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Anonymous No. 16157700

Will he be the first man to set foot on mars?

Anonymous No. 16158161

no because he's not stupid

Anonymous No. 16158200

He dies in 2036.
First crewed mission on Mars lands in 2038.

Anonymous No. 16158202

He IS from Mars. He's just trying to get back home without exposing himself, but in the process got redpilled and bought twitter.

Anonymous No. 16158222

He will be the first CEO to livestream his suicide.

Anonymous No. 16158230

Very probably, yes. Following his usual pattern of overpromising and underdelivering, I assume the goal of colonizing the red planet will be realized by growing a potato on Uluru, after spending billions and researching for decades, with fanboys buying red planet potatoes enthusiastically for just those few thousand dollars because hey, space potatoes...

Anonymous No. 16158232

he might do it to upload his brain in a robot so he can safely go to Mars

Anonymous No. 16158278

I was already there. Pretty cool place

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Anonymous No. 16158282

He is going to Mars one way or another. He will reincarnate one day on Mars and will punish everyone that made him suffer here on Earth, they will also reincarnate there on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16158551

No but I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first psychopath to send a bunch of suicidal retards to deadly radiation death planet if we survive the next decade.

Anonymous No. 16158560

what's the radiation level on Mars with no protection?

Anonymous No. 16158569

I'll go! As a NEET shutin, I'm used to living in confined spaces for long periods of time! And I want to die anyway! And if I died, nobody will care! I'm a serious candidate for such a stupid and dangerous mission!

Anonymous No. 16158573

if you get sick there there's not much you can do. dying of radiation sickness can be quite shitty

Anonymous No. 16158578

I'm going to die of something really shitty anyway once I'm a bum on the street

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16158585

you might prefer getting stabbed to death. unless they give you some kys pill in case of bad times

Anonymous No. 16158688

Sorry but there are much more qualified normies who don't care about the risk either.

Anonymous No. 16159046

Um based?

Anonymous No. 16159238

Mars has no use for useless sack of meat. Its only for the hard working people who can afford to go on their own

Anonymous No. 16160040

No. he has no way to get there. Starship is fatally under-powered unless they come up with engines about 1/3rd again as powerful, and rocket engines are a pretty mature technology so that ain't happening. (They got a launch where no engines died in flight, all engines fired until cut off from the ground. It failed to reach orbital velocities WITH ZERO PAYLOAD.)

Anonymous No. 16160043

It would be lethal in a matter of months. You could stretch that by spending more time underground -- but if you want to sit ina cold cave for the rest of your life there is no reasons to go all the way to Mars, we have lots of caves here on Earth,

Anonymous No. 16160046

>don't care about the risk
It is orders of magnitude too deadly to be talking about "risk." "Risk" implies you have a chance to survive.

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Anonymous No. 16160055

'Underground' is just some thick stone that blocks out enough of the sky. That can be done anywhere and it doesn't need to be literally underground.

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Anonymous No. 16160056

He gets resurrected in 2037, without the weaknesses of flesh.

Anonymous No. 16160426

No, he is old and unfit. All astronauts are selected and trained to be in a pretty much peak physical state.

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Anonymous No. 16161826

>Will he be the first man to set foot on mars?

100% no... he is not stupid.
Everyone in the first generation to Mars will die prematurely due to some cause from going or living there.

Anonymous No. 16161872

Mars will be a huge disappointment.

Anonymous No. 16161886

>mine mars
>mine mercury
>mine the whole asteroid belt
>make great space stations for people to live on
>colonize the moon and all the gas giant moons
simple as

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Anonymous No. 16161926

Not if the first Mars lander is launched from the United States. SpaceX won't be able to get launch permission without kneeling to government demands that the first person on Mars be someone other than a straight white male.

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Anonymous No. 16161934

Average would be around 200mSv annually, assuming you were to just stand around on the surface. A definite increase in cancer risk, but not fatal in the near to mid term.

Some regions will experience less radiation though, and habitats can mitigate it significantly. If you tunnel underground or bury your habitats in soil you can be quite safe, at least until you go outside.

For far-future terraforming type stuff, you would want to build a big nuclear powered electromagnet at the Sun-Mars L1 point to place the planet in a radiation shadow.

Anonymous No. 16161948

the only way he will ever colonize mars is by shoving a chocolate bar up his ass

Anonymous No. 16161950


Anonymous No. 16161952

>could have had the first man on mars back in the 80s or 90s
>but nasa keeps postponing it because they NEED to find a woman to do it first
them promoting the next people they're putting on the moon are to be a women and colored dude is already cringe
stop playing politics and start launching some fucking rockets

Anonymous No. 16161953

Why would I want to go to a boring Earth cave when Martian caves are cooler by virtue of being on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16161959

>build space lift
>colonize the moon
>send robots to mercury and turn it into a giant factory
>colonize mars
>clean up the asteroid belt
>colonize all the gas giant moons

Anonymous No. 16161996

He's fathered a dozen kids so far, with only two errors, which looks like he's already busy colonizing Earth.

Anonymous No. 16162968

I bet it will be an Asian woman.

Anonymous No. 16162988

The fuck's that? It's called Ayers Rock you faggot leftist.

Anonymous No. 16163026

So what? People 100 years ago died a lot sooner. People like you are why we cant have cheap nuclear power.

Anonymous No. 16163088

>big nuclear powered electromagnet
how big? 1GW? 1TW?

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Anonymous No. 16163127

I don't know the numbers, I just know it's been proposed by NASA as a potential solution. Very much a "maybe some day" thing.

Anonymous No. 16163134

It will be a mystery meat of every race

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Anonymous No. 16163163

Just use a permanent magnet.