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🧵 What are the statistical odds of this?

Anonymous No. 16157898

and doesn't this contradict the old adage "the lottery is a tax on stupid people who don't understand statistics" ?

Anonymous No. 16157899

Did everyone win a million dollars?

Anonymous No. 16157936

>t stupid person who doesn't understand statistics
Yes, very rare outlier events do occur. Outliers are bait for stupid people.

Anonymous No. 16157967

You can't win if you don't play!

Anonymous No. 16157977

law of really big numbers, there are so many humans and thus the probability of this happening approaches 1

Anonymous No. 16157992

How many people do you need ijn a room such that the odds any two of them share the same birthday are about 50%?

Anonymous No. 16158013


But maybe she took half her first winnings and bought a shitload more lotto tickets?

Anonymous No. 16158565

thank you for the 1st non-retarded reply.

Anonymous No. 16158570

she'll lose them all if she keeps doing it. the chances a winning ticket ends up again in stores near her are pretty small

Anonymous No. 16158620

I live here and all these disgusting retards do is play the lottery. The convince stores are like fucking casinos for poor dumb people inside and fent heads outside.

Anonymous No. 16158625

Science: just because this universe is super improbable it doesn't mean God exists

Also Science: this woman couldn't have possibly been lucky twice in a row better ruin her life

Anonymous No. 16158640

Not if she only bets half her winnings each time she wins, which probably won’t happen again anyway.

Anonymous No. 16158673

From a personal point of view this is rare, but billions of people are playing lotteries all over the world every week. You have to sum the probabilities for every lottery player in the world and then multiply by 52 for the chance of it happening to someone somewhere in a given year.

And as another anon said, she could have bought a fuckton of lottery tickets with the winnings, and doing this may be normal for lottery winners, further increasing the odds of it happening to a random winner.

Anonymous No. 16158676

she won the Massachusets state lottery. not the world lottery. she also played two different games, I think both scratch tickets. one named 100X Cash and the other Lifetime Millions $50 game. whatever the fuck those are.
so she didn't play the same game, which would indeed make for retarded odds for two consecutive predetermined winning tickets to be distributed in same stores in her area. she won at two different lottery games

Anonymous No. 16158865

>and doesn't this contradict the old adage "the lottery is a tax on stupid people who don't understand statistics" ?
No, you actually prove it

Anonymous No. 16160125

It doesn't matter which specific lottery she or anyone else plays. It's the number of players worldwide playing any lottery that matters. Someone somewhere in the world wins a lottery every day. Someone winning two lotteries in a row should happen once in a while.

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Anonymous No. 16160158

speaking of money, anyone that can explain this graph?
was it just the us printing unlimited money during covid or something?

Anonymous No. 16160162

If someone won the Colorado lottery twice, would you have posted about it or ignored it? We both know you still would have been amazed and proclaimed "This means something!" without understand anything at all. That's why you couldn't comprehend the point of that anon's post.

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Anonymous No. 16160181

Pure coincidence, just like when Epstein won the Oklahoma lottery

Anonymous No. 16160266

Learn about how the money system works. The US government does not print money (except coins). The Federal Reserve does, a private bank with a conveniently deceptive name. The Fed does have the authority to print money and then "buy" American debt (for example, bonds). That is one way they inject money into the system. The other main way is through the way fractional reserve banking works, and the Fed controlling interest rates at which the bank can "borrow" from the Fed. When a bank gives you a loan, they don't actually have that money; they create it on the spot out of thin air.

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Anonymous No. 16160276

I wish there was a board that combined /x/ with /sci/
/x/ retards are too dumb for /sci/ shit and just want to play in la la land
And /sci/ retards are to close minded and stubborn for /x/ shit and will just spout ad homonyms like "it’s just a coincidence retard" or "seeing patterns is just schizophrenia" when it’s literally the basis of intelligence and math

Anonymous No. 16160303

they changed the definition of M1 in 2020

it has created a good way to filter out schizos who don't understand the underlying system they are complaining about though

use M2 instead if you want to be taken seriously