make the can turn white.
The power of imagination and belief this is a fragment of how religion works.

Anonymous No. 16159356

Contrast color, works with every b/w pattern. No need of an overpricced sugarwater can.

Anonymous No. 16159378

No, I see red because my brain knows what red things look like under a blue tint, and the illusion is meant to purposely "match" those colors. Whether or not it was a coke can is irrelevant.

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Anonymous No. 16159386

Not when I stare at it intently.

Only in a casual glance do I see red and that is just my brain filling in the gaps.


Anonymous No. 16159738

+ pure white/black is hardly a thing in painting, it's more often than not blue or yellow based and will affect your colour mixing
i dont see why an optical illusion couldn't be made out of it

Anonymous No. 16160075

Oh sweet Animal Collective hell yeah bra

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Anonymous No. 16160354

>Do you see red? Explain this.

Color perception is subjective

Anonymous No. 16160359

the precision of the neuron is less than reality

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Anonymous No. 16160360


Anonymous No. 16160390

red is a societal construct made by patriarchy

Anonymous No. 16160418

Holy shit this is incredibly stupid.
I don’t think this level of stupidity is normal.
Can we get this anon some help?

Anonymous No. 16160568

I'm amble to make her neck and torso rotate in opposite ways lole

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Anonymous No. 16160573


Anonymous No. 16161047

Yes, but it's not red. Optical illusions are quite funny.

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Anonymous No. 16161194


Anonymous No. 16161258


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Anonymous No. 16161376


Anonymous No. 16161542

It made me almost not see the vertical lines, but that was it. I googled what the McCullough effect is and I guess I see a yellow or very light colored green in the vertical lines (which is wrong color anyway), but no color in the horizontal.

Anonymous No. 16161544

your brain is hacked for months now retard

Anonymous No. 16161553

What the FUCK did you do

Anonymous No. 16162326

blink at about 4hz to make it go left to right to ledt

Anonymous No. 16162561

I see orange now.

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Anonymous No. 16162592

On my monitor the white subpixel is between red and green. Pic related, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16163413

How can I use sensory illusions to make my dick feel bigger?

Anonymous No. 16163418

bro you really must be retarded if you can't understand what the fuck white light is made out of I swear

Anonymous No. 16163431

It's made of white light, that's why it has its own subpixel. Duh.

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Anonymous No. 16163436

>white light is made out of white light

Anonymous No. 16163449

>An OLED screen has its own pixel structure, which is called WRGB.
>These pixels can produce colored and white light individually.
>each pixel consists of red, green, blue, and white subpixels that are stacked.
>can produce ... white light individually
>white subpixels

Anonymous No. 16163462

>a car is made out of car

Anonymous No. 16163471

If white light didn't exist we couldn't create singular LEDs that produce white light.

Anonymous No. 16163474

you don't understand much do you

Anonymous No. 16163477

All the evidence is in my favor, all you can do is hurl insults.

Anonymous No. 16163479

do you understand there are red photons present in any white light?

Anonymous No. 16163496

>red photons
No such thing, photons don't have color. The color spectrum is based on wavelengths of light, not particles of light.

Anonymous No. 16163498

do you understand that in "white light" there are photons stimulating your red cones?

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Anonymous No. 16163516

Light is a wave, not a particle. Waves interfere with each other. Again, if white light didn't exist we couldn't create a singular LED that produces white light. I'm not convinced the "RGB cones" model of color perception is entirely accurate.

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Anonymous No. 16163530

so we don't see color with our rgb cones?

Anonymous No. 16163573

I don't think it's that simple, it just doesn't add up.

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Anonymous No. 16163622

what doesn't add up? what do you think you'd see if you'd split the white pixel's white light through a prism?

Anonymous No. 16163625

>Do you see red?
>Explain this.
Colour is relative.

Anonymous No. 16163862

>you can use a prism to alter the wavelength of white light and make it come out as different colors
>that means photons exist and white light is made up of different colors of photons
That's like talking through a fan and saying the output means my voice "actually" sounds like a robot and the fan simply reveals it instead of understanding that the fan simply interferes with the sound of my voice and alters it.

Anonymous No. 16164424

The illusion doesn't work if you stare at the boobs.

Anonymous No. 16164464

Holy shit that's crazy.
This is probably a trick of the brain. The eye's are picking up just blue, black, and white of course since that's all that's there.
But the brain is seeing patterns, the coke can and the background. And makes colors that we would expect to see.

There are several other weird visual glitches you can pull on yourself.
Our brain is an interesting organ for sure.

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Anonymous No. 16164570

It doesn't work at all unless you have awful spatial reasoning abilities. The way the dots look relative to one another when she's facing the camera is completely different from how they look when she's facing away. She is unmistakably, objectively turning to her left (your right). It's trying to be pic related but it fails.

Anonymous No. 16164577

Works for me. I can see boobs rotating either direction.

Anonymous No. 16164597

No I was just trying to make you understand that when you see the red coke can, that red is not imaginary, it's real information coming from your red cones, because they are stimulated by the "red" (wavelength) photons hitting your eyes. Photons which are emitted by your "white light pixels".
There is some trickery from your brain, as it removes blue + green (wavelengths) photons from the white, but there physically are red wavelength photons hitting your eyes from your monitor when you look at OP's photo.

Anonymous No. 16164603

>She is unmistakably, objectively turning to her left (your right).
I can rotate her titties any way I want.

Anonymous No. 16164663

That's because you have woman-tier spatial reasoning abilities.

Anonymous No. 16164667

Imagine thinking anything is rotating. Those are just pixels on a screen dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16164677

Midwit pseud.

Anonymous No. 16164678

It's red even if I just scroll up enough to cover the logo. Something else is clearly at play, probably with the way computer monitors work.

Anonymous No. 16164703

The mountains are also brown and the hand is flesh colored. But only in the thumbnail. When I expand the image I only see cyan, white, and black.

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Anonymous No. 16164711

Scientists HATE this color because it DEFY the natural order about colors!
...Or maybe your understanding of colors is just plain wrong, admit it.

Anonymous No. 16164717

No, the model of how we perceive color is wrong.

Anonymous No. 16164723

to add on to this, yellow and cyan share the same mechanism that magenta have (they are both colors that are triggered when two cones are activated), which means they have no difference with how magenta is perceived, they are fake colors

And that proves my argument that Red, Green, Blue are the real primary colors, everything else is a combination of these, nothing more, nothing less

Anonymous No. 16164778

even if we add extra cyan/yellow cones we'd still see "fake" colors in the spectrum between two cones, even if smaller spectrum. "fake" colors are unavoidable for how our eyes work.

Anonymous No. 16164876

u guys are tellin' me that not only the color of love (magenta) is fake, but also the color of joy (yellow) and clarity (cyan) are also fake?
so i see how it is then, only anger (red), and envy (green), and sadness (blue) are real, positive emotions are fake, well done

Anonymous No. 16164877

Good post. Looks like the opposite color to the dominant is what is seen.

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Anonymous No. 16164944

the thumbnail actually does have a slight hint of red in it, probably some compression artifact

but i do see red in the full image if i step back a bit, only for a few seconds though as my eyes adjust

Anonymous No. 16164985

i can see the infinity.

Anonymous No. 16165177

white pixels have red in them, the other pixels around them have no red, thus your eyes see a red hue on the can because it literally has more red than the rest of the image
or maybe UV and magenta are the same color and its not a conspiracy, retard

Anonymous No. 16165185

But UV is invisible.

Anonymous No. 16165190

>But UV is invisible.
believe whatever you want religious idiot

Anonymous No. 16165609

You need to go back to /x/

Anonymous No. 16165748

No, it's because Cyan is the color opposite of Red.

Anonymous No. 16165753

No ones posted it?

Barkon No. 16165757

And that's what I get for profitable warring against theoretically trillions of people. Further, who said this was your idea(the same syllogy as mentioned prior relates). I'd have the matter to suggest that was even a deception against your. Basedboys. Let me go then, and I won't hunt you.

Anonymous No. 16165758

UV is invisible to us isn't it though? Because owls can see it, but our colour spectrum isn't good enough or something

Barkon No. 16165768

This is literally the message I required. Thanks for telling me.

Barkon No. 16165772

Honestly don't get a boner I know many categories of your fort much better and still wouldn't accept even the nth principle one.

Barkon No. 16165775

We can make great allies. I offer you support like I offer my money support. Some things you'll have to deal with first. First you gotta let me go, and I'll write what you owe off. You made me great.

Barkon No. 16165780

You want this owe gone. If you owe me a life sentence and you owe more to him/her, it's in your best interests for these to be written off. And that's all

Anonymous No. 16165781

nigga the fuck is happening

Anonymous No. 16165786

bots are in the thread, it's fairly commonplace in this board

Barkon No. 16165791

translation: I'm a stupid fag. I need to do what I was told.

Barkon No. 16165794

Thanks for the crumpet. Now make me tea.

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Anonymous No. 16166103
