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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157896

China is legit doomed long term. Their demographics are fucked. They have no technological advantage or globally competitive companies or industries. All their factories are own by the West and the entire world is moving their factories out and into India. Pollution is so bad that crops can't be grown in China longer, hence why they import most of their food. There is no future for China, at best they become another north korea, at worse more then a billions starve or die in the upcoming civil war and have most of their land is grabbed by India and Russia

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broken china.jpg

Anonymous No. 16157902


Anonymous No. 16157930

Good. Fuck China.

Anonymous No. 16157933

>China's growth rate CRASHES to 5.3%
>US growth rate SURGES to 1.6%

Anonymous No. 16157960

>surely it will happen this time

Anonymous No. 16157964

god damn it I've been hearing the same shit since 2010.
if china peaked it would be very bad for the world because the alternative is the fucking stagnant west with all of their tranny ideology and fraudulent congratulatory science that has gone nowhere since half a decade ago.
there should be adversarialness for the world to progress.

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Anonymous No. 16157974

any day now

Avatar or signature use No. 16157979


Anonymous No. 16157988


Anonymous No. 16157990

the crazy thing about these people is they say the same shit all the time as if people couldn't look back at their archives

Anonymous No. 16158011

But most won't. When I made pic >>16157902, it was months after one of that guy's videos popped up in my YouTube stream. I watched part of it, found him a bit unconvincing, and odd for YouTube, it never recommended another one of his videos to me again. I only knew about the other videos because people started posting them on various board and I recognized his face. That's when I did a search and found he had a bunch of videos all pretty much saying the same thing about China.
The Sunday morning talk shows are full of political pundits who have been making bad predictions for decades and they are still invited back over and over again.