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🧵 So who was smarter

Anonymous No. 16155428

Rank them in terms of wits

Anonymous No. 16155439


Anonymous No. 16155441


Anonymous No. 16155442

is this everett in the bottom right?


he had his phd thesis written by his wife and Bohr found im maximally obtuse

The everett interpretation is the most retarded spin in 20th century physics and the only reason it is talked about at all is that americans have zero other 20th century physicists to show for

Anonymous No. 16155447

It's Godel

Anonymous No. 16155474

Gödel > Einstein = Bohr = Heisenberg > Dirac = Schrödinger

Anonymous No. 16155497

>Einstein = Bohr = Heisenberg > Dirac = Schrödinger

Anonymous No. 16155500

because you asked me to rank them

Anonymous No. 16155508

It's Godel dipshit
Everett must really make you seethe, I guess that's why you see him everywhere
To answer OP, PAM Dirac

Anonymous No. 16155522

(1) Godel
(2) Heisenberg
(3) Schrodinger
(4) Dirac
(5) Einstein
(6) Bohr

Anonymous No. 16155533


Anonymous No. 16155540

Einstein > Schrodinger = Dirac = Heisenberg > Bohr
Not sure why Godel who's in a completely different field is doing here

Anonymous No. 16155587

>The only logician in the image

Not unwarranted. The entire discipline of logic was mogged by Godel. Nobody would ever think, for example to put someone like Leon Henkin or Saul Kripke in a list with Heisenberg and Schrodinger because there's just no comparison. The only logicians who weren't pozzed brainlet analytic philosophers were Russell and Wittgenstein (both mathlets), and Frank Ramsey and Alonzo Church.

Anonymous No. 16155637

the german > the jew > the french > the swiss > the brit >>>> the belgian

Anonymous No. 16155642

Einstein >> Heisenberg = Schrödinger > Dirac > Bohr >>> Gödel
Honest to God don't understand why people take the work of a LITERAL SCHIZOPHRENIC who starved himself to death seriously. I stg people read his shit, can't understand it, and then default to assuming it's profound shit simply because they're too embarrassed to admit they can't follow the ramblings of a schizo.
>Durr there exist known truths that can't be proven true
>Durrr muh maximal goodness God
For fucks sake.

Anonymous No. 16155759

worst 4chan comment i have seen

Anonymous No. 16155950

What has g*del ever done other than bring disrepute and uncertainty into mathematics by formalizing the liar paradox? Fucking schizophrenic retard

Anonymous No. 16156025


Anonymous No. 16156029

soience hero worship
atheist idolizing their false gods

Anonymous No. 16156300

wtf? except three of them all of the ethnicities are wrong

Anonymous No. 16156325

>Einstein >> Heisenberg = Schrödinger > Dirac > Bohr >>> Gödel

Anonymous No. 16156445

Dirac > Heisenberg > Bohr > Schrodinger > Goedel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Einstein

Anonymous No. 16156448

Crap, Schrodinger should be above Bohr

Anonymous No. 16156528

Me > everyone else

Anonymous No. 16156545

Einstein last is brainlet opinion

Anonymous No. 16156830

Dirac=Bohr=Heisenberg > rest

Anonymous No. 16157053

Dirac > Einstein > Heisenberg > Schrodinger > Bohr

Anonymous No. 16157428

Brain damaged take.

Dirac's innovations led to QED which is the most successful theory ever developed in history, the first useful relativistic quantum equation, the quantization of the electromagnetic field and of all spin 1/2 fermions, the prediction of anti-matter and the creation of the Dirac spinor. All packaged in one neat simple equation. He sits right next to Maxwell and Newton at the top.

Anonymous No. 16157429


whoops meant >>16155474

Anonymous No. 16157844

>Maxwell and Newton
You forgot Einstein and Faraday

Anonymous No. 16158139

Atleast these "gods" are/were real.

Anonymous No. 16159737

Newton is overhyped. All he did was package Kepler's laws and Galileo's findings for free fall into one neat theory. Which is okay ig, but it's not the revolutionary thing that people think it was.
>inb4 calculus
was in the air at the time
>inb4 first to introduce math to physics in a grand scale
Nope Galileo started that

Anonymous No. 16159834

Funny story anon, so were many of the others

Anonymous No. 16161223

Von Neumann and John Nash mog everyone mentioned in this thread.