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Anonymous No. 16155739



Anonymous No. 16155747

cattle simpler all together

Anonymous No. 16155762

if more people actually took public transportation, then prices would rise and degens wouldn't be allowed on. go to Amsterdam during a workday and you'll see.

Anonymous No. 16155798

Fool. Immigration is ruining Amsterdam in real time.

Anonymous No. 16155805

I was just there and it's 80% tall dutch people.

Anonymous No. 16155808

This is approaching the problem sideways, but the real solution is cheap energy by building nuclear reactors at grand scale. Energy is the input to every economic activity. Cheap energy makes everything more affordable, alleviating a vast array of social problems.

Though of course energy won't solve everything. There is epic dysfunction caused from a corrupt elite, and geopolitical competition between the West and China / Russia.

The late 70s and early 80s were infamous for urban decay and dysfunction. This also occurred after the oil crisis of 1973 and ensuing stagflation.

Hopefully the West gets its shit together and rapidly builds out nuclear, liberalizes zoning laws to reduce housing costs, and psyops the underclasses into being productive citizens. Though I think the elite are not very unified, and there are many special interests that are in conflict with each other, causing corrupt and suboptimal conditions we see today.

Anonymous No. 16155809

Time is ticking, when will it be 70%?

You lack vision my friend.

Anonymous No. 16155813

So therefore, subsidize highways because that helps better avoid the problem? People like OP would rather avoid the issue than solve it. You have to force these people around minorities or they'll never see the problem.

Anonymous No. 16155835

>You have to force these people around minorities or they'll never see the problem.

This is the fundamental motivation for public transportation. A kind of collective masochism, crabs in a bucket mentality.

I support public transportation by the way, but diversity and cultural relativism is antithetical to a functioning society. Look at NYC now. Knife attacks are skyrocketing in London. Somalis are destroying homes with grenades in Sweden.

Ethnic and cultural homogeneity are necessary for quality public services. I visited Taiwan a few months back and it was great. It's like 95% Han Taiwanese and the metro is amazing. Everything is clean, there are almost no homeless and the few that exist prostrate themselves in absolute humility while begging. Seven year old girls travel alone on the bus with no problem. If Taiwan gets psyop'd into multiculturalism it will be an utter catastrophe for such a beautiful society.

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Anonymous No. 16155843

this is what they took from you

Anonymous No. 16155844

safer in my car thank you

Anonymous No. 16155869

It's money lending, which doesn't allow prices to drop to real levels, and instead works by pumping up a nearly completely fake economy, while technologically we have been beyond scarcity for about a century.

Anonymous No. 16155877

Why do you let refugees in your country if all you're gonna do is complain about them?

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Anonymous No. 16155924


Anonymous No. 16155996

the Moscow and Japan subway are never like this. anyone want to guess why?

Anonymous No. 16156014

They don't tolerate bums. Seriously, why do we tolerate bums.

Anonymous No. 16156032

communist jews and their useful idiots force this degeneracy on us

Anonymous No. 16156166

Cameras + police.

Anonymous No. 16156173

I think it's less homogeneity in this case that matters. As in I'm sure a 50% German 50% Japanese society would create nice, clean, safe public transportation.

Anonymous No. 16156298

Do you think the government represents the people and isn't full of short sighted individualistic people that have their own visions?

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Anonymous No. 16156387

Ok. Where is the problem? Is the world supposed to give up on public transport because americans haven't figured it out how to run a civlised society?

Anonymous No. 16156430

Have fun when Switzerland is 50% non-whites kek

Anonymous No. 16156436

Based Charles Bronson poster

Anonymous No. 16156583

This is just American cope.
>Why are we so bad at basic infrastructure? It can only be brown people. It couldn't possibly be our collapsing governance or lazy industry.
Also dooms you to permanent decline.

Anonymous No. 16156589

I live in Baltimore and our busses and trains aren't even that bad. What the fuck.

Anonymous No. 16156646

>Crime on the Tube increased by 56 per cent overall between April and September this year, compared to the same period last year, according to data from Transport for London (TfL).

Hmmm.. the most "diverse" city in Europe has the same problems. Interesting..

Paris is similarly getting shitted up by all the Muslims.

I don't deny that American governance is pathetic, especially progressive states after BLM bullshit. Cops don't enforce the simplest shit which results in widespread disorder. Yet the Bay Area with all its wealth and progressive supermajority has resulted in a fucking dystopia of filth and crime.

Public transportation can work if there is civic unity. Yet American media actively subverts that with its incessant focus on identity politics.

Anonymous No. 16156660

The truth is it's all escalated outside of anybody's control, and nobody wants to actually admit it at this point. Sure, the American governance system can tolerate quite a bit of lawlessness, but once you get a high enough concentration of methheads sleeping in trains and pissing everywhere it becomes untenable.

What do you want? Europe complains about how American prisons are overcrowded while at the same time complaining about how many criminals we let out on the streets destroying public property and how nobody uses public transit. There is no satisfying the European.

Can't wait until browns bring your civilization to its knees.

Anonymous No. 16156669

Because they let the cops beat the shit out of homeless people.

Anonymous No. 16156673

I take your point, though ethnic Germans and Japanese share many of the same values in terms of order and duty to the collective. In that sense such a 50/50 society would be homogeneous for what's relevant in this matter.

Anonymous No. 16156681

Japan also forces homeless people into mental institutions. America largely abandoned involuntary hospitalization after the 1970s, leading to the surge in crazy homeless people. Increasing in housing prices, cost of living, and de facto decriminalization of drugs has further exacerbated the problem. People who would've just been lower class but not full on crazy in the past, have fallen into the abyss under current conditions. It's sad.

Anonymous No. 16156714

The problem with that is it would be a massive expenditure only to disproportionately go to blacks/browns who nobody gives a shit about. The expected economic return for institutionalizing the homeless is approximately negative when free beatings exist.

Anonymous No. 16156855

>America largely abandoned involuntary hospitalization
This is absolutely false.

Anonymous No. 16156866

>Unlike most developed countries, Japan has not followed a program of deinstitutionalisation. The number of hospital beds has risen steadily over the last few decades.[5] Physical restraints are used far more often. In 2014, more than 10,000 people were restrained–the highest ever recorded, and more than double the number a decade earlier.[60]

>In 1955, for every 100,000 US citizens there were 340 psychiatric hospital beds. In 2005 that number had diminished to 17 per 100,000.

Anonymous No. 16156869

>Oh look at my perfect correlation with one data point

>Europe complains about how American prisons are overcrowded while at the same time complaining about how many criminals we let out on the streets destroying public property and how nobody uses public transit. There is no satisfying the European.
When you believe this is a binary choice you're living in a failed state. The government has other options between locking everyone up and anarchy.

Anonymous No. 16156927

It's obvious that third world migration has worsened the West. You would have to be ideologically possessed to not recognize clearly evident trends. Leftists deny the litany of evidence that unrestricted migration is negative for host nations, much like how creationists deny the evidence for evolution and natural selection.

>among those born in Sweden with 2 foreign born parents, the relative rate of robbery is 4.7 times that of ethnic Swedes, and the rape relative rate is 1.7 times. Without age and sex adjustment, these values are 11.5 (+1050%!)

>58 per cent of those suspect for total crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the figures are 73 per cent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per cent.

>Africans alone are responsible for 52 percent of such crimes while only representing 3.2 percent of the population of France.

>The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16157243

>Paris is similarly getting shitted up by all the Muslims.
lmaoing @ that cope
France including has less than half of Maine's murder rate.

Anonymous No. 16157244

>Paris is similarly getting shitted up by all the Muslims.
lmaoing @ that cope
France has less than half of Maine's murder rate.

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Anonymous No. 16157250

>nuclear reactors
Nobody wants another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. Nuclear is completely obsolete now that we have cheap solar.

Anonymous No. 16157270

France is still 86.1% ethnically French, and the suburbs and rural areas are generally serene. The problems are most pronounced in Paris which has seen a 46.79% increase in crime rates from 2011-2021. Muslim migrants are mostly committing theft, assault, vandalism, and rapes.

Anonymous No. 16157276


Anonymous No. 16157283

Solar is unreliable, has limited lifespan, and requires exorbitantly expensive battery backup. Note how the states which pushed renewables the hardest like California have the most expensive electricity in America. It's a scam to extort money out of a naive public whose new religion is environmentalism.

The Germans made the mistake of pursuing solar and shutting down their nuclear reactors, resulting in their economy imploding. They now burn more coal than ever before, while still importing nuclear energy from France. The German public is finally getting wise and supports expanding nuclear energy after such an ironic blunder for a famously practical people.

It's also ironic that the people who believe in the climate apocalypse the most are also the most pro solar, since it's the form of energy most vulnerable to climate change. If the climate is going to get more unpredictable, like long stretches of cloudy weather, or hailstorms destroying entire solar farms, then expect major energy crises.

Anonymous No. 16157285

If you think it looks like shit, why not help clean it up? Show some civic pride and responsibility.

Anonymous No. 16157286

>has limited lifespan
Literally all forms of energy production have limited lifespan. You think nuclear reactors don't undergo constant maintenance?

Anonymous No. 16157292

Nuclear has the highest energy returned on energy invested of any technology. It's the most reliable and has the highest uptime of any energy source. Fuel is also an extremely small percentage of operating expenses, and modern reactors can even use reprocess nuclear waste for energy.

Anonymous No. 16157294

>hailstorms destroying entire solar farms
1. Most of the country isn't even in areas that get hail large enough to damage solar farms/at all.
2. Even in the areas that DO see hail large enough to damage solar farms, that shit will on average occur once every 15 years (solar panels are designed to last 20-30 years)
3. Damage and destroy aren't the same thing. Panels are designed to sustain minor damage and keep working. The area in the center of the country that actually sees hail large enough to destroy solar panels is even smaller.
4. This is like complaining tidal isn't viable because areas without coasts exist. Seriously, what the fuck are you on?

I think the world will live if in the worst case scenario, solar farms aren't built in the Great Plains.

Anonymous No. 16157296

>modern reactors can even use reprocess nuclear waste for energy
That technology is older than your parents, hell it might be older than your grandparents

Anonymous No. 16157297

You misunderstand the source of the problem. Such disorder is mostly from mentally ill homeless people who leave a blast radius of garbage. Lumpenproles shit up public services because they have a head full of bad wiring. You gotta clean up those people otherwise the trash will just be back tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16157298

You didn't answer my question. I'm not saying nuclear is bad. It's actually very good, better than solar even. I'm saying your criticism of solar was ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 16157306

Your arguments are based on current conditions, and I'm talking about climate change millenarians who think we are about to undergo cataclysm. Solar makes no sense in such a scenario since it's the most dependent on stable climate. Nuclear can operate underwater, in deep space, anywhere. Standardizing a design and mass producing reactors would unleash a wave of cheap energy that revitalizes the real economy and improves everyone's lives.

Understood. Breeder reactors were experimental back then, but at least they were a demonstrable proof of concept.

Anonymous No. 16157309

My criticisms were eminently fair. Solar is obviously unreliable and dependent on weather. Solar panels are expected to last about 20 years, while nuclear reactors have been extended to more than 60+ years. Solar also doesn't work without exorbitantly expensive battery backup.

Anonymous No. 16157311

It's fake anyway, and they can't afford to fake more.

Anonymous No. 16157317

>France is still 86.1% ethnically French
It absolutely is not, but even if it was that would be less white than Maine.

Anonymous No. 16157330

Breeder reactors have been a thing since the Manhattan Project. Nuclear tech is ancient at this point.

Anonymous No. 16157381

Yes, nuclear is a proven technology and it should be obvious to everyone that we should build more reactors.

The problem is status quo energy elites who conspire to maximize profit by sabotaging new developments. The same phenomenon occurs with NIMBY homeowners who opposed new housing construction. America has become a sick and ossified society. Both corrupt groups use 'environmentalism' to justify their opposition to new development. This gutting of dynamism will be the death of the West.

Anonymous No. 16157413

They don't respect fundamental human rights and will abuse people to keep the illusion of a nice society?

Anonymous No. 16157841

Ah yes, the human right to take a literal shit on public transport. Fentanyl addicts setting up tents in playgrounds are just exercising their freedom.

It's not about human rights, the elite want to cause disorder so people waste their energy trying to fix previously solved problems. Notice how San Francisco cleaned up their streets real quick when Xi Jinping came to visit.

Anonymous No. 16157907

I suspect it's more emergent versus planned. In the same way jewish behavior is more likely emergent than a real unified hivemind conspiracy.

Anonymous No. 16157972

that sounds like an underfunded public transport problem

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Anonymous No. 16158544
