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๐Ÿงต ME or EE for energy?

Anonymous No. 16156367

I want to work in the wind power industry. I'm not sure whether I want to be in the industry, design of turbines, or power distribution and regulation, or public sector like DOE, but I know that I want to be in the wind industry. Would ME or EE be better? All the wind energy classes offered at my college are ME, but I think I lean slightly more EE personally. I'm 23 years old, but I'm basically just starting out.

Anonymous No. 16156788

I don't know that it really makes that much of a difference. My bias is towards EE, but that's also the field I work in (not the power part of the field but not too far away) and the general group of people I've worked with.

So long as you end up with a decent background in power electronics, EM and transmission line effects, and some power distribution dynamics, you'll probably be fine.