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🧵 what leads to the positive long-term effects of psychedelics?

Anonymous No. 16156348

is it the epiphenomena of 5-HT receptor agonism, i.e. the hallucinogenic experience, or is it the neurological changes such an enhanced neuroplasticity due to BDNF release?

I have always found this perplexing

Anonymous No. 16156358

It seems to be that psychs “open your mind” in the sense that they make you understand things like the fact that alcoholism is fake and gay, and then people stop poisoning themselves with a neurotoxic chemical for a brief dopamine boost, which makes them less depressed

Anonymous No. 16156450

So let me get this straight. He cured his bullshit soulless existence by having a soulful experience on mushrooms, something his wife would have never allowed him to do she says. And now that he's done this thing his wife would have forbidden he's a better man. Everyone says he's a better man even his wife. Yet she's not happy. You see what's happening here?

The woman would have prevented him from taking the shrooms and it sounds like he took them to help jumpstart change in his life. It's not the shrooms that do it. It's the combination of shrooms and the person's desire to change. The shrooms are just a catalyst for the reactions the brain wants to happen.

So this worthless slag would have stopped him from growing and changing for the better and now that he's done it without her permission she's upset that her husband is a better man? This is the modern woman, too stupid to wipe their own asses and they think themselves smarter than God himself to the point their word is law and can't be questioned. Women like her like weak men who are easy to control. That's the issue. Women like her fear psychedelics for the same reason the jewish world government does. It breaks people out of their doom loops in their own heads and makes change possible. I've read A LOT of anti-psychadelic propaganda on this website but this reddit screencap is somehow the most offensive of them all. I hope to God it's fake.

Advice to the man, MOTHER FUCKING RUN! Don't stop until you collapse from exhaustion and never look back.

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Anonymous No. 16156460

Not sure what it does, but it saved me from myself, so i'm forever grateful. I think its more about the exeprience than the substance, personally.

Anonymous No. 16156474

can you elaborate? how did it save you?

Anonymous No. 16156490

I have done DMT, LSD, and Shrooms. My experiences and results were somewhat eye opening to say the least.
DMT - Hard to explain, but perception changed.
LSD - Bad trip, was in a bad way and took a year to get back to "normal". Regardless, while tripping on LSD I somehow understood how electricity works when messing with the wiper controls in my truck. It did push me in other directions.
Shrooms - Definitely the most eye opening, but things can crash quick and easy. As I come down from shrooms, I always have a big amount of introspection and growth. During the trip it is more or less fun, but the lack of control disturbs me(I can't smoke weed as a result, I get paranoid and suicidal). As I come down, however, I have an excellent introspection and think of the ways to improve myself. In a way the shrooms help my discipline.

As with anything, moderation is key.

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Anonymous No. 16156661

Doing shrooms with my eyes closed is the weirdest and most important thing I've experienced. People think they get it without trying it but they don't. Having spirits with you makes you not feel as alone, keeps me attempting to get better, this life is just an incarnation.

Anonymous No. 16156684

People absolutely love barring others from good things. I am basically forbidden from taking psychedelics as long as I'm alive, I'll never get to experience the eye opening. I have zero real life friends, basically the equivalent of the untouchable Indian castes since high school, and friends is how people get these things when they aren't legal. My only chance would be going to a seedy part of town where I'd have to pay way more than normal people with the chance of getting thanked.
I used to know people who could technically hook me up, but not allowing me to gave them enjoyment.

Anonymous No. 16156697

>friends is how people get these things when they aren't legal
untrue, from my experience as an Internet-resourceful loner
>t. NEET-lite with no close friends atm
>still got plenty of drugs by being resourceful online, no bitcoin or darknet shit necessary

Anonymous No. 16156701

truffles are legal in Netherlands, save up for an airplane ticket and a nice long stay at some comfy place. No excuse now.

Anonymous No. 16156704

with a purpose

Anonymous No. 16156706

Her husband needs to make one more change and it will be perfect for him.

Imagine having to live with a women like this.

Anonymous No. 16156711

Grow your own. I was in the same boat several years ago. Now I grow 10+ dry ounces a year that I give away to people who want them. I microdose on a schedule and only trip about twice a year while camping.
If you're not retarded they are stupid easy to grow.

Anonymous No. 16156772

Good to see that there are somewhat responsible psychonauts out there, to counterbalance the irresponsible "party drug" crowd.
I spent tens of hours in my early teens holed up on Erowid learning everything I could about these substances, before I ever set my hands on any of them

anyway I had undiagnosed ADHD & Autism; addressing that changed my drug-seeking behavior almost instantly (just a weed hippie now).
My brain was not retaining enough dopamine or something like that; it's no wonder I was so drawn to drugs

Anonymous No. 16156860

That is exactly what she is so worried about

Anonymous No. 16157094

American? It’s ridiculously easy to grow them here

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Anonymous No. 16157232


Being resourceful is good...

Anonymous No. 16157518

woman moment

Anonymous No. 16157671

I was only drawn to psychedelics due to curiosity. I was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism when I was around 9 years old. Never did drugs in high school, and now my only drug is alcohol. Weed makes me so unbelievably paranoid and freaked out that I just can't stand to be high. I feel fine when I'm drunk though.

Anonymous No. 16158113

Just order them online bro it's 2024

Anonymous No. 16158744


Anonymous No. 16158773

people are afraid of what they don't understand
also, some jealousy mixed in. she probably realizes she doesn't fit with her husband anymore and is insecure about that, which is why she's trying to follow his lead.

Anonymous No. 16158797

This. I went almost 15yrs without access to psychedelics after University days were done, tried the dark net and ended up with 300 tabs of quality acid (make sure to buy testing reagents)

Anonymous No. 16158858

It's toxic femininity. Trying to keep her man a docile, harmless little pet that is sure not to attract any other females.

Anonymous No. 16159243

>I spent tens of hours in my early teens holed up on Erowid learning everything I could about these substances, before I ever set my hands on any of them
Holy shit, based and same, I thought I was the only high iq chad back in high school who knew the redpill on drugs, lmao. I still haven't done any psychedelics yet though. How would they affect someone who's more or less at peace with themselves, and arguably egotistical to a flaw? I'm not a fat cuck like the redditor guy prior to his trip, and it's not like I strictly need any help in making notable lifestyle changes

Anonymous No. 16159403

Just order the kits online. Usually it isnjust the fruiting bodies that are illegal.

Anonymous No. 16159704

>How would they affect someone who's more or less at peace with themselves, and arguably egotistical to a flaw?
The psychedelics geeks would probably call those two statements contradictory. Psychs are fun but read up on the whole concept of ego death and consider a fairly light dose the first time. Psychedelics at high doses tend to to put it one way attack the ego and if you can't accept that and be at peace with it it can be a pretty unpleasant experience. You can always cheat and take a moderate dose of mushrooms with a low dose of mdma, pretty much makes it impossible to have a bad time.

Anonymous No. 16159715

>He didn't also synthesize his own
You were so close