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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155341

Is this true?

Anonymous No. 16155343

You actually click on shit like this?

Anonymous No. 16155345

Where refunds?

Anonymous No. 16155378

i love how you leave the name out

Anonymous No. 16155407

>2 More Weeks

Anonymous No. 16155412

Ah, finally some good news. MAID was too expensive for me.

Anonymous No. 16156084

I sure hope so

Anonymous No. 16156087

Probably not

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Anonymous No. 16156250

dam. renowned scientist is always on the money

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right wing tards.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16156290

>scientist, who agrees with your conspiracy shit

Anonymous No. 16156295

go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics

Anonymous No. 16156302

>2 more weeks
It's been 3 years since then, now the deadline has been pushed with another 3 years. You faggots make fun of EVs, "AI", and all the other crap that's just around the corner, then proceed to lap this shit up. You'd think it would occur to you it's bullshit, but nah. Nothing will happen.

Anonymous No. 16156320

no, you go back

Anonymous No. 16156356

No. Vaccines are poison and do frequently injure, maim, and kill people, but these extreme claims of "every single person who took X vaccine will die" only exist to discredit the very real concerns of harm from vaccines. This way, if anyone brings up arguments against vaccination or about the harm of vaccines they'll be mentally lumped in with these ridiculous claims of mass genocide and instantly disregarded.

Anonymous No. 16157461

>these extreme claims of "every single person who took X vaccine will die" only exist to discredit the very real concerns of harm from vaccines.
Thats not the only reason, they also exist and get circulated because pureblood chads like them. The idea of a world free of useful idiots is very appealing and the fact that the Soviets wiped out their own useful idiots lends credence to the idea that the current crop of useful idiots will also be slaughtered en masse

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Anonymous No. 16157555

LMAO, you offered themselves to become the sacrificial goat, not the scapegoat but the sacrificial goat! You will be dismembered, flayed, and burned alive. It will be glorious!

Anonymous No. 16157594

Did you know... one century from now, everyone who has taken the vax is all but guaranteed to be dead! Wake up sheeple!

Anonymous No. 16157596

Point out the politics for me. I can't see it.

Anonymous No. 16157598

>Poser pseud thinks the significance of the distinction lies purely in the manner of killing
Impotent murderous fantasies aside, it's just embarrassingly childish LARPing

Anonymous No. 16158567

>the current crop of useful idiots will also be slaughtered en masse
They already have been, it just hasn't taken effect in all of them yet.

Anonymous No. 16159612

I've been hearing this from your faggot kind for three years. How much longer do I have to wait, tell me? Two more weeks, right?

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Anonymous No. 16159883


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presentable liber....png

Anonymous No. 16159888

yeah that's it, we're all dead.
actually no, it's COMPLETELY wrong. vaccines are literally MANNA FROM HEAVEN.

it's literally one of these two options, if you pick a different one you're a weirdo.
curiously, the pharmaceutical companies and hedge funds will continue to make money.

Anonymous No. 16159894

But have anons considered the possibility that theres actually 3 more weeks? It's worth a thought.

Anonymous No. 16160026

Bergman writes for "Before It's News," I hope even /x/ would know better than to trust that as a source, much less 'sci'.

Anonymous No. 16160714

Did the "two more weeks" meme start with the "covid vacc mass deaths"?

Anonymous No. 16160730

yes, just 2 more weeks

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Anonymous No. 16160756

Your unbearable nightmares will be my sweet dreams.

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Anonymous No. 16162309

>Is this true?