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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156639

Does /sci/ even have mods? Why don't they ban the retarded schizo namefag spammers who shit up every thread?
They are actively making the board unusable.
Do your fucking job, mods.
> one meta thread is allowed per board

Anonymous No. 16156795

You say that like it isn't their goal.

Anonymous No. 16157021

Make sure to spam report their posts. At least have it flood janny’s feed.

Anonymous No. 16157031

Ah, I haven't seen shad art in ages. The very reason I never watched oneyshit.

Anonymous No. 16157033

I don't think the mods have been very active since the pandemic, with all the low effort /x/ and /pol/ thread spam never being removed

Anonymous No. 16157041

i think the schizo bought up a pass and so since he paid the mods are letting him be, i also saw him on /x/

Anonymous No. 16157042

I miss him, bros.

Anonymous No. 16157066

his name is literally COP lmao

his posts at least pretended to have quality before, now it feels like like a shitty indian ai trying to emulate schizo babble and doing so poorly