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Anonymous No. 16157385

hegel the philosopher said that science will inevitably be the tool that solves everything. he said though, that in order to do this, science must evolve into a system that involves the observer/being in the equation. in other words, it must somehow encapsulate big picture intuiting and feeling by becoming a self referential system, that not only explains all of reality, but also justifies itself

do you think this realistically will ever be possible?

Anonymous No. 16157386

I dislike Hegel but I agree with the statement. Quantum mechanics proves the fundamental role of consciousness. Science will never be complete as long as it merely sticks to material descriptions.

Anonymous No. 16157387

Only through total recognition and submission to GOD in the CTMU. And Hegel was wrong anyway. Science has cowed to political pressure at every step and is just another inexcusable tyranny.

Anonymous No. 16157393

>let's follow this dude's 200 years old ideas

Anonymous No. 16157398


Anonymous No. 16157399

>200 years ago they didn't even know about pronouns and nonbinary genders, therefore they must have been wrong about everything

Anonymous No. 16157423

>pronouns and nonbinary genders
those arose in a way due to him, watch >>16157398

Anonymous No. 16157535

>philosonigger babble
Go to lit you stupid nigger

Anonymous No. 16157614

what an incredible pseud. A huge infodump purporting to connect everything and anything, but really calculated to impress mouthbreathers who would never touch any book by the philosophers discussed.

Barkon No. 16157618

Science is using tools and resource to discover new things(including new things about old things). Philosophy is self discovery without using action.

It's a simple case of taking in or giving effort to.

Anonymous No. 16157628

You're also a retarded pseud. Philosotards are so delusional.

Anonymous No. 16158100


damn thank you for this video anon. i get whats going on now. they're trying to fuse everything all the time...those damn leftists. they want the church and state to be one again (like before the protestant reformation), they want the material and spiritual to be one again (like classical education used to think with the trivium and aristotle education etc), they're pitting the left vs the right in politics so they synthesize

wow. those sneaky jews

Anonymous No. 16158740

cultist spotted

bodhi No. 16158745

>Dr James Lindsay is the psued not me, the internet rando who beats off to anime!

Anonymous No. 16158752

>James Lindsay
Is that the guy who thinks he can end "wokeness" without touching the civil rights act?

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Anonymous No. 16158753

yep turns out it is him

bodhi No. 16158757

idk I have only seen two of his lectures and they were both posted by the anon above I am sure. His lectures are competent. I dont agree with him that leftists are gnostics (they are too retarded for that) but I dont doubt a current of gnostic thought runs through leftism by its more educated and intelligent "founders" so to speak

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Anonymous No. 16158767

Science cannot solve all questions or know all things. Science can only deal with two kinds of questions:
1. Questions which have answers that are found within Human observation, through senses or tools.
2. Questions that have answers that can be found through experimentation.
Anything outside of these two questions are unanswerable by Science, and perhaps not answerable at all. The example I'd use would be that of a hypothetical "Shadow Physics" (compare Shadow Biosphere), wherein there exists a whole category of substances that make up the universe that interacts with nothing but itself and either interacts weakly with the regular Physics or not at all. There is nothing spectacular or supernatural about the Shadow Physics, it just does its own thing by itself. Can Science answer any questions about Shadow Physics? No, it doesn't interact well with the regular material universe - which is where our eyes, our observation tools, and our experimental tools exist. Is Shadow Physics that relevant? For the most part, no, not unless you want to know everything. Which Science intends to, which is where the problem lies. The fact is Science has limits, and should recognize them. Assuming that Science can know everything 'eventually' just because Humans are so special they deserve to know everything is absurd. We're probably running into this hypothetical Shadow Physics already, and it's probably already starting to cause problems for Science. Really, Science's priority should be practical knowledge, and not "Science = Knowledge, because Science is a very special boy".

Anonymous No. 16159105

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