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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Engineering college

Anonymous No. 16157462

I'm submitting a college transfer application. My GPA sucks (2.75) but I really want to get into Electrical Engineering. My current major is IT. The application wants my intended major. Should I put something that has lower competition, like Gender Studies or something? Surely putting EE will only harm me, right? I ask /sci/ because you would be familiar with engineering academia than, say, /r9k/. I'm also Asian and a straight male, and I know better than self-report Asian on any college application; that can only ever hurt you.

Anonymous No. 16157482

If you still have a lot of credits you need to take it might just be easier to transfer to a community college or some less prestigious university, take some classes to get a 4.0 there, and then transfer to the school you want to go to with your new GPA. As for the intended major thing, you might not be able to change your major from it until you have done a semester or two at that college, so unless you don't mind taking fucking gender studies classes for a year then you probably shouldn't do that. And if you're not doing too good in IT, then switching to EE probably isn't the solution since that is harder than IT unless you don't mind a lot of math.
>straight asian male
probably better than straight white male when it comes to college apps

Anonymous No. 16157486

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16157495

>And if you're not doing too good in IT
I was 18, sucked at school, and did poorly. I skipped and didn't take it seriously. I'm older now, and I did a few online classes, I did well, they were online and mostly pre-reqs, but had my career keeping me busy (I was on the road and away from a computer, and my online school's notorious for being difficult, especially during shortened semesters) and I fell behind quickly and got a D in one of my programming courses a few months ago. I'm ready to be a full-time student now, but I don't know how to show that. Thanks for the help.