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Anonymous No. 16157828

The absolute state of STEM cucks

Anonymous No. 16157833


Anonymous No. 16157895

Its because goggle is a finished product. They have nothing to do.
Its already been coded. Think about how many versions of Gmail they do, their visual changes, their garbage connectivity and storage projects.
They have nothing else to develop, all they need is advertisement people and yes some technicians just to maintain whats been done. Development is over.
Pajeets can be relied to run stable companies with a fixed routine, like a grocery store

Anonymous No. 16157905

Google regularly comes up with products like Stadia that fail spectacularly

Anonymous No. 16158072

>a woke company treating its employees as replaceable cattle
How unexpected. Nobody could of seen this coming.

Anonymous No. 16158087

Development of their only two real products, search engine and gmail, have finished years ago. They know they must move on. Pajeets do good work as caretakers.

Anonymous No. 16158162

All American corporations subscribe to the ideology of replacism. That anyone can be exchanged for anything. No one or anything is irreplaceable to them. At the same time, it is curious how this only seems to affect the native population that started these companies.

Anonymous No. 16158168

this is just increased AI algorithm adoption generating new jobs

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Get Laid off.jpg

Anonymous No. 16158217

Google didn't even wait a day to demand more visas. While they were laying people off, they were claiming the need to import more workers for their products.

Anonymous No. 16158287

>computer science
what is there to advance in this field? Everything to be solved was solved by 1985.

Anonymous No. 16158671

Real computer science is more closely related to mathematics. The name of the field is a misnomer, as it isn't actually the study of computers

Anonymous No. 16158677

American workers are lazy and undisciplined. Immigrants make the economy stronger, Americans just make it weaker.

Anonymous No. 16158689


google is a bloated corpse run by shitjeets. it's business has zero agility and pretty much all the products it has created in the last decade are garbage or collapsed horrifically.

the only way it's keeping afloat is cycling fresh shitjeets to keep the wages low enough that it still turns in a profit.

Anonymous No. 16158691

>the only way it's keeping afloat is cycling fresh shitjeets to keep the wages low enough that it still turns in a profit.
entire countries figured that trick out.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16158693

and why corporations went all in the inclusion thing. they used commies energy for turbo-capitalism kek

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Anonymous No. 16158918

>entire countries figured that trick out.
I dont like when people word-salad about money thinking they are cool for being obtuse. Its that arrogance of "sweety, you dont wanna know".
Regardless, the country is the UK. The key idea is that GDP is a pie chart, less goes to salaries, more goes to a combination of profit, investment and taxes. A lot of the taxes go back the working class via gibs program, which serves the elites as it makes the working class completely dependent, they still get the money but with tons of good goy strings attached.
A regime of low salaries can lead to high GDP growth, assuming the surplus gets invested. Conversely high salaries can stagnate growth, as theres little left to invest.
In most countries the actual capital flows depend much more on international investment or its opposite, capital flight. For instance Russia loses around 50 billion dollars a year in capital because russians are afraid of Russia, and try to save money in western banks. So they will collectively stash a mountain of cash in places like the UK. While that money is still russian, it gets used in practice by the british.
The nordic countries are likely a bit stagnated by their high salaries, but so what if they already reached a high peak? Comfy there

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Anonymous No. 16158941

Barkon No. 16158943

I farted

Anonymous No. 16158969

Shalom, fellow GDPoyim!

Anonymous No. 16158971

In other word, Google will become the next Boeing, just with fewer deaths.

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Anonymous No. 16159041


Anonymous No. 16159392

>goggle is a finished product
I'd say it peaked a decade ago. All of the modifications since then have been actively un-finishing it.
>Pajeets can be relied to run stable companies with a fixed routine, like a grocery store
No. It is still degrading. This is just what McKinsey people do. They sacrifice anything to make the quarterly numbers go up even if it is something that is good long term.
It will go the way of yahoo soon.
They even have an ex yahoo guy running search and ads.

When great companies go to shit there is usually an indian nearby.

Anonymous No. 16159401

Is there anything else for Google to do or innovate? AI seems close enough to optimizing a search engine, couldn't they go into that field?

Anonymous No. 16159406

>great companies go to shit there is usually an indian nearby
imagine all these indians in american instiutions with their nepotism and narcissism tuned on max. there are too many indians in those positions of power I can't fathom what will happen in the next 50 years. at least the chinese can built some cutting edge stuffs on their own now while india still can't build shit and is a shithole country.

Anonymous No. 16159434

All of their AI and ML has been making search worse.
I find myself going to yandex more and more because google is too cucked to give me what I'm searching for or their retard-whisperer AI literally searches for antonyms of the keywords I use because my search deviates so much from what average users look for.

I wish they would just use all of the data they collect to just profile users and estimate their iq and use different AI/ML based on intelligence.
All of their shit is optimized for the average person so if you are on the tails then you will be neglected.

Anonymous No. 16159524

>All of their shit is optimized for the average person so if you are on the tails then you will be neglected.
they're already using machine learning in delivering search results to you but the objective function they're optimizing for isn't your search satisfaction but the amount of money they will make from ad.

Anonymous No. 16159636

More like you can't get slave labor wages with Americans

Anonymous No. 16159702

Code monkeys are not STEM. Fucking hate this timeline where CS brainlets are treated as geniuses whereas hard science and engineering majors get shafted

Anonymous No. 16160249

people who do useful work are inherently more valuable that people who publish useless articles nobody will ever read in the academic vanity press

Anonymous No. 16160281

Native works can just get another job if they don't like working somewhere. Visa workers lose everything.

Anonymous No. 16160302

>Fucking hate this timeline where CS brainlets make +200k whereas hard science and engineering majors get scraps
oh no ;_;

Anonymous No. 16160595

>Its because goggle is a finished product. They have nothing to do.
Google is not done but they may be done for. Searching is increasingly garbage, and various services are dumped so you cannot trust or rely on them.

Hopefully the people laid off will man up and make something far better and have the beast killed.

Anonymous No. 16160634

>goal post moving
Like it or not those CS majors counted as STEM and were used frequently to brow beat non-STEM majors. Especially when it came to money and job stability.

The question is now going to be what is the next abrivated set of fields going to be to brow beat STEM and non-STEM majors?