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๐Ÿงต Cannabis is for losers.

Anonymous No. 16157689

>The highest regular use (16 percent) was recorded among U.S. adults who earned less than $24,000 per year, and those whose completed a high school education or less (13 percent).
>Almost half of Biden voters want to live someplace weed is legalized
>The consumption levels dropped nearly threefold with those who have advanced degrees and those who live in high-earning households.
>95% of people who make $180,000/year or more do not consume cannabis regularly

It's a fact. If you want to get ahead in life, you shouldn't be wasting time/money smoking pot.

Anonymous No. 16157691

poor people use cheap hedonisms at a higher rate? so?

Anonymous No. 16157705

It's not necessarily that poor people smoke pot, it's that smoking pot can MAKE people poor.
Both because spending money on pot means they are not saving/investing, and because it stunts brain development and doesn't allow people to learn new information, which is key to career advancement.

Anonymous No. 16157709

Ok, should still be legal.

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Cult of Passion No. 16157716

>drug of choice is now weed
Better than boozing, do something artistic or creative while your eat it.

I just have one shot every fortnight, for digestion and fight astral-consumption.

Anonymous No. 16157717

tsmt, cocaine ftw

Anonymous No. 16157757

What sort of retarded argument is that? Weed is the cheapest shit out there and you can even grow your own. In my place my 1 week stash costs less than a pack of cigarettes. Also I have some plants myself which I use to extract their resin, shits fire. Alcohol, cigarettes and other hard drugs are way expensive

Anonymous No. 16157814

How about, you don't need drugs?

Anonymous No. 16157817

Sure, but just because something is legal doesn't mean you should do it. Gambling is legal too.

>Imagine thinking you need drugs to "be creative"

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Cult of Passion No. 16157822

Why the best artists of the mid to late 20th century all have heavy narcotic influence?

Trent is better clean, sure...but Im reality, his music was better under heroin (because his soul was hurting, just drugs without the tortured artist is just background hesonic subculture).

>Imagine thinking its about making...

Its warps perspective into certain catagories of experience, laws against them is to protect social cohesion for national security interestests...


I wanted to do some mingling in the Heroin trade in Afghamistan but that went away with the incoming Taliban, who would have been my connection since Im an honorary memeber and can get citizenship should I request it.

>I know things and have done stuff.
Sure bud.

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Anonymous No. 16157824


Anonymous No. 16157864

>Gambling bad

Anonymous No. 16157869

You're dumb enough to be an ex stoner, that's for sure. You might have cleaned up but you still have cannabis induced mental retardation

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Anonymous No. 16157881

So what should you do with your money if you're smart?

Anonymous No. 16157910

> best artists
LMAO, those are jew's fuck pets. Only a complete imbecile moron like you would believe those monkeys are anything but trash.

Anonymous No. 16157912

Investing advice always ignores biological reality and assumes lifespan is eternal and money has equal or greater worth at a futute end point. A million dollars won't do anything for you when you're 70 and even if it did you won't have much time left to use it, and living that long is purely a hypothetical most people just assume will happen and make no real efforts (like rapamycin use) to actually make it

It makes better sense to use it on high risk investments or even gamble it than squirrel it away for sake of an imagined retirement. The investments most people make are poor too, tied up in age restricted vehicles that penalize their early withdrawal (401k, IRA). High dividend stocks in normal brokerage accounts which would pay out and increase living quality in the here and now and not an imagined hypothetical are seldom considered by people like you.

Its more rational to spend the money to exhaustion if it cannot be used as a means to escape working in the short term, say 5 or 10 years max. This increases social standing and helps with mate attraction which will improve your life much more than being an incel miser with some dream of living out the fruits of retirement in the geezer years, if you even make it that long.

Finally, life is not fair and the most studious investing will not yield what lesser people have attained already. Therefore, utilizing what one has and maximizing quality of life in the present makes more sense than investing for sake of investing.

Anonymous No. 16157923

Nice wall of cope but you're the retard spending thousands of dollars over the years to keep getting loaded.
>there's nothing to do with my money besides smoke it!

Anonymous No. 16157934

I don't use weed, smoothbrain which you would have deduced from my previous comment if you had an above average IQ.

Cult of Passion No. 16158003

>jew's fuck pets
Everything you like is trash.
Present your art so I can show the thread a disgraceful son.

Anonymous No. 16158157

No, pot heads should hang.

Anonymous No. 16158158

>Cannabis is for losers.
retarded blanket statement. not all things are for everyone. you have midwit takes

Anonymous No. 16158167

you're a drug addict

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Anonymous No. 16158171

don't reply to identityfags asshole, you are perpetuating their injury and not letting them heal

Anonymous No. 16158172

I don't see any arguments in your reply

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Anonymous No. 16158195

OP doesn't prove anything other than OP is dumb because they jump to conclusions.
It's very likely that rich people simply like more expensive drugs like cocaine

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Anonymous No. 16158203

>It's very likely that rich people simply like more expensive drugs like cocaine
weed is not for everyone

Anonymous No. 16158214

he quit smoking and denounced weed because he finally saw the error of his ways

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Anonymous No. 16158218


Anonymous No. 16158221

If marijuana isn't addictive, why does it have withdrawal effects?

Anonymous No. 16158275

if you like weed it's better to just have a spare bottle of benzos to chill out than to use weed

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Anonymous No. 16158280

All of the high class people doing crack cocaine
Middle class doing cocaine hydrochloride (and claiming that crack is for people below them)

Anonymous No. 16158406

as if those people have time to smoke weed

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Sage No. 16158418



Anonymous No. 16158427

gee if i could get a bottle of benzos i would. lorazepam my beloved

Anonymous No. 16158432

cocaine and/or zoloft

Anonymous No. 16158825

>it stunts brain development and doesn't allow people to learn new information
this sounds like some kind of reefer madness hysteria nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16158978

The culture around it persists due to prohibition and incongruent cognition. In other words, the people who protest it have to realize through their cognitive dissonance why it is reflected as degenerative culture. Who's the mirror? Anyone with awareness can see the kind of chaos prohibition causes. Creating problems to create narratives to create cultures to create solutions. Perpetuation of misery for the sake of itself.

Anonymous No. 16158995

Nah you are mistaken, the US is actively using pot to keep people docile.
Ain't no theory behind it its all fact.
My contry in eastern europe legalized medicinal marijuana after which 50 factories were built for production and had warehouses full of merchandise that they had nowhere to ship.

Untill a guy Big Mike came from the US and made a deal with the government for export in the US and get this in Germany before any rumors that they plan to legalize marijuana.

And lo and behold a month ago weed is legal in Germany.
You know having half of the population being migrants you have to keep them calm ,just give them weed.

Anonymous No. 16159740

Weed really is the worst. Can make you a lazy uninteresting paranoid loser. I used to enjoy it when I was younger, now all it does is make me feel paranoid and like I'm wasting my life.

Anonymous No. 16159865

Honestly, as a regular smoker of cannabis, I can state with certainty that any substance with the ability to boost serotonin and/or dopamine is best avoided, particularly during the early to mid formative years of the brain.
However... For those of us with serotonin and/or dopamine imbalances resulting from trauma, abuse or whatever, cannabis can offer a therapeutic advantage over other substances like dextroamphetamine.
Now, it is better not to develop serotonin and/or dopamine imbalances by avoiding substances such as cannabis. I include things like "energy drinks" on the list of substances better avoided.
If your brain works, don't mess with it.

Anonymous No. 16160326

if you really believe some soma conspiracy i ask you is it really that bad? plus if they really wanted a nation of dociles theyd made benzos otc

Anonymous No. 16160339

It also causes higher rate of testosterone aromatization (Transforming T to estrogen). Some heavy users even start to grow man-boobs because of this. Not even once.

Anonymous No. 16160340

In my experience people who are strongly against legalization did not have very good social lives when they were younger.

Anonymous No. 16160341

why are you spamming anti-weed shit on this board
it really isn't that harmful

Anonymous No. 16160358

ive heard its equally bad at messing with your estrogen though. idk i remember reading it interferes with hrt in some capacity

Anonymous No. 16160378

Just grow your own retard

Anonymous No. 16160383

nta, i live with my parents and its illegal here :(

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Anonymous No. 16160461

Uh actushually correlation is not causation.

No, seriously though, I think it's mostly just correlation and just maybe a little causation.

I did a project recently with a sample size of 158, two of the questions on my survey were what is your GPA and how many days a week do you consume marijuana, the fitted regression line actually had a slight positive slope. I'd imagine with sample sizes in the thousands there would be a small negative slope however.

Anonymous No. 16160466

I mean, after all, I'd imagine there's some kind of effect taking place here where people with higher GPA's are less ashamed to report their marijuana consumption or something.

Anonymous No. 16160546

Looks to me like the ones who use congregate around the 2.5-3.25 range, fitting the stereotype of users being distracted or unmotivated. Did you do one for alcohol too?

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Anonymous No. 16160559

I don't see any kind of special congregation at the 2.5-3.25 range. You can see the slope of the regression line is actually slightly positive. There's 158 data points here there's just a fuck ton layered on top of eachother, only 23% of all respondents admitted to consuming marijuana at some point in time, even less said they are actively consuming marijuana, only then are they counted as consuming marijuana some days of the week.

Yes, also here are the drinking ones.

Anonymous No. 16160563

Fun note: the single respondent who has about 57 drinks/week and drinks every day of the week said in his marijuana question: "Maybe once a week, coke is better." People would probably criticize me for including such an outlier but I find it perfectly believable to get one person who was off the wall like that. I'd probably get more if people weren't hesitant to admit that they are fucked up and on drugs every day of the week.

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Anonymous No. 16160569

I see

What's your major

Anonymous No. 16160574

I don't want to say too much about myself. Revealing some details on the survey is enough for me.

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Anonymous No. 16160608

Tell me your social security number

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Anonymous No. 16160617

I can tell you, that with 95% confidence, business majors drink far more than the average of all other majors combined. It is worth noting however, that at a 99% level of confidence I wouldn't be able to tell you that. The wide confidence interval just comes from a large amount of variability in business major's drinking. Still though, seeing as the mean is over 3 times higher, they definitely do drink a fuck ton more.

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Anonymous No. 16161246

If weed makes you stupid how the fuck did I manage to do this while high as fuck?

Anonymous No. 16161262


Anonymous No. 16161270

you should've taken out all the zero users to make a better fit. The zero users are relevant but if you want to see if weed usage is correlated with higher gpa then zero users will just diminish your correlation.
in fact you can already see it, higher gpa and more weed usage is correlated. No idea why as it seems counterintuitive. Probably sample size. You'd expect people who spend time high would spend less time studying.

Anonymous No. 16161277

business buddies need socialising. Alcohol helps with socialising. Ez explanation. For real though remove the zeros for weed and alcohol and see what your correlation becomes then. That way you get an actual correlation between usage and gpa instead of usage/non-usage and gpa. Not saying it's better (usage/non-usage is better for the general population) but it's a fun correlation to see for the user population.

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Anonymous No. 16161324

Anonymous No. 16161330

>all activities not promoting work

Anonymous No. 16161337

Anon tell me your TC and then lets both laugh at how useless and worthless you are, huh?

Anonymous No. 16161523

>they are not saving/investing
Investing into what? Saving for what? We're neither going to be wealthy or retire. Get your head out of your ass.

Anonymous No. 16162072

Worst takes in the entire thread. Hopefully everyone with a brain can recognize trolling posts.

Unfortunately so many people think these things are โ€œhobbiesโ€ when they are brain-draining activities.
Much healthier to have good hobbies that help develop creative thinking and problem solving.
Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s always hilarious when Hollywood films (for example) try to make it look like only dorks/nerds engage in model building. In reality anyone who follows the degenerate Hollywood lifestyle is more than likely to wind up a complete loser.

Anonymous No. 16162088

I think this data is actually
>injecting cannabis daily or on a regular basis has a detrimental effect on work ethic
Itโ€™s totally fine on the weekend

Anonymous No. 16162115

Weed is an economy all to its own, people who get good at growing tend to have way more they can use themselves and it becomes very profitable rather than smoking all their money which is the whole reason the (((government))) doesn't like it since anyone can learn a bit about it and start making a lot of money with little overhead.

Anonymous No. 16162121

>Earn less than 24K a year
You can get 30K yearly even if you just do part time gig jobs and freelance

Anonymous No. 16162124

The withdrawal effects aren't those of physical dependency, so it isn't considered physically addictive, its just a result of the psychological effects.

Anonymous No. 16162139

This is what midwits do. They see premises they never encountered people and react with rage and dismiss it without an argument. Geriatric and mortalistic devaluing of monetary value logically means money becomes more worthless to its holder and loses its utility with age. The guy asserted he was le smart because he uhhh invested which any 80 IQ retard that listens to Dave Ramsey can do. Wasn't bait and your unsubstantiated emotional knee jerk label to it being the worst take is only a sufficient signal to other midwits browsing this site reinforcing already widely held NPC takes.

Anonymous No. 16162181

This probably includes college students who have zero income, but take out exorbitant student loans.

Anonymous No. 16162185

Wow, what a convincing argument! Youโ€™re so right, investing IS for total suckers!
Iโ€™m going to divest all of my savings/investments and spend it all on frivolous consumerism.
Iโ€™m also going to quit my well-paying job and become a taxpayer funded NEET.
Thanks Based Anon!

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Anonymous No. 16162603

>The withdrawal effects aren't those of physical dependency
wrong, picrel is just a small incomplete list.

Anonymous No. 16162609

>doesn't elaborate
Wow, is this your brain on not weed? So superior.

Anonymous No. 16162820

Is your argument that investing is a waste of time? Is that your stance?
Forgive me, itโ€™s just that the only time I ever hear such nonsense is from poor braindead socialists/commies.
And fortunately for me, people like do not require a response, since they arenโ€™t intelligent enough to understand it. Which is probably why they became leftists/commies/socialists in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 16162830

Hereโ€™s a complete list.

Anonymous No. 16162852

My argument is the current economic climate doesn't facilitate a sound investment environment. People in 08' lost ~40% of their 401k and we're approaching/ are already there a similar environment mechanically in the economy. Doesn't mean investing doesn't work, but yes right now investing is a waste of time. Surely, you expect the bubbles to pop, yes?

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Anonymous No. 16162916

Somewhat valid.
Stocks can be over or under priced.
Thatโ€™s why Index Funds are great. Or bonds. Or gold/silver coins.
When in doubt, zoom out.
Even if the market crashes, what matters is being able to keep your job during downturns so you can buy stocks at depressed prices.
Then again, this conversation is more for /biz/ or r/investing. But I will keep saving/investing anyways despite the risk of a bubble popping any time soon.
Back to our present topic.
If you want to make money and keep your job (and are paranoid about losing it), statistically the people who stay away from marijuana are better off in the long run.

Anonymous No. 16162928

Why? The idea that something which statistically, demonstrably makes society worse should be practiced because of empty words like freedom is the philosophical equivalent of retardation.

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Anonymous No. 16162987

>Thatโ€™s why Index Funds are great
>Or bonds
US02Y - 4.83
US30Y - 4.63
The yields are reversed. I doubt US will default on its debt, but all the bank failures thus far have to do with banks locking down low yields before the rate hike which made them illiquid and when the rates rose they couldn't sell their shit yield bonds and got fucked. No reason this couldn't happen again especially given that core cpi is still rising month over month.
>Or gold/silver coins
Currently at 2300 / 27.40 which are ath outrages prices to pay.
>what matters is being able to keep your job during downturns
Hours went from 315k in March to 175k in April. That's a hell of a drop which means stoners and non-stoners alike are getting fucked.
> this conversation is more for /biz/
True, at the end of the day these are all just signals and Michael Burry predicted 1 recession out of 30 attempts. This time is not different until it is as to when that is your guess is as good as mine, but the broader point is shit's fucked right now. Saudi's cut like 3.5 million barrels over the last year in production and crude today is at 78.
>statistically the people who stay away from marijuana are better off in the long run.
That's just like your opinion man.

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Anonymous No. 16163012

I literally just used superpowers to predict or even manifest a fucking tornado, and you're gonna bitch cannabis is for losers? How about you get swept up in a rising current assholes

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Anonymous No. 16164176

do you guys know what this powdery powder is? exactly, strawberry milk powder. If you're not consuming strawberry milk then you're likely low income and of low social status

Anonymous No. 16164528

Marijuana is an addictive drug just like herion or fentanyl

Anonymous No. 16164952

i am the 5%

Anonymous No. 16164962

even if you're a authoritarian hall monitor faggot there's a million things that would be criminalized before weed was the main concern

Anonymous No. 16166233

marijuana is every bit as harmful as all those other drugs, the fact that its shilled as being a safe alternative only makes it that much worse. there are hundreds of marijuana addicts for every fentanyl addict, marijuana is causing more harm than less popular drugs, they're all about equally harmful.

Anonymous No. 16166242

Same applies for alcohol and tobacco, still legal

Anonymous No. 16166674

If your goal isn't to stop working in the next 5 or 10 year maximum and you don't have a financial path to do it, you're coping heavily with the necessity of needing to work and will suffer for the next 30 or 40 years doing it. Heckin investing for future old man (you), a made up hypothetical if you really considered it (ailing health, no mating opportunities, no social status from maturity of assets and use of funds from them) you'd realize blowing the cash is a better decision than distant (20 yr+) investments. Also nice Reddit wow reply ignoring the arguments and inserting all sorts of stawmen. You are not smart.

Anonymous No. 16166702

tobacco isn't that bad for health. health risk barely increase unless you smoke very heavily like a few packs daily. they have to make a meme out of smoking tobacco bad because people hate passive smoking (me included). marijuana is the worst because it's as bad or worse than alcohol and other people can accidentally inhale vapor from stupid potheads. marijuana should 100% be banned.

Anonymous No. 16166754

every time I take a t break (i smoke every day). the only symptom i get is just having the thought "I would enjoy this more if i was high right now" and just a general temptation but it was usually not hard to take my mind off it. Ive never felt any kind of physical discomfort from quitting and I usually didnt miss it that much after about a week.

Anonymous No. 16166763

>bad or worse than alcohol
What benefit does alcohol have over weed? I legitimately can not think of one example. Alcohol is probably one of the worst drugs that is commonly used.

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Anonymous No. 16166778


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Cult of Passion No. 16166813

I go months or longer without weed as half the time Im in countries with death penalties.
Its called habituation and is not the same as addiction.


Anonymous No. 16166826

A case study for weed induced schizophrenia LMAO

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Cult of Passion No. 16166831

>weed induced schizophrenia
Willpower induced.

As was synesthesia and dyslexia, both used for Mathematics.

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Cult of Passion No. 16166845

>Reading dubs and trips is right to case you forgot youre on a rouge deepstate website, or whatever....if thats cool with you guys or not...
>[hands in pockets, shoulders hunched]
"Im awake though!"
Youre actively snoring and drooling.

Every day youre realinged a micrometer...never noticed, eventually, the peaceful liberal became the hostile warhawk Democrat of today

How magic moral reverser?!

Cult of Passion No. 16166846

Thats why it was moved off US soil...

There are two deepstates, the one on TV is with Hillary Clinton and gets caught doing sloppy jobs, the other deepstate has offices in all countries and is why I travel so much.

Also why I study Developmental Psychology and cults is because that is the same vector the first deepstate tries to use (but theyre too retarded to understand it, only see a single level to pull and means to profit off of it.)

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Cult of Passion No. 16166858

Your society has bigger issues like no longer being able to trust medical science, its courts or elections, its news or politics, all of them, everyone.

>These pills will save my child?
>No, it sterlizes them for future midterm elections. It saves my career and lifestyle.
>Ok...I will now vote for Uni-versal Healthcare at $1,500 per citizen per month.

This is why thy Lord, YOUR GOD, isnt worthy of my respect...he cannot do anything right, let alone make a species that isnt Satanically bent...10,000 loopholes for evil built into "TSSSSNUH UH, TRUST THE SCIENCE!"

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Cult of Passion No. 16166861

>thy Lord, YOUR GOD
Oh, and find the error between Theological Theory and Application and (You) too will vbe able to look down, from above, all of UnCreation.

Its only the most impossible problem in existence, or whatev...

>Same as the story of one of two tells the truth, the other lies, but trinary, not binary, so its a whole dimension harder.

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Cult of Passion No. 16166862

I did all of that stoned...

...because if I wasnt I would have out a slug through my brain. Creation is a limitation upon me, not the other way around.

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Cult of Passion No. 16166885


[makes explosion sound effects followed by a pod-racer driving by]

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Cult of Passion No. 16166907

Now *this* is divine ascension.



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Cult of Passion No. 16166918

>my version of "shlorp" like a dog thats clearly not "thirsty" but is just bored from a lifetime enclosed in a artificial environment causing deep neuroticism thats, of course, affirmed by the oblivious own who uses the dog to affirm it's own mental illness, as this is the Way of Huemans

Mental balance and self care on this end.

Cult of Passion No. 16166922

God taste like something else......

I hope this is legal....

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Cult of Passion No. 16166982

Oh, and before people think Im some super druggie, one's own BioChemistry is a drug I dont partake in, humans do.

Its the pipe inside the brain...not all drugs are "cool" to me.

>But its natural, organic, human development.
No thanks, Im intelligently designed. Sure it has its downsides, as all do, but Im far more accept of its downsides tha the other side's, which is oblivion to me.

Some parts of existence are hyper-asymmetrical, all good on one side, all bad on tbe other. Synthesis is difficult when so lopsided. Double for internal synthesis.

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Cult of Passion No. 16166994

So I am always in a state of fasting from one thing or another, in heavy detox, food fasting, sleep fasting, enjoyment fasting, relaxing fasting. Non-PhD fasting. I shit blood this morning (minor, if I legit food fast I'll show a crime scene).

Just...keep going.

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Cult of Passion No. 16166995

>Yeah, sounds hedonistic.
Purposeful suffering is a virtue.

MAKE something. I made me.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167008

>I feel.

Fate sealed.

>I feel nothing.

Fate sealed.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167011

>If you want to get ahead in life, you shouldn't be wasting time/money smoking pot.
"One of the remains with cannabis was that of Pharaoh Ramses the Great."
Count stars, not sins.

t.Amun Ra the Seventh of Three

>Didnt Archimedes or one of them do an estimation of grains of sand on Earth? So its not like such a thing is "beyond the scope", just beyond the scope of humies.

Anonymous No. 16167013

Because prohibition doesn't work and likely never will.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167014

>and likely never will.
Not with "breakfast cannabis tea soda" on their side.

Open and shut case.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167024

I smoked the whole line.

I need help.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167055

Im hungry.

Feeling "peck-ish". I bite but not to consume, your ongoing suffering is my consumption.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167059

>ongoing suffering
Ecclesiastes 1:18

"Wisest of them all." Your welcome.

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Anonymous No. 16167063

>tobacco isn't that bad for health. health risk barely increase unless you smoke very heavily like a few packs daily.
Literally same applies for weed, except even then thanks to lacking 150 different carcinogenic compounds they spray down tobacco with your chances of getting lung cancer from smoking weed is exponentially smaller, not only that it actually has some effect and potential benefit without being poisonous to you like nicotine
>it's as bad or worse than alcohol
Hell no lmao, go outside on a friday night and every dude you see acting like a cunt is drunk, not to mention the effects on your organs and endocrine systems
>inhale vapor from stupid potheads
>inhale vapor
>from smoking
Hi chatGPT

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Cult of Passion No. 16167066

>without being poisonous to you like nicotine

Anonymous No. 16167074

>take 1g of nicotine
>instantly drop dead
>smoke 50g of weed
>still alive
The nicotine effects you get only last for less than a minute and completely disappear as soon as tolerance hits, which is right after your first nicotine hit wears down, after that it is completely useless unless you keep upping the doses and tickling death's pickle, which is ultimately less beneficial for you than just smoking a bowl and using your braincells instead of watching rick and morty all day long
>inb4 nuh uh
I was a smoker for 20 years and consumed nicotine in various forms, it's a completely useless compound used to peddle you addictive products to drain your wallet

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Cult of Passion No. 16167077

>take 1g of nicotine
>instantly drop dead
>smoke 50g of weed
>still alive
NeuroChemists dont say things like this.

Ive looked into the literature a bit and I know what Im talking about, you clearly dont.

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Anonymous No. 16167084

>I watched a youtube video on how to weld
>that means I know more than the guy who's been welding for 20 years

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Cult of Passion No. 16167097

Youve stidied NeuroChemistry for 20 years?!
>No, that wasnt the point of m-...


>But I want to talk about my feelings via the linguistics of NeuroChemistry.
GTFO the lab.

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Anonymous No. 16167103

Reading wikipedia =/= practical experience
Go ahead, smoke an entire pack of cigarettes in one sitting to feel your nicotine effects, see how far you get before you vomit and shit yourself

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Cult of Passion No. 16167109

...that he is full of shit.

Nicotine has showed signs of being a health benefit, not a "poison". Related to Cognition and brain shit, my research, hence why I know this.

t.Doctor that actually cares and operates without borders...Kingdom of God, m'lady.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167111

>Cultural Scientist

Anonymous No. 16167115

can any lads help me identify if a mate's marijuana plant is male or female?

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Cult of Passion No. 16167129


Knowing could save a bad trip.

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Anonymous No. 16167131

Sorry, I only believe in things that can be proven in practice

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Cult of Passion No. 16167133


Thats why I live the Truth.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167150

Ive watched a LOT of these videos.

Like.......all of them on youtube. Fascinating for Cognition research.

Cult of Passion No. 16167179

4:11 "Engram".

Anonymous No. 16167225

thats a interesting concept thx for sharing

reminds me of time crystals

Cult of Passion No. 16167238

Yeah, relating to a caterpillar melting its brains and reforming a body but retaining the memories somehow.

Humans approach via Chemistry, I use BioMagnetics. Levin is using BioElectric signals. Each appraoching the same definitive point in hyperspace from vastly different angels.


Cult of Passion No. 16167508

>smoke an entire pack of cigarettes in one sitting
Oh and Ive already done the whole tests of maximum strength nicotine vape oil, nicotine gum, lozenges, pouches, dip.

Ive experienced "nicotine poisoning", you need a lot more than "a pack of cigarettes", thats what my dad did when he found my pack AS A CHILD, like 11..."smoke them all at once, learn your lesson [by searing a Chemical burn into]."

I used to get a 12 shot latte before work. My friend tried one once, said he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

I once spent like nearly $15,000 in a span a few months "having fun and relaxing, quit harshing my buzz, man".

I know what "poisoning" the body feels like.

Anonymous No. 16167537

>Better than boozing
This is really not saying much
Routine, non-occasional consumption of drugs is trash

Anonymous No. 16167545

Nice false dichotomy.

I inherited a portfolio of apartment complexes which generate about 200k/yr for me. Obviously I'm financially independent and have pursued a wide array of interests, though I prefer productive and skill-based hobbies like home improvement and programming. It got a bit boring after a while since it was fundamentally self-centered, so I went back to school to get a Master's degree, and now work at a research institute. I find working on socially useful projects deeply gratifying, even though I don't need the money.

I still saved and invested because it would be stupid not to, and have a net worth of about 5M outside of the rental properties. Bought a nice townhouse in 2020, locked in a 2.7% interest rate, and its market value has increased by about 40% since then.

Things are only going to get worse for the middle and lower classes, so my advice is try and become financially independent ASAP. If you can't do that, then sure yeah try the ascetic route and cope as a Buddhist or something.

Anonymous No. 16167578

Your posts are crazy. Itโ€™s like an over-intellectualizing justification for what niggers do.
>blow all your money now because itโ€™s fun
lol itโ€™s literally what niggers stuck living their whole lives in the ghetto do. I agree people shouldnโ€™t just be miserly until theyโ€™re 60 and retire, but for fucks sake, if you live that long youโ€™ll have nothing with this philosophy. Youโ€™re actually mental if you believe this, or youโ€™re coping really hard. Just a little bit of investment and delayed gratification can do wonders. Iโ€™ve literally pulled myself up out of the ghetto with just a little bit of that, investing in my education and working hard for a delayed reward. Sure I couldโ€™ve died a year in, but you canโ€™t live like that. Thereโ€™s never any reason to plan anything then. Just blow all yo money on weed and bitches and shieet nigga

Anonymous No. 16167581

Shrooms are the only good drug.

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Cult of Passion No. 16167582

>blow all your money now because itโ€™s fun
Thats what St.Andrew Tate did, and he is the richest man in rhe world!

He OWN Bugatti, all of them. When asked what color, they just make them all, its crazy.

Anonymous No. 16167936

nicotine and marijuana are both poisonous

Cult of Passion No. 16167953

So is oxygen.

Whats your purpose?

Anonymous No. 16168508

A meeting of the minds.

Anonymous No. 16169568

you're a drug addict

Anonymous No. 16169677

>>The highest regular use (16 percent) was recorded among U.S. adults who earned less than $24,000 per year, and those whose completed a high school education or less (13 percent).
>>Almost half of Biden voters want to live someplace weed is legalized
>>The consumption levels dropped nearly threefold with those who have advanced degrees and those who live in high-earning households.
>>95% of people who make $180,000/year or more do not consume cannabis regularly

the people making 180,000+ work for the government. these stats only show this as cannabis users are blacklisted from working for the government. this is confirmation bias.

t. pothead

Anonymous No. 16170351

based knower
Theres literally some people destined to be too stupid, too disadvantaged, or too unmotivated to make it to the top
They can cope and deal with working for a living with stuff like friends, family, and all sorts of treats the modern human has at their disposal
There are mfers who ride their entire life off of their highschool peak.

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Anonymous No. 16170353

Anonymous No. 16171324

ppl with shit tier genetics be like that

Anonymous No. 16171325

>Fighting your typical drugstore variety is a coordinated plan
Makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16171972

>If you want to get ahead in life, you shouldn't be wasting time/money smoking pot.
Drug addicts are too dumb to figure that out

Cult of Passion No. 16171985

Youre an addict to your own NeuroChemistry, a slave in fact....its oriented every aspect of your life.

I know this because everyone is...everyone except me, I use pot because Im Inteligently Designed.


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Cult of Passion No. 16171986

Royal We.

Cult of Passion No. 16171988

>How does one gain this power?

Complete the circuit.

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Cult of Passion No. 16172037

Never mind, Im high Cait Sith now.

Anonymous No. 16172180

subjective word is subjective

Cult of Passion No. 16172341

Developmental Psychology performed by an deluded savage, the results are as barbaric as one would expect...but can be effective as a form of "battlefield therapy", sir.

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Anonymous No. 16172433


Anonymous No. 16172435


everyone can stop posting now

Anonymous No. 16172682

Methamphetamine is a much healthier alternative. And the high is much better.

Anonymous No. 16173139

Thats a good demonstration of what deluded morons potheads are. That junkie probably really thought he was a legitimate scientist because he lived his life in a haze of happy drug induce delusion. Them sometimes towards the end of his life he might've briefly sobered up and realized that he'd wasted his life fruitlessly on drug addiction and never achieved anything significant or noteworthy.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173255

>and never achieved anything significant or noteworthy.
I wrote this high at a pastry cafe in Thailand.

I am Rick Sanchez. I could outperform your species drunk and high.....I HAVE, CAN, COULD AND WILL IF CHALLENGED.

>Im the drunken monk, do not Idol me for it will not work for you.

Cult of Passion No. 16173256

Shut the fuck up, Holy Borg, youre blind and stupid.

You will never be respected for your's is the Path of Error.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173263

>I wrote this high
Because it dissolves my consciousness enough to manipulate it easier thanks to my Schizophrenia...

You know, part octopus, 9 brains, one to monitor the thinking and 8 (Hydra) to cycle to confuse your chimp like brain. As I literally have to suspend "me" to calculate such things.

I have to disappear for a moment as my mmbody is crosswired to perform calculations its not really meant to.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173268

>He doesnt input audio data to his visual cortex.

Organically proportioned mathematics converted from organic, proportionally formed mathematics, simple and easy conversion...I dont understand the problem.

"Physicists" cook this shit up all the time...

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Cult of Passion No. 16173269

Youre not against "the clock"...youre against Father Time.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173408

>"Physicists" cook this shit up all the time...
mf "Sparticles"?!

Yeah, well...I admit, the math was "sound" and I was would have had to redo the foundation of my work had it beem true.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173414

You aint bout this life....HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH.

Cult of Passion No. 16173450

>Imaginary Time
>Imaginary Numbers
Its orthogonal, Orthogonal Matter, or "Imaginary Matter"; Anti-Matter.

I dont work with Dark stuff.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173451

>I dont work with Dark stuff.


Anonymous No. 16173504

It's not news that weed typically locks people out of higher earnings potential. Dudeweeds aspire for nothing else but a high.
>waking up is just a means to consciously smoke weed
>working is just a means to get weed money
>transport is just a means to get to dispensary/dealer
>the future is just a means to look forward to get high
It creates useless eaters and they poison whatever host society harbors their presence because they rely on abusing the goodwill of others to linger.

Anonymous No. 16173506

>is it really that bad?
>plus if they really wanted a nation of dociles theyd made benzos otc
Already did. America in particular is addicted to uppers and downers.

Cult of Passion No. 16173541

>addicted to uppers and downers
Funny way of saying hot or cold, not luke warm, or I will spit it out.

Anonymous No. 16173615

wouldnt richer/smarter people be more discrete about their consumption? is that not a factor? there must be a lot more data for poor people because of public data from medicine, police etc.

I'd take it more seriously if they'd measure cannabinoid content in sewage water of high income and low income neighbourhoods

Barkon No. 16173633

Eat my booger

Anonymous No. 16173950

Weed stinks

Anonymous No. 16174010

so do cigarettes, not really an argument

Anonymous No. 16174024

Yes, both are shit.

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Anonymous No. 16174040

>The highest regular use (16 percent) was recorded among U.S. adults who earned less than $24,000 per year, and those whose completed a high school education or less (13 percent).
You mean black people.
Yet another retard study that doesn't account for something as simple as race and ends up getting a totally retarded conclusion from it that some mongoloid on 4chan will cherrypick to make and argument.
Thread over, it's merely a stastical artifact that both OP and the test-makers were too stupid to compensate for.

Anonymous No. 16174419

good point, ppl who smoke marijuana are as dumb as negroes

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Cult of Passion No. 16174936

Heh, woke up and took a bong rip of Gold Strawberry Gold (I think.) and I was just going over (for another reason) how I dont use my brain for the bulk of the Math/Physics research and so weed of zero concern for me, the opposite will be true for you.

Central Nervous System, the heart/body, it was here first, brain came next...that what he mean by "No way except by me." "Inner Kingdom".

Feel the the shape of SpaceTime geometry.

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Cult of Passion No. 16174946

Thinking is for the uncertain.

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Anonymous No. 16175042

If that is true why did I attain greater understanding of mathematics and physics while high as a kite

Anonymous No. 16175441

>I do a lot with it than without it
That is fine, but what about the ability when you are off weed? Aids turn into crutch and over time you've crippled yourself.

Anonymous No. 16176428

you didn't, that was just a drug induced happy delusion you created. drugs make you feel good about yourself, which results in those kinds of delusions. every pothead on the planet narcissistically presumes they're a super deep intellectual genius, but given the statistically rarity of geniuses, nearly all of them must be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16176450

Guys, I'm freaking out rn and would love a few comforting words or some evidence to the contrary. Apparently schizophrenia has a usual onset in the teens and 20s, and I'm a male in that age group. Recently I've been feeling persistent deja vu for like no reason, and I also tend to be somewhat delusional about my own level of competence and talent, though that might jsut be my ego. Lately I've had an occassional ringing in the ears which supposedly happens in the prodrome phase, whatever the fuck that means. I last smoked weed like 3 months ago after a years long break from it altogether.

I can function more or less normally but I'm not very social and I wonder if the state of my life isn't slowly edging me into schizo territory, tho I've no record of it in my family.

Please talk to me homies, I'm actualy panicking here.

Anonymous No. 16176465

Get out of your head!

Anonymous No. 16177484

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16177493

Better than your average dude, but I had extreme difficulty with understanding relativity and gravity, then I managed to figure it out in a single hour while toked, made me laugh how simple it really is
But I did the math and it was correct

Anonymous No. 16178005

you're a drug addict, not an intelligent person

Anonymous No. 16178017

not mutually exclusive

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Anonymous No. 16178034

There's no need to be butthurt, smoke a j and study some shit

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Cult of Passion No. 16178042


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Cult of Passion No. 16178047

Literally me.

Ledead (Unliving) Cyclops (Bleeding Eye) Assassin (Murderer) Champion (Pinnacle [of]) Eris (Discordiant, Chaos Sower).

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Cult of Passion No. 16178049

Fighting naked and high, just living the moment, being truly IN the moment, ya know, or like, whatev...[wipes nose on sleeve]

Anonymous No. 16178132

The ringing could be the geomagnetic storm, some are more sensitive to weather and space weather.

schizophrenia is also a lot rarer than anxiety, panic and hypochondria. and even if you got schizophrenia, it doesn't need to ruin you completely.

Being delusional about competence and talent... in what context?

Anonymous No. 16178135


but only the losers win

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Cult of Passion No. 16178183

>How To Exist: A Practical Guide To Being Human
Do you have a published book?

Then dont talk to him about success, youre out of your league and out of control.

Anonymous No. 16178989


Anonymous No. 16179577

You're just rationalizing your drug addiction because you fear the consequences of ending it. You backed yourself into a corner and now you have to be a loser drug addict the rest of your life if you're not capable of going through drug withdrawal

Anonymous No. 16179952

Yes? Who the fuck doesn't or wouldn't you colossal faggot, it's called SOCIAL media for a reason. Neck yourself you tranny edgelord faggot, I'll babble about myself even more to spite you
>I like kino anime like One Piece and Overlord
>enjoyer of plastic bimbos
>never gone skiing
>like femdom
>think science is for nerds but wanna learn what I can since it's the cornerstone of human power

Now seethe you antisocial sperg

Anonymous No. 16179976

taught me what a chemical press was ...

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Cult of Passion No. 16180024

>>like femdom
Post video, you know the one...the "go to clip".

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Cult of Passion No. 16180077

>kino anime like One Piece and Overlord

Anonymous No. 16181017

Fact check: true!

Anonymous No. 16181141

Music minus merit. There is no sustained melody hence it is not real music. Like 96% of people you lack the ability to feel the music and process melody and replay it in your head under perfect pitch. Instead, like most people, you simply relate to the lyrics and find them deep and consider it music only because there's a background of scratches, strums or beats. You're worse than a loser. You cannot think in the proper sense. You were impelled to share your discovery of le deep song because of evolutionary social memetic broadcast action responses. You feel as though this makes you unique and repudiates feeling like a loser but its sheer lack of musicality and your personal relation to the lyricism of it, simply proves that you are an NPC. Music isn't a matter of personal taste. 96% of people hear and feel music one way and 4% experience it an entirely different way. One of my favorite hobbies in real life is ridiculing the musical tastes of a drunken individual, equating the artist to trash, denigrating the composition, finally levying the enjoyer is flawed for liking it, and watching the rage and seething that ensues. You would be among them.

Cult of Passion No. 16181146

post song

The Apocalypseis the feeling you have when you finally realize what the rest of the future will look like.

Anonymous No. 16182117

Isn't it amazing how people who "trust the science" suddenly stop trusting it the second the science says that their addiction to illegal drugs is harmful.

Anonymous No. 16182320

cannabis is for non-nerds that like to use critical thinking
dont be a square smoke the weed
ive honestly had an enhanced life from it. in fact the first time i got high (it was with a sobe bottle gravity bong siiiiccckkkk braooo) i had intense euphoria that reset every 5 seconds. and other shit. highly recommend wasting your life on it

Anonymous No. 16182321

i had powerful close eye visual journeys - surreal extremely nuanced multicolor journey progressions, like through candyland for example -for the first 2 years. then it went away due to tolerance.

Anonymous No. 16183386

>cannabis is for re-tards that like to confuse confirmation bias with critical thinking because they're too low IQ to have self awareness

Anonymous No. 16183391

Probs contributed to my mental issues

Anonymous No. 16183636

*niggers and mexicans

Anonymous No. 16183642


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Anonymous No. 16183849

>it's /sci/'s monthly "weed is... le bad" thread
How about, I WANT drugs?

Anonymous No. 16183854

Cs get degrees chad

Anonymous No. 16185022

This, potheads all narcissistically presume they're philosopher geniuses when in reality they are just stupid drug addicts. The drug powers their pleasing fantasies of superiority

Anonymous No. 16185775

thats why it feels so good, because it gives you grandiose delusions which appeal to your ego

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Cult of Passion No. 16185928

Developmemtal Psychology says suffering builds add some.

Just sit there putting cigarette after cigarette out on the same spot throughout the evening. Keep doing this each day, when the scab is too tough, rip it off and put it out on bare wound.

Packs please.

Cult of Passion No. 16185942

Then grades should denote degree, A is Doctor.

If they do not get an A, they are not Doctor, how about that?

Anonymous No. 16186140

literally any etf

Anonymous No. 16186431

>I wrote this high at a pastry cafe in Thailand.
I can tell, because it reads like a schizophrenic word salad

Anonymous No. 16187053

Marijuana addicts are single the group of drug addicts that are least likely to admit that they are drug addicts