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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157820

>1kg wood = 4 kW/h
>1 kg coal = 8 kW/h
>1l fuel oil = 11,5 kW/h
>1l Diesel = 10 kW/h
>1l Hydrogen = 33 kW/h
>1kg of Uranium = 22 700 000 kW/h

Anonymous No. 16157915

You are a retard.

Anonymous No. 16157917

> kW/h
OK retard

Anonymous No. 16157919

there is still time to delete the tread out of embarrassment

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Anonymous No. 16157920

This worldbuilding is shit.

Anonymous No. 16157928

how are we going to explain to aliens that we burned all our radioactive shit reserves to power up tiktok watching devices

Anonymous No. 16157956

Any of you niggers going to explain why kW/h is a bad metric? Because it doesn't account for efficiency losses in using it as a fuel?
What's the problem with this answer then

Anonymous No. 16157985


Anonymous No. 16157987

it's not a big deal

Barkon No. 16157989

Kys now


Anonymous No. 16158002

why electric canrs burn 20 kWh per 100km? the same diesel car would burn 7 liters at least

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Anonymous No. 16158005

There are already far better technologies to provide cheap energy for all mankind. Renewables like wind are a complete scam, there is no such a thing as global warming.

Anonymous No. 16158017

>kW/h is a bad metric
Hope that's bait.
1kW/h = 10 kw in 10 hours.

Anonymous No. 16158051

Wow, what a zinger. OP misspelled the unit and suddenly he's a retard. You're so smart anon

Anonymous No. 16158057

It demonstrates ignorance and a lack of basic understanding. Go back to high school physics if this upsets you.

Anonymous No. 16158099

so I could have RTG car?

Anonymous No. 16158115

Just make the main race of your world frightened of the gweem scawy glowing stuff, absolutely pants pooing SCARED.EXE, then the absurd pic you showed is instantly balanced out.

Anonymous No. 16158122

None with the slightest grasp of science " "misspells" (in RL uses a total different unit). But on this forsaken glownigger/bot board it's usual deliberate.

Anonymous No. 16158263

Retardo OP and posters.

Anonymous No. 16158289

He could understand what a kilowatt hour is and still add that by mistake. I believe he deserves the benefit of the doubt

Anonymous No. 16158315

>energy per time per time
lol idiot

Anonymous No. 16158320

you must be retarded. 1kWh is the total energy quantity. 1kW is power at any time you measure.
1kW appliance ran for one hour uses up 1kWh of energy.
thus, 1kWh can be spread out like 100W power draw for 10 hours. 10W for 100 hours, or 10kW for 6 minutes.

Anonymous No. 16158329

Our 4th fission reactor just achieved fission in march here in Georgia. Each reactor supplies about a million homes, I believe.

Anonymous No. 16158392

Kwh vs. Kw/h
This board is auf den Hund gekommen.

Anonymous No. 16158393


Anonymous No. 16158420

>He typed it out six times by mistake!

Anonymous No. 16158701

wrong, factorio taught me the correct values are 2MJ for wood, 4MJ for coal, 12MJ for solid petroleum fuel, 80GJ for U-235

Anonymous No. 16158709

Always seemed retarded that we actually use "watt-hours" as a unit rather than megajoules or whatever

Anonymous No. 16158720

[math] \displaystyle

\left \{
P~power \\
U~voltage \\
I~current \\
W~work,energy \\
t~time \\
F~force \\
s~distance \\
m~mass \\
a~acceleration \\
v~speed \\
P= \dfrac{W}{t}= \dfrac{F \cdot s}{t}= \dfrac{ma \cdot s}{t}
= \dfrac{m \dfrac{v}{t} \cdot s}{t}= \dfrac{m \dfrac{s/t}{t} \cdot s}{t}
= \dfrac{m \cdot s^2}{t^3}
\left \{
W~watt \\
V~volt \\
A~ampere \\
J~joule \\
s~second \\
N~newton \\
m~meter \\
kg~kilogram \\
W=V \cdot A \\
W= \dfrac{J}{s}= \dfrac{N\cdot m}{s}= \dfrac{kg \cdot \frac{m}{s^2} \cdot m}{s}
= \dfrac{kg \cdot m^2}{s^3}


Anonymous No. 16158738

>explain why kW/h is a bad metric
Nigger google it:
>the energy delivered by one kilowatt of power for one hour
Also typically used to indicate electricity consumption of household appliances. Instead: how much joule does a mass / female mooncycle element deliver and what does it cost to get that energy released, stored and distributed?

Anonymous No. 16158756


Anonymous No. 16158766

Per time per time does make sense though. It's not redundant to say how long a rate of effort is sustained.

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Anonymous No. 16158803

I'm sure you use it all the time

Anonymous No. 16158804

>went to nuclear debate night
>think we were about 100 people
>only three of us were under 50 years old
>speaker says nuclear waste and i cringe
>don't call it that you idiot, say spent fuel
>too late, the boomers are all fired up now
it was entertaining but the old people was clearly only there to be angry and demand more wind turbines

Anonymous No. 16158841

Everyone does because we have energy bills to pay so we consider for example wether or not we really need an extra amount of rpm in our washing machine and if we decide to use such houserhold appliances more frequently we may choose lower outputs to save costs/energy.

Anonymous No. 16158851

But it is nuclear waste you sneaky jew

Anonymous No. 16159226

Your energy bills are not billed in kW/h