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Anonymous No. 16155765

Is there any benefit to having an IQ over 130? My IQ is somewhere between 160-210 and my anxiety and emotional sensitivity is so extreme that I can't stick with anything.

Anonymous No. 16155823

There is benefit but what usually ends up happening is that you're retarded socially you may be intelligent but in some way there's a trade off and having a super high IQ doesn't automatically make you the best mathematician or whatever automatically IQ also just shows adaptability survival outcomes or something like that but there is no benefit past a certain point for that outcome adaptability yes outcome no

Anonymous No. 16155826

no, it's better to be not so intelligent, being too intelligent only leads to overthink everything and that leads to suffering

Anonymous No. 16155831

>and that leads to suffering
also leads to truth

Anonymous No. 16155837

truth about what exactly?

Anonymous No. 16155846

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16155849

about what is

Anonymous No. 16155850

The correlation between IQ and intelligence is negative. There is no real thing where it works in practice, it only makes you obsess over things that don't exist.

Anonymous No. 16155860

how can you know the truth about somehting?

Anonymous No. 16155964

>I am way too smart to ever figure out how to stop thinking, even for just a moment when I am thinking of retarded shit.

Anonymous No. 16155966

1. Dogma
2. Circular Logic
3. Infinite Regression

Anonymous No. 16155969

>bullshit for dogmatic reasons is healthy and ok

Anonymous No. 16155975

Its one of only 3 ways truth can be established and high intelligence allows you to memorize more dogma.

Anonymous No. 16155979

IQ tests aren’t designed to recognize genius, they are designed to recognize retards.

Anonymous No. 16155981

you believe what you are told to believe

Anonymous No. 16155992

you know you will eventually argue for why it's ok to bullshit everyone since truth doesn't matter so might as well lie to everyone because all kinds of reasons which coincidentally benefit your group the most. so tired of you philosoturds

Anonymous No. 16155994

>what you are told
That is the logic of 1.

Anonymous No. 16155997

I already did by the way I described "truth" as only possibly resulting from one of 3 types of faulty logic, keep up.

Anonymous No. 16156000


Anonymous No. 16156006

Yes bro just because you can do calculus doesn't mean you can get pussy. It's alright my older bro is retard. Just take you're meds and stay sober

Anonymous No. 16156007

Truth is just the bullshit that sticks to other because other people can't dispute it away under its own terms, deal with it.

Anonymous No. 16156012

Actually the lying part isn't part of it, you just tell the truth that you have concluded knowing it isn't perfect since the underlying logic is definitely flawed, despite the results being consistent.

Anonymous No. 16156063

Wrong, they are designed to prove the superiority of jews.

Anonymous No. 16156067

whatever gymnastics validate your worldview anon. you know the drill

Anonymous No. 16156076

All worldviews are mental gymnastics that follow one of the three methods as listed in >>16155966.

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Anonymous No. 16156149

you cannot use that fact that we have no certainty laws of nature won't suddenly change tomorrow to justify horrible shit. that's pure insanity anon.
what you are doing is what corrupt bureaucrats do, small tweaks and lies and omissions until the thing passes.
also captcha is aware

Anonymous No. 16156152

People with hard dogmatic truths also use those to justify horrible shit and the only horrible thing I have tried to justify is the lack of definitive truth since establishing truth at its source requires the use of one of three faulty bits of logic.

>small tweaks... until the thing passes.
That is number 3. in >>16155966.

Anonymous No. 16156155

The range you provided proves you do not have an IQ that high and anxiety is a midwit trait. Intelligent people don't care.

Anonymous No. 16156160

your shit shortcut is dismissing anything as being possibly unreal because essentially we don't know if things will randomly change or not. that's so weak anon. your bullshit is on its way out anyway so don't care that much about your insanity and corrupt view

Anonymous No. 16156170

Cope and seethe harder, but if you want the trilemma to just go away, all you have to do is reasonably justify a fourth option that doesn't depend on faulty logic like an anecdote or circular reasoning or regression.

Anonymous No. 16156243

you're a religious retard aren't you?
this includes mathematical axioms by the way.

Anonymous No. 16156257

I know it does, I also called the axiomatic dogma anecdotes.

Anonymous No. 16156294

Go back to Quora you attention seeking whore