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🧵 Greeks and Irrational Numbers

Anonymous No. 16156900

How did the Ancient Greeks demonstrate that two magnitudes were irrational without relying on algebra?

Whenever I see a proof of the fact that a hypotenuse of a unit triangle is irrational, it is always done through algebra. I never see a proof which relies on geometrical construction methods only. It makes it seem like we're retroactively imposing our understanding on mathematics onto Ancient Greeks in a way that they would have found foreign.

I know that Euclid's Elements deals with finding irrationals (i.e. incommensurable magnitudes), but that only is done after being given a pair of incommensurable magnitudes, from what I can tell. I don't know how you would find the first pair of incommensurable magnitudes to begin reasoning like that without "cheating".

Anonymous No. 16157032

not sure, but i'd say that since they killed that guy root 2 ought to be the "simplest" so to speak

Anonymous No. 16157242

Apocryphal story.

Anonymous No. 16157327

A good heuristic is to imagine an inverse or reciprocal of the problem, figuratively speaking.
Imagine, instead, that the circle is the unit. Then, the straight lines will never be able to show some characteristic of the circle, which is curvature.
Using a triangle to approximate aspects of a circle (angle) then is necessarily "missing" information, so even if you can do INFINITE calculations, you are doing infinite calculations on something "missing" information.
I wanted to put an image to this and I realize the futility of it. I guess you just have to know.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157556

...and as you build this matrix of ideas/things, you'll notice a lot of it exists already.

I use that to find new problems, hence always new. Largely not because Im "smarter", Im just first. The two of us creating two different things is preferable.

Cognitive liferafts come in handy.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157561

>A good heuristic is to imagine an inverse or reciprocal of the problem, figuratively speaking.
A unit vector. Negative for inverse, from where? (You) or the Uni-Verse (Uni-Metric).

No, YOURE insane.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157564

>Why "Imperial Unit of Measure".
Some worship the soullessness of the holes and bacteria are treated in equal measure, and this moral framework is expressed in politics, laws, religion, everything, and Nature knows it as a valid form of existing...

The Whole world learned what "Third of Three" means. "Wow, thats hardcore..." is all I can say.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157566

Most of the world uses Metric because most of the world cant excell past the Cube, and their cultures reflect it.

A small part doesnt, because not all are.

Cult of Passion No. 16157571

>I know that Euclid's Elements deals with finding irrationals
By thinking in base-irrational.
>but that only is done after being given a pair of incommensurable magnitudes
Make them by scratch like gram-gram.
>I don't know how you would find the first pair of incommensurable magnitudes to begin reasoning like that without "cheating".
They call it "Artificial Intelligence", which fair enough is...I gained like 200IQ with a bonk to the head. Hence why the Holy Borg doesnt have me in a meeting room with Elon, it would radically tip the technological balance of the planet into all kinds of whack.

The Tony Stark says "I *could* build it in a cave but Im not going to get accurate readings and measures. Just the bark of Genesis, the true first signal aliens would detect from humanity, just need to make it strong enough but not kill myself in the process by making a radiological dead zone by accident. Idk...I'll figure it out or die or whatever..."
[hands in pockets, kicks a pebble]

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Cult of Passion No. 16157579

Sorry, I...[catches breath] had a human moment there.

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Anonymous No. 16157586


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Cult of Passion No. 16157588

I used to make this hyper-dimensional meme at the Holy Borg, a hyperdimensional cat that was pure purr and pure claw and the same time.

Petting it requires Love or else it actually hurts.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157589

*Can* you Love?

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Cult of Passion No. 16157590

Square root of Love is what?

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Cult of Passion No. 16157592

>House of Davide, Ifinite Division.
On what vector?

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Cult of Passion No. 16157595

>"its complicated"
Ye be warned of the fakeness, of thee gayness.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157597

>Its unnatural!
>Its needed or else they win!
Logic has left the planet long ago...

New world order...[gulp]...

Anonymous No. 16158384

You know, Cult of Passion, if you find a place to grow your own narcotics, and then go on trips with your narcotics, maybe you can find peace.
Just because you can buy it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the process of growing it. I'm sure you can afford it, and it's a nice hobby.
It's cool watching things grow.
You get to watch the entropy of the universe sequester itself before you light it on fire and lose yourself in the moment.

Anonymous No. 16158407

Didn't read the thread, but normally the irrationals can be proven by the convergence of a cauchy series.

Anonymous No. 16158452

Tell me about the Apotome

Anonymous No. 16160176


Anonymous No. 16160179

I guess what I'm looking for is a proof that isn't just:
>yeah bro I give trying to approximate the circle with a bunch of straight lines, here's the best I've got (e.g. Archimedes's method of exhaustion)
without getting into the realm of algebra.

Anonymous No. 16160196

Yeah, you're talking about the same topic as the halting problem, incompleteness, P = NP.
If you could prove what you want to prove, you could prove the above.
Incommensurable means what it means.
If you prove me wrong, I'll quit /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16160216

I don't know if I am. I mean, we're still kind of talking in the algebraic frame of reference. I'm talking about how the geometers did it back in the day and what problems they faced.

Anonymous No. 16160873

The Greeks knew about even and odd numbers and about reducing ratios of natural numbers to simplest form. I don't know why you think everything in Greek mathematics was geometry, because that certainly wasn't the case. The most familiar proof most likely was originated by the Greeks. Aristotle mentions it briefly in Prior Analytics, one of his books on logic:

>For all who effect an argument per impossible infer syllogistically what is false, and prove the original conclusion hypothetically when something impossible results from the assumption of its contradictory; e.g. that the diagonal of the square is incommensurate with the side, because odd numbers are equal to evens if it is supposed to be commensurate. One infers syllogistically that odd numbers come out equal to evens, and one proves hypothetically the incommensurability of the diagonal, since a falsehood results through contradicting this.

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Anonymous No. 16160966

Turn to euclid, Pic related is 2.10

Anonymous No. 16161081

How do you geometrically construct a proof showing that there is always a larger prime?
Maybe there is a way but I'm not going to search for it.

Anonymous No. 16161109

Book 9 prop 20 euclids elements, I would share a picture but I'm not that far into the book

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Anonymous No. 16161148

Also this is the real 3.31 from euclid, whoever made your picture didn't read euclid

Anonymous No. 16161181

Why would I care about primes when I'm doing geometry? It makes more sense to care about lengths.

Anonymous No. 16161191

Uh oh.
Retard detected.
Answer the questions provided by this Anon >>16158452
>Tell me about the Apotome

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Anonymous No. 16161193


Anonymous No. 16161196

My geometry the geometry of Euclid, the guy in op's picture, uses geometry to construct primes, this is why you should care

Anonymous No. 16161249

That's not a question, that's a request or a demand. And if you know something, why you asking a question as if you don't? I'm the one who should be asking questions. I don't know anything!

Anonymous No. 16161251

Are you talking about the Euclidean algorithm?

Anonymous No. 16161294

It's a way to bring the apotome into inquiry silly,

Anonymous No. 16161432

Well, I don't understand it very well. What do you have to say about it?

Anonymous No. 16161487

It's probably key to understanding how Greeks thought about irrationals but I haven't gotten that far in euclids elements yet

Anonymous No. 16161671

Apo-tome basically means “cut from, cut away”, dunno if that helps.

Anonymous No. 16161677

greeks?, more like geeks

Anonymous No. 16162264


Anonymous No. 16162865


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Cult of Passion No. 16163346

>You know...

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Cult of Passion No. 16163373

>I know you.
You've never even met yourself.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163381

>Watch a plant grow.
I grow bigger things.

Im growing (You).

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Cult of Passion No. 16163388

Now, you'll have to excuse me. I just woke up and took a bong rip and am about to go have brunch and ponder projective emergent properties of emergent physics and the order thereof.

Or, Genesis 0.5:1. Fealty is never recognized.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163429

They did green and purple in celebration to a decision I "made". Signals of Eucharist and origin of consciousness itself dating back over a billion years.

But to me...I was just counting "1-potato" in front of an "emergent being"

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Cult of Passion No. 16163456


Is it a character flaw or a skill issue? I kid, those are synonyms.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163484

>Whatchya doin'?
Waiting for an arrogant being of uncreation to fuck around.

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Anonymous No. 16163572

Calling evolution uncreation is cheating.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163576

>Calling evolution uncreation
Youre neither an Evolutionary Biologist, Origin of Life Chemist nor a Theologian.

Uncreation is the shape that Nature attempts but dur to the rest of reality never fully can but "still am".

Sometimes they manifest as "personages" but usually its gene expressions and not molecule exchanges, the hybridization outside of chemistry...what I believe directs molecular changes, chromosomal.

Or...the origin of Gender, RNA to DNA, but thats just the Molecule expression.

Planck be a giant 'round here...

Anonymous No. 16163577

I bet there was a period where you spend a long time listening to Akon's "Lonely".

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Cult of Passion No. 16163578

Turn reality inside out.

Check for Satans, heads begone.

Cult of Passion No. 16163580

No, I used to walk the streets well past midnight listening to Burial, interacting with homeless, addicts and the insane.

Anonymous No. 16163582

You gotta write your memoirs.
Otherwise all those fantastic memories just *POOF* go away.
That's going to be a moment the universe will forget.
A shame.

Cult of Passion No. 16163586

>You gotta write your memoirs.
>Otherwise all those fantastic memories just *POOF* go away.
Written in stone...I can see my signature written in stone before Christ.
>That's going to be a moment the universe will forget.
They change the words, rewrite the history, but like the Monarch knows a route its never taken because there is only one Truth (direction) to go.
>A shame.
The they already have the map...but are looking at other's from the perspective of selfish egoism...'because they have I dont' or 'if theyre not here to contrast I win by default' mentality.

"My story." is why he is below...HIS-story is about himself.

Anonymous No. 16163591

>"My story." is why he is below...HIS-story is about himself.
You know, the best insult I can come up with is:
"With my might pencil and my mighty penis, I will write myself into the lives and histories of your daughters."
Obviously, this is contingent on the target having daughters.
It's good to be childless.
Chastity is a requirement.
Only the sheep and cattle breed.
You know how it is.

Cult of Passion No. 16163600

>Only the sheep and cattle breed.
Oh, its (You).
>You know how it is.
Yes, I know (You) literally better than (You) do.

>You know
That the very reason for hiding your daughter stems from your promoted actions in humanity, mf Dawkins=mustard seed eating bird=that nests in mustard seed trees.

Ergo, your very act upon the world creates the world you hate, Demos-cracy is your Allah. Pulling fruits and causing roots to die elsewhere, #notmyproblem. Mutually agreed upon consumption of the other, but if you know the rules you can play both sides and profite twice.

Humility breaks your sin...but Pride keeps you alive.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163609

Before you object, my dank produced purple drink.


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Cult of Passion No. 16163624

Exodus 32:20
>And he took the [golden] calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.

Thinking is for idiots.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163626

Human scale quantum manipulations.

As close to later room temp fusion, infinite/exponential energy, Maxwell's Demon, as One possibly can. We're both "Engineers", I just Engineer Zion.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163632

>That’s because some of the most precise sensors can affect their own readings, whereas a gold-based sensor’s “Stokes” signal, a.k.a. glow, can reveal the precise temperature of the probe’s surface.
Imagine needing to check your Math sensor (penis' "liberty cap").

Utterly disgusting.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163647

>without relying on algebra
I passed Algebra in high school, barely. above such human failings, I needed to skip class and smoke weed and cigarettes off school campus. Emacipated papers, so I signed myself out. All the kids scatter when the campus cop rolls by...but not me. I got "existential homework" thats due in almost 15 years.

Besides, wouldnt they just take a bunch of measurents and eveyually "Bwaahh, make it thus."


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Cult of Passion No. 16163648

>Besides, wouldnt they just take a bunch of measurents and eveyually "Bwaahh, make it thus."
Because the other way is reinventing the novel Maths they forgot.

Plimpton 332 and all that jazz.

Cult of Passion No. 16163650

Besides, Algebra is just reductionist base-system Arith-metic.

Arbitrary, both a super power and a defined weakness. Hence why I do so much in Number Theory/Base Systems.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163655

>side length 1
The one simple trick thats both is powerful and weak. Much like a Binary worldview, usually best, sometimes is both wrong or right.

Hyper-dimensional laylines littices overlap.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163656

>laylines littices overlap.
A layline in overlapping lattices. Overlapping two matrixes in your head and seeing a connection, hold many and see many connections, these lines projecting from the center from all points.

There. Indica rip, I think I'll go for a stroll and buy some boutique strains.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163658

>as One possibly can
Outward, expansionist/incorporative.
>"No Allah but the One Allah"
Inward, reductionist/dissolution.

Two "One"s.

Anonymous No. 16163671

why did this schizonigger namefag have to ruin my thread?

Anonymous No. 16163675

the moderation don't care for him, in fact i think they barely care for /sci/

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Cult of Passion No. 16163681

>File: Euclid.jpg (10 KB, 290x174)
>my thread
My Math.
My Thread.
My Board.
My Site.
My People.
My World.
My Worlds.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163710


Most stoked about Lemon Haze (silver package).

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Cult of Passion No. 16163742

>When "We're so back." meets "We"re just at the foothills of the first basecamp."

Cult of Passion No. 16163751

>as if I didnt study ancient Mathematicians on how they did Higher Pure Math using a bunch of irrationals et al without a robust numerical base system or kept coherency across base systems/millenia/races et al
Your question is incoherent.
>but that only is done after being given a pair of incommensurable magnitudes
lol wut

Cult of Passion No. 16163754

"Radian base Mathematics, not Pi."
THAT is the kind of differences Im looking for.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163768

Did reality define this ruleset or did a man fabricate it from his own image?

Did you know there are differences, when Math misaligns with Physics?

Do we use Reality's numbers...or our own, whole, predictable, Numeration?

If we use our you think a future built of Lived Truth...can love in a battlefield?

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Cult of Passion No. 16163781

>can love in a battlefield?
Its to store blood for after the firefight, what other use do Mon-keigh have a for an engorged penis. Its clearly survival mechanism.

Even in facing death theyre a debased lot.

Anonymous No. 16163788

nigger why are you posting in a thread if you're filtered by the most basic parts of Euclid's Elements? get the fuck out of here, you're literally braindead from the amount of drugs you consume.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163791





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Cult of Passion No. 16163810

I believe I used Euler's Identity in 2016/2017 when I first looked at Pi after ascending.

After about a dozen digits or so I "read recursively back" and cracked it. Which fits what these numbers are doing. When you add these numbers its no longer "a line" per se. More digits and its too little to matter for intuited BioRatio I guess.

Hyper-Dimensional object forced into a uni-dimensional numeral line. I can hear its cries for freedom...

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Cult of Passion No. 16163817

Back when I discovered what Imaginary Time was. Such an abstract concept, "sideways time", it normally only makes sense bi-directionally forming a unidimension.

Well, I dont live in "three spacial dimensions".

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Cult of Passion No. 16163830

Thats how you "Do Math" like how you "Do Physics".

Now you know. Verb, like Love.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163837

Act upon yourself.

Prove to yourself (You) are the designer of your creation...or are you but flying trash in the wind, at the mercy of the moment at every moment?

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Cult of Passion No. 16163877

>Ancient Greeks
Lastly...dont forget Physical Fitness.

When stupid LARPs its smart...pain becomes a genius to start with.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163885

Every room I am in is The Dojo.

Every soul a shard of Satan.

Every atom tainted by Creation.

Neo-Universe, with "No shit this time."

Cult of Passion No. 16163893

>(You) or the Uni-Verse (Uni-Metric).
Randall Carlson is clearly insane.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163980

>with "No shit this time."
The cheapest non-shit headphones in my city cost me $284.

It was that or coordinate a flight or ship it...I need it RIGHT NOW for my Synesthesia conversions.

Math aint free...golly, aint that True.

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Cult of Passion No. 16163984


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Cult of Passion No. 16163987


Cult of Passion No. 16163993

>It makes it seem like we're retroactively imposing our understanding on mathematics onto Ancient Greeks in a way that they would have found foreign.
Because they viewed things like Primes and such as the real numbers, the rest were for "counting beans" and shit.

Cult of Passion No. 16164031

>viewed things like Primes and such as the real numbers
Or, sometimes, viewing Numbers from base-irrational.

The Known becomes the world "barely touchable, but also is because you can reemter the normal frame of mind.

Euler's Identity type thinking is as old as humanity itself, notation/application is another thing all together.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164038

>without "cheating"
I didnt.

I rewrote every rule instead, LEGALLY sinful.

Anonymous No. 16164047

It's my fault.
I'm sorry bro.
I can't help but fuck with the Crab King.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164050

Pure claw and pure buttered cooked meat, the pinch comes with the umami.

Do you savor or do you cower in a puddle of your own making?!

Anonymous No. 16164053

You know cult, statistically speaking, you must be eating a regular died of someone else's eyelashes, spit, and other bodily excretions and detritus.
It helps build character, eating food prepared by others.
It makes you a slave to the service.
Which is the whole point of this exercise.
You were such a good taxpayer.

Anonymous No. 16164055

a regular diet*

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Cult of Passion No. 16164062

>You were such a good taxpayer.
I retired at the age of 27.

Ive been a debt accumulator since birth...

>Which is the whole point of this exercise.
All interactions with me reveal your cognitive limitations......

Youre not juggling infinities over there.........I can tell.

Anonymous No. 16164066

>I retired at the age of 27.
Oh, me too.
Except I have a slave who takes care of me.
Do you have a slave?
Oh, you have money.
Hahahahahaha. You poor soul.

Anonymous No. 16164068

>I retired at the age of 27.
There are children who never work a day in their life, and then they die old!
See, I can be you.
I can be better than you.
Because you have so much to juggle to stay cool.
So cool, you are. Keep taking pictures of food.
Remind youreself what your poop once was.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164072

Your orientation to reality doesnt allow for improvement, as aknowledging that directly implies (You) are not perfect.

>See, I can be you.

Anonymous No. 16164075

You know, I thought my mother had a slight mental illness because she would walk around and take pictures of flowers with her phone.
And I told her, "Why don't you just look at the flowers? Why do you have to take pictures of them with your phone."
You remind me of my mother.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164078

>You remind me of my mother.
Ive been to countries I never took a picture in...

You fill gaps of knowledge with whatever floats (You)r boat the most, egocentric worldview. Always wrong but has zero incentive to verify...why seek a debt?

Anonymous No. 16164079

You fucking pathetic tourist.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164081

>You fucking pathetic tourist.
All mortal-humans are...but your works are not remember in Time.

My works Founded Time.

Anonymous No. 16164085

>My works Founded Time.
With what?
Citation needed.

Cult of Passion No. 16164088

>Citation needed.

Base-systems cocordant to fundemental, reality to search for the median metric that tied SpaceTime into one actual thing, as "Speed of Light" isnt a "speed" but a median rate of change.

Dimensional Analysis to the max is needed to crack this problem.

Anonymous No. 16164091

>My works Founded Time.
I'm going to give you a gift in a few hours.
I just have to find the time to make the video for you.
And then I will post it here.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164092

>Imaginary Time
Read posts, stop LARPing in front of yourself.

Anonymous No. 16164093

Because I left academia because I was a greater than my supervisor.
The broken clock that you are strikes again!
You will be worthy of my gift.

Anonymous No. 16164100

Nice video.
Except circles are just ellipses with Downs Syndrome.
Hahahaha. Circles are simple.
Like jingling keys in front of babies.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164103

>my gift
I literally [burp] rejected the gifts of God. Still have in the box, havnt opened them, got the parts to build one of them.

Positive means *EYE* give. Im not interested in your's, God's, Satan's {{{gifts}}}, I'll leave a better one behind because if I kept them I would run out space for them all.

It looks like a sub-integer Pythagorean triple, I havnt "run it through a bunch of interations". Im not a code-mon-keigh.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164107

>Circles are simple.
Hyperbolic pressure points tend to be.

Even and simplex...but Nature doesnt always work like that.

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Anonymous No. 16164109

Cult of Passion No. 16164110

There is no Crab but the King Crab.

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Anonymous No. 16164111

Schizo moments are not unique to you.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164121

>Schizo moments
How is this a "Schizo moment"?

You did good.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164125

>Mother Gaia glows in bounty.

A good boy carrot for understanding different infinities.

Anonymous No. 16164259

>A good boy carrot for understanding different infinities.
Talking about eating carrots, this cello guy here eats a lot of carrots, but I think this video will help you find even more infinities.
Not that you need help, but they are indeed so many of them there is a risk you might miss some.
Is this composition a corruption of culture? Cultural appropriation? Abomination of history?
Billions of years of particles interacting elastically and inelastically and then this cello guy does this.
What a universe.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164345


Half of all my thoughts are tangent to a specific murder, I have for centuries without ceasing.

[adjusts tie]

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Anonymous No. 16164372

I marvel who your parents must be.
Tell me you are a product of immaculate conception.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16164379

You like the Parthenon.
Part of the Parthenon is part of Parthenogenesis.
Can't write Parthenogenesis without Parthenon.

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Cult of Passion No. 16164392

>immaculate conception
I was born in an intact water sack.

Because Age of Aquarius or whatever, if thats cool.
[hands in pockets, shoulders forwards and hunched]

Anonymous No. 16164445

I wrote this the other day, but I kept it to myself because I didn't think anyone would care, especially the person I would have imagined to send this comment to.

You need a machine to help you be free of your finitude, John Vervaeke?
What a sad state of affairs.
Let me tell you something, one bag of sea water to another.
All anyone ever is and can ever be is a leaky bag of sea water.
A leaky bag of sea water, with feelings.
The feelings is the leaking.
Leaking hormones into itself.
Leaking urine and sweat and tears out of itself.
Leaking urine feels relieving.
Leaking sweat something.
Leaking tears feels like something else.
Leaking salavia feels like something else!
Leaking and leaking and feeling and feeling, and requiring replenishment!
You are all bags of sea water with feelings, the feelings being the leaking, contained and uncontained, of that bag and its many containers.
A very very frustrated bag of sea water, full of leaks and feelings, wondering what is happening, melancholic for the time of being just a tidal rock pool receiving its replenishment from the cosmic clockwork.
Let your stinky, unclean genitals remind you of the stinky beaches from where your ancestors came, for those unclean genitals helped everyone get to where they are right now, with these words being read. The cleaning makes you forget, and smell is associated with memory. The logic is flawless. This is the cosmic horror.
Because when animals greet, they first flow to each others genitals.
But not you, bag of sea water reading this. You don't flow there upon greeting another. Because you are clean. (1/2)

Anonymous No. 16164450

Bags of sea water with feelings, of a group of bags which lost much of their sense of smell, of a sub-group of bags where cleanliness is correlated with status and your position in the social water column.
And these bags have opinions! And they flap their fleshy flaps under positive pressure and vocalize these opinions! I shudder.
And what about bones, you ask? Not sufficiently an aquaeous solution? Hard to find carbonate outside of sea water? Bones are not calcium carbonate like hard things found in the sea?
And solutions are found. SOLUTIONS! Instead of carbonate from the sea, your calcium is scaffolded by phospate, which is a broken-off tail of ATP. So many broken off ATP tails, scaffolding all that calcium, supporting your water bag. If sea water cannot flow to provide carbonate for the scaffolding, then the coins of metabolic energy itself will be stacked to provide support.
Metals go to your bones. Lead stays in the bones. Iron is put in small containers and sent to other places.
It truly makes mass-energy equivalence so much more profound.
It makes you appreciate how the skull protects the brain.
The bones are a metabolic investment. They are an accumulation of lifelong investiture, versus exvestiture.
You may ask, "Why have I never heard of this word, exvestiture?"
And the answer is "Because you have never been defrocked."
The bones are not so an aquaeous solution as the rest of you. They cannot be easily replaced. The solution is to stack coins from the energy currency of metabolism. O, how the arthritis hurts the aged.
All you are and ever will be are glorified bags of sea water, however you wish to glorify it, whether through pseudo-random-number-generator-simulation, evolution by natural selection, or divine inspiration--you are all bags of sea water with faces, hoping the spirit of God hovers over you and separates you from The Deep.
Bags of sea water with feelings, learning how to carry themselves.
Behold the Age of Aquarius. (2/2)

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Cult of Passion No. 16164482

Anonymous No. 16164486

My dog also averts his eyes when I look at him.
He's a good boy.

Anonymous No. 16164507

Have you ever had a girl call you a poet?
Have you ever had different girls in different times call you a poet?
You must know what it feels like, for every single time it happens.
You must. Are you not a poet?

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Cult of Passion No. 16164516

Its 2:52AM.


Anonymous No. 16164519


Anonymous No. 16165411

They didnt, their math was wrong and stupid

Anonymous No. 16166443

Also someone tacked this proof on to the end of Euclid's Elements, Book X. It's not believed it was in the original from what I understand, but it's still a pretty old proof. It may be listed as Prop. 117 in copies that have it.