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Anonymous No. 16157523

>LARP as ascetic, friendless, super-disciplined hermit whose life is wholly dedicated to mathematics.
>He had a son with his landlady during his time in Nancy
>With his wife Mireille Dufour, he had three children: Johanna (born 1959), Alexander (born 1961), and Mathieu (born 1965)
>He also had one child with Justine Skalba, with whom he lived in a commune in the early 1970s

From my, chronically online 4chan anon perspective it seems like there is clearly something not right about his propaganda.

inb4: He only became monk when he was elderly creep.
No, it was said that he was ascetic, friendless, super-disciplined even when he was studying as undergraduate

Anonymous No. 16157763

I dont care about math lore.

Anonymous No. 16157949

I have no idea where you heard that, he was described as a normal guy who worked in mathematics. That he didn't act like other mathematicians.

Anonymous No. 16157981

>To protest against the Vietnam War, he gave lectures on category theory in the forests surrounding Hanoi while the city was being bombed

Anonymous No. 16158034

>noooo, how dare this math Chad be a sex haver

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Anonymous No. 16158079


Anonymous No. 16158084

I remember that I read somewhere that during his student days, his professor asked one of his students to go out with grothendieck, because he was worried that the only grothendieck was doing was studying math in his basement.

Anonymous No. 16158296

Thinking people smarter than you always have to be some kind of aspie is a coping mechanism, anon

Anonymous No. 16158660

Yeah, blackpill here is brutal

Anonymous No. 16159610

his professor sounds like he is pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16160615

He was an enormous cunt irl. But I don't know why you didn't touch on more relevant points.
For example:
>his wife was never allowed to use the car which he bought because he considered using the car "immoral" in his greenie larp
>but him using the car was fine of course because it was necessary for him
>also wanted to larp as le based monk
>actually had so much grant money thrown at him that colleagues referred to him as "the bank"
>wanted people to think he quit the university because of the military funding thing
>in reality he chimped out because the students were protesting against it, and he figured out the students didn't see him as one of them, they just saw him as part of the university establishment

Anonymous No. 16160641

Sounds like an attention cunt

Anonymous No. 16161280

he wasn't like that, he at least subconsciously wanted to become a legendary figure, if he wanted to be forgoten he wouldn't make a fus about droping academic positions and writting thousands of pages of essays about himself that he later mailed to his friends. You have to create the proper kind of mythology around yourself to be remembered. Think, how many anecdotes about famous scientists have you heard that are treated as proof of their specialness but are just examples of their arrogance or plain stupidity. >>16160641
he was from a disfunctional druggie family or sth which probably affected his "quirky" personality

Anonymous No. 16162201


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Anonymous No. 16162218

rate his phrenology

Anonymous No. 16162489

He schizomaxxed later in his life btw. Thinking he was chased by the devil or something like that.