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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156998

is picrel an accurate depiction of the ultimate fate of scyence nerds?

Anonymous No. 16157000

No, it is an unrealistic fantasy. An unattractive man won't even get a used up slut. He will die alone.

Anonymous No. 16157034

No, it's purely meant to be a depiction of your life, because you're a retarded faggot making dumbass bait threads, go back to sucking cock and get off this board

Anonymous No. 16157760

Its a growing reality for a huge amount of people, a significant part of the population. Its a 100 year old trend, where 4 generations ago people had 12 kids, then progressively less until current day with sexless marriages, no-marriage for half of women, no kids or 1 kid per woman, and so forth.

Anonymous No. 16157765

This is real

Anonymous No. 16157836

i like numbers more than people at this point. Supercomputers here i come.

Anonymous No. 16157854

That's not what the comic is about at all

Anonymous No. 16157856

A commonality between the people on both sides of the picture is that they're offering and looking for superficial things. (Status/money and looks.)

Anonymous No. 16157866

It is related. Women dont marry because they ride the cock carrousel, then they marry late and dont have sex because they dont care about the husband, hence no kids.
All these modern marriages with no kids have that comic as background story

Anonymous No. 16157867

Actually it will become much worse. You will have to settle for an AI woman who will tell you that she had dozens of other boyfriends before.

Anonymous No. 16157872

Declining birth rates are a well-documented feature of developed capitalist nations. With better healthcare, more children are expected to live to adulthood - and thus, parents will have fewer children. All the more because they are no longer dependent on their children in their old age but can retire on a state pension. On the flipside, rising costs of living also discourage people from having children until later in life, when they can reach economic security. Notably, what doesn't factor into this is "riding the cock carousel" (something that can logically only be expected to result in more children, given that every contraceptive can fail, and that is assuming every woman will insist on it in the first place), nor "dead bedrooms", which overwhelmingly set in after a married couple has already produced children.

Anonymous No. 16157892

Feminism is the only good thing happening from 200 years of democracy.
Feminism is good because it destroys the grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market. Women are sex capitalists. It's women who organize the competition . It's men who compete for women and not women who compete for men. So they are right to be very strict about the rules. And since they are the queens, and 99% of men just live to provide for them, they have the luxury of rebuking any male quest they want and imposing on men various duties.
The even bigger picture is that Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.

Anonymous No. 16158042

Inaccurate, my dick's not that big

Anonymous No. 16158050

Nothing you wrote contradicts anything i wrote

Anonymous No. 16158089

soience faggots did this to themselves by inventing birth control pills and performing abortions. without that stuff women couldn't effectively be whores

Anonymous No. 16158594

Nerds aren't suitable breeding material, they've all known that they were inferior since they were young children, it only takes a little bit of daily exercise to get out of the nerd trap, but nerds choose not to output the necessary effort, so they get what they deserve.

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Anonymous No. 16158632

6'2" med student here. My gf sucks me off without me even asking and buys me shit all the time.

Anonymous No. 16158646

Not intentionally, but, uh, well, there it is.

Anonymous No. 16158648

>All the more because they are no longer dependent on their children in their old age but can retire on a state pension
This is not a sustainable demographic model. Who will pay the state pensions for all these old people with no children?

Anonymous No. 16158725

>This is not a sustainable demographic model
That is because capitalism is not a sustainable economic model

Anonymous No. 16158784

It's got nothing to do with capitalism you mindbroken tankie fuck. It's got to do with the State replacing the Family.

Anonymous No. 16158790

>it only takes a little bit of exercise
What's the best workout to improve height and face?

Anonymous No. 16158792

"The state" is just the executive organ of the big banks and big corporations. Who do you think tells the government what to do?

Anonymous No. 16158793

The traditional economic model in pre-capitalist north europe (except Poland) was for family men to own a farm. Which would be passed down to his older son, whom would take care of him,. daughters would be married off and any extra sons were told to fuck off.
In Poland (and southern europe and latin america) the model was to split the farms into small plots for each son, until nothing could be called a farm anymore. Then these small time landlords would sell their lands to some oligarch that would end up owning everything and hiring the men as wageslaves.

Anonymous No. 16158798

It's true and the only difference between you and the two men depicted in picrel is that you are also a low IQ monkeybrained shit. Everything else is the same.

Anonymous No. 16158839

nerds literally just cater to a bitch by doing what some goodwill movie claims they want
nerds are too fucking pussy to even spank their bitch in public when behind a cop in some aisle
that's the type of shit bitches enjoy
you do nothing fun
you do nothing with a tiny bit of danger
pussy ass motherfuckers
I had a bitch bend her naked ass over for me, begging to fuck, and I spanked that bitch, told her to get her shorts on, and come outside to go stargazing
you would ask
>right now???

Anonymous No. 16158855

>you must le satisfy the fantasies of sluts

If I don't want to spank a bitch's ass then why should I force myself to do it? Women who expect me to act in a way that doesn't feel natural to me are a waste of resources and not worth my time.

Anonymous No. 16158856

>Who will pay the state pensions for all these old people with no children?
Immigrants, that's how capitalism works by design and why crying about legal immigration is stupid

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Anonymous No. 16158857

then die alone, nerd
doesn't seem very rational to me

Anonymous No. 16158863

>It's got to do with the State replacing the Family.
And which substantial economic development of the past few centuries might have precipitated that?
The material base determines the ideological superstructure.

Anonymous No. 16158866

With a wife you're still alone. Women don't give you emotional support. They expect you to take a specific role. You have to pretend to be something which goes against your nature. She will tolerate you only as long as you give her the illusion of social status. One moment of weakness, one instant of letting the mask slip and showing your true self, your insecurities, your emotions, your vulnerability - she'll instantly get "the ick" and drop you. Is that a life worth living? What do you get from the relationship? Occasionally sticking your dick in a wet hole? Just hire a prostitute for $50. The social status of having a woman at your side? Again, an escort will do it cheaper and in a less harmful way. Did you truly "not die alone" when you know on your death bed that she's not mourning your death but only planning to get rid of your belongings and to find a new host for her parasitic lifestyle?

Anonymous No. 16158867

It goes against your nature to be with women? By all means, find a man.

Anonymous No. 16158871

You're cute, anon. Would you go out on a date with me?

Anonymous No. 16158872

Sorry, I have a girlfriend

Anonymous No. 16158896

>that she's not mourning your death but only planning to get rid of your belongings and to find a new host for her parasitic lifestyle?
I dont think elderly women are thinking about a new husband when their's die. You imagine that all women are 15-25 year old slim white women. Everyone else is invisible for you. Hence "life on easy mode" meme, as if women did not age or if anyone was simping for non-pretty women.

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Anonymous No. 16159058

It's literally over for non-chads

Anonymous No. 16159094

never understood this, i am bottom 50% of males in most regards except intelligence, and my intelligence is not even spectacular by any means

120 iq, highschool dropout

yet i have never in my adult life struggled with women

just be moderately interesting and shoot above your level, look the part, etc. thats literally it. how are you retards even fucking this up

Anonymous No. 16159111

>how are you retards even fucking this up
Autism. The tragedy is, of course, that the very nature of the problem prevents them from seeing it.

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Anonymous No. 16159123

A tall and attractive guy can be a sperglord and still have women all over his dick. A manlet on the other hand will still be a manlet with or without autism.

Anonymous No. 16159129

Being tall gives you an edge but if you're a massive sperg you'll still lose out over a well-socialised manlet.

Anonymous No. 16159130

bla bla
I learned to focus on what i can actually control, which might just be making money.

Anonymous No. 16159131

Social skills can be learned.

Anonymous No. 16159135

you guys think all women are the same.
lower class junkie women love lower class criminal men.

these days everyone goes to college because of idea that its fair to give everyone the same privilege but you forget that a lot of the women are low born, it's in their genes to be sluts and hookers.
when those sluts who descended from hookers hook up with tyrone they're just following their programming.
you're not supposed to consider them your women

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Anonymous No. 16159217

>bro, just go for the nerdy women, they are totally different and would never want to be sluts

Anonymous No. 16159239

You cannot control making money unless you're a billionaire or a banker. As a dependent wagie you have no control over your money. As a crypto gambler you have even less control over your money.

Anonymous No. 16159260

that's a low born lower class woman of bad genetic stock
>But she's good looking and has a PhD!
Doesn't mean anything if she's still a hookers descendent. Lineage means something

Anonymous No. 16159282

Which of the twelve tribes do the women of good "lineage" descend from?

Anonymous No. 16159324

Kind of.
A smart person realizes it's all cope.
But does it anyway - what other choice is there but to kill yourself?

Anonymous No. 16159359

Both sides are stupid. 4chan is full of antisocial takes like, "I earn $250k and deserve a tradwife even though I myself have become a sociopath over the course of my so-called self improvement."

Anonymous No. 16159362

Maybe 15yrs ago
This. Betabuxx hasn't worked for years. Govmt and simps fill that niche

Anonymous No. 16159373

respecting women 5x5 reps
believing all women 3x5 reps
having a personality that doesn't give the "ick" 4x5 reps
Just beeing urself until failure
Roping after none of the above work 1rep

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Anonymous No. 16159483

>I don't think elderly women are thinking about a new husband when their's die
Okay, some seem to think of their "mental health" first.

Anonymous No. 16159604

The birth rate has crashed in China and North Korea too leftytroon. A few months ago Kim was on North Korean TV crying and begging for their women to have more kids.

Anonymous No. 16159695

Yes, unless science nerd discover the way become supermodels.

Anonymous No. 16159698

>sociopath with self-improvement and good income=deserves tattooed homeless slut with 500 bodycount

Anonymous No. 16159711

she means I could be happier or just as happy single or she's retard, but that difference is moot

Anonymous No. 16159719

>thinly veiled cuck fetish thread
The absolute state of this trash "science" board

Anonymous No. 16159725

think the point is that science is either a great hobby or cuckery in other words stop doing cucked shit by giving your science away

Anonymous No. 16159782

Comic is from asian hapa incel than hate redpillers and bluepillers.

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Anonymous No. 16159798

>The absolute state of this trash "science" board
for real. anyone remember that kid spamming the "psychopathic geniuses" discord server? look it up in the archives if you don't know what i'm talking about, that shit was good enough to be its own copypasta
there's way too many random factors to know that. you know you actually have control over who you try to get with, right? you can just not get with someone if you think this is going to happen in that case.
also, even if that DOES happen, you can then move on with your life and find someone else, or find something else to do entirely, like making a clay pot or starting a private intelligence agency.
this sort of shit is like uninstalling a game you paid for because you HEARD that one of the SIDE QUESTS was bad.

Anonymous No. 16159826

Reminder: Current evidence regarding primate vs hominid penis size suggests that selection of males by penis size is real
Reminder: What followed that genetic selection was years of misogyny on the order of thousands to millions of years, across every single civilization.

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Anonymous No. 16159959

Being over 6' compensates for my overt racism and terrible personality with women.

Anonymous No. 16160076

>anyone remember that kid
Oh you naive newfag. That was not a harmless kid advertising his discord. That was a honeypot trap set up by cops or glowies. They didn't just spam /sci/ but literally every board. On /pol/ you could observe that they had a huge collection of VPNs with different country flags. Highly inorganic and sus.

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Anonymous No. 16160104

oh god are you shitting me? that makes a lot of sense.
i can't believe the public service they achieve with stuff like that, absolutely heroic.
thanks for the info

Anonymous No. 16160160

I think reducing it to that kind of insipid zero sum game isn't true to life. Also any woman that accepts that transaction will be as emotionally vapid as the man

Anonymous No. 16160454

Immigrants don't get old and acquire state pension entitlement? Wow I guess we solved the problem!
What's the birth rate like in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Russia, etc?

Anonymous No. 16160635

Neither China nor North Korea are socialist.

Anonymous No. 16160638

Grandpa, you don't remember? The wall fell.

Anonymous No. 16160650

>Failure to realise that working out is itself indicative of developed social skills because it desmonstrates a desire and ability to fit in combined with an empathic understanding of what is considered socially desirable, and furthermore communicates perseverence and disposable income which are signifiers of status
You also make the mistake of thinking that "social skills" equates to "personality". But what did I say,
>The tragedy is, of course, that the very nature of the problem prevents them from seeing it.

Anonymous No. 16160677

Nerds are already 95% normal height just like the rest of the population.
Unless you have sleep apnea or UARS, you have a 95% normal face.

The same is true of women. Everybody looks the same for the most part.
Just controlling your diet for a few weeks, doing a 2-3 day fast, and hitting the gym to reach some minimum goals or going jogging get you into the top 10%. All you have to do after that is to not be a turbo sperg.
Most of your sperg issues can be deleted by just working as a cashier/barista/taxi for a few months part time, and trying to be mindful to break the ice by practiice.

Anonymous No. 16160694

>Unless you have sleep apnea or UARS, you have a 95% normal face.
I don't think that's what he was talking about, to be fair

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Anonymous No. 16160698

What social skills would have saved pic rel?

Anonymous No. 16160706

Being able to read people better so you don't date a sociopath
(Assuming this is a thing that actually happened, of course)

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Anonymous No. 16160713

>Being able to read people better so you don't date a sociopath
So a "social skill" means to become gay and never date women again?

Anonymous No. 16160718

One useful skill (not a social skill but one that will nevertheless help you here) is to learn self-control so you can stop trawling twitter and 4chan for anecdotal rage bait to turn you into a bitter misogynist. The little dopamine hits you get from seeing your biases confirmed are not worth it in the long run.

Anonymous No. 16160721

Incidentally, I see so many people here (or maybe just a few dedicated shitposters) call everything under the sun "demoralisation propaganda" and yet they seem to have a curious blind spot for this sort of shit.

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Anonymous No. 16160728

I have collected enough empirical evidence IRL long before coming to 4chan. Twitter screenshots are just easier to use as a reference than having to quote my mother, my ex gf or my wife. All my IRL experience confirms that those twitter screenshots are a very accurate representation of reality.

Anonymous No. 16160739

Wow, all of three people. Anyway, why did you not only marry after that, but continue to stay married?

Anonymous No. 16160748

No, but what he is talking about is so delusional and bait like; the only sensible answer is to be factual.

Its one thing to be a pajeet manlet at 155cm.
Its another to be chubby and spergy, and having spent your entire life avoiding basic socialization.

Anonymous No. 16160875

>Its one thing to be a pajeet manlet at 155cm.
I'm 10cm below average in my country. Women despise me.

Anonymous No. 16160881

You posted a picture from an anglodite rag. Its not representative of women and certainly not of elderly women. You just think every woman is 15-25 white and slim, the rest dont exist for you. Plenty

Anonymous No. 16160882

>Immigrants don't get old and acquire state pension entitlement? Wow I guess we solved the problem!
You just bring more immigrants then.
And it just has to work until you die.

Anonymous No. 16160889

maybe you come from a lower class background like a loser and therefore all the women in your life were bad women who love criminals?

Anonymous No. 16160900

More likely he seeks out women like his mother to obtain the love he never received from her, falling into a vicious cycle.

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Anonymous No. 16160933

>not all women are like this, I know this because my simp intuition tells me, okay?
>no, I've never seen a woman who was different, but they heckin must exist because ... uhm they just do

Anonymous No. 16160938

>And it just has to work until you die.
Democracy is so based holy shit

Anonymous No. 16160953

I have a girlfriend, actually.

Anonymous No. 16160959

You have a future ex girlfriend. Be aware that anything can give her the ick any time and she'll either leave you or cheat on you.

Anonymous No. 16160963

She's already stood by me through some very "icky" moments, so no. Maybe if you find that every woman gets the "ick", the common factor is you.