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๐Ÿงต mRNA vaccine kids are autist

Anonymous No. 16157911

kids who are born to WHITE mothers who are vaccinated, will themselves suffer from the vaccine consequences

Anonymous No. 16157922

>mRNA vaccine kids are autist
>kids who are born to WHITE mothers who are vaccinated, will themselves suffer from the vaccine consequences
First, the vaccine-autism link was and still is one big red herring, meant to poison the well.

Also, that's not what the paper says. Prenatal exposure to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 (a specific natch) induces autism-like (in other words, decreased social activity) behaviors in MALE rats.

In other words, it's a specific batch inducing a specific circumscribed behavioral abnormality (that in itself wouldn't even count as autism) in male rodents. This has absolutely no impact on humans.

Anonymous No. 16158035

>This has absolutely no impact on humans.

humans took the rat vaccine

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Anonymous No. 16158045

> red herring
You deserve to have your skull caved in with a hammer.

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Anonymous No. 16158055

Autism will be their smallest problem when they suffer from autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions.

Anonymous No. 16158059

Meaningless because we're talking about two different species with you claiming a convergent mechanism (while failing to prove it) based on a single Turkish study
Not an argument. I expect more of the typical filibustering by the same people who spent hours reading papers looking for proof of vaccine injuries by the very institutions they proclaim to be corrupted. You're the victim of an elaborate scheme crafted by lawyers and now astroturfed by your intelligence service. Ever figured why it is RFK Jr. out of all people who's running on the antivax platform? Where did the millions come from?

Anonymous No. 16158069


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Anonymous No. 16158090

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Anonymous No. 16158166


Anonymous No. 16158170

>muh replication crisis journals

Anonymous No. 16158190

sorry meant for this >>16157911

Anonymous No. 16158191

this reads like it was written by ai

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Cult of Passion No. 16158226

>this reads like it was written by ai
It does. Weird choice of words too.
>This perception is not supported by scientific evidence
>the prevalence of ASD
>it is crucial to rely on scientific research
There's no single research paper or article about autism without the mandatory:
>We can work towards creating an inclusive society that supports individuals with autism and their families

Could also be lawyer/corporate slop. Ignoring the vaccine claim here, we should stop pretending that anyone cares about autism other than for purely financial reasons. The anti-vaxxers don't care about autism one bit more than the bare minimum necessary to push their agenda, whatever that may be. And the pro-autism crowd just wants to force the money racket on more and more people so they can prescribe pills and therapies (paid by your tax money, btw).
Who's losing? The bunch of kiddoes who now get to learnt that their social awkwardness is now legally treated as a severe form of mental retardation.

Anonymous No. 16158227

>this reads like it was written by ai
It does. Weird choice of words too.
>This perception is not supported by scientific evidence
>the prevalence of ASD
>it is crucial to rely on scientific research
There's no single research paper or article about autism without the mandatory:
>We can work towards creating an inclusive society that supports individuals with autism and their families
So the racket goes on...

Could also be lawyer/corporate slop. Ignoring the vaccine claim here, we should stop pretending that anyone cares about autism other than for purely financial reasons. The anti-vaxxers don't care about autism one bit more than the bare minimum necessary to push their agenda, whatever that may be. And the pro-autism crowd just wants to force the money racket on more and more people so they can prescribe pills and therapies (paid by your tax money, btw).

Who's losing? The bunch of kiddoes who now get to learnt that their social awkwardness is legally treated as a severe form of mental retardation. Mind you, there's a very real connection between moms being put on prescription drugs and autism or ADHD in kiddoes. A shit ton is probably down to pharmaceutical poisoning.

Anonymous No. 16158285

How the fuck do you diagnose a rat with autism?

Anonymous No. 16158317

Rats are very social. So maybe just look for the little shit off in the corner by itself.

Anonymous No. 16158324

social animals are doing it because they need shit from eachother. no need for such things if you don't need shit from anyone else. has utilitarian purpose for weaklings. no intrinsic value

Anonymous No. 16158360

well, that solves white people then. no more uppity white people, amirite?

Anonymous No. 16159847

That explains why they forced white nations to get vaxxx'd, but didn't bother with Africa

Anonymous No. 16160031

>Turkish study
Stopped reading here.

Anonymous No. 16160032

Bergman is a frequent wroiter for "Before It's News." He's a moron.

Anonymous No. 16160655

>neurodegenerative conditions.
What do you think autism is?

Anonymous No. 16160660

so if someone is not willing to act like a sociopath means they have a neurodegenerative condition?

Anonymous No. 16160692

>What do you think autism is?
A fake diagnosis to excuse bad parenting

Anonymous No. 16160711

Autistics are known to fail at empathy, have lower IQs on average and are prone to aggression, exactly like your standard sociopath. I don't know where you're trying to go with this.
This is probably true for a majority of the high functioning cases or what they refer to as "asperger's", but if you've seen the retards who reach into toilet bowls to fish out their own turds and throw them around everywhere, or a 4 year old who was developing normally and then just started staring off into space all day, then you've seen real autism.

Anonymous No. 16160712

>exactly like your standard sociopath
yeah sure, prisons are filled to the brim with spergs

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Anonymous No. 16160777


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Anonymous No. 16160780

GPT trash, and the sources have less credibility than a whore's virginity. You are complete idiot.

Anonymous No. 16160789

And as is only expected it was just another flu in Africa while it killed millions in white countries.

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Anonymous No. 16160791

I just want to see you suffering a lot before you die.

Anonymous No. 16161469

Neurology is more complicated than labels.

Anonymous No. 16162584

holocausting the mentally ill is good

Anonymous No. 16162637

>then you've seen real autism.
As opposed to the not-real autism that would pose problems to your le vaccine-autism theory? Isn't this kind of self-defeating to have your hypothesis phrased in such a way as to only allow for the one possible outcome while ignoring all the other presentations even if they boil down to the exact same thing
>but if you've seen the retards who reach into toilet bowls to fish out their own turds and throw them around everywhere
Yes, but why do we pretend that this "autism" and asperger "autism" is one and the same thing? Antivax rhetoric always lacked nuance, especially in the things that are actually important. I don't disagree with the notion that a 4-year-old kid that starts regressing and gets epileptic fits suffers from something brought on by the environment rather than something genetic, but this, in no way, pertains to Asperger's (which is what antivaxxers imply all the time and which gets them busted)

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16162641

At that point, however, I simply stopped caring.

If your kid is functioning on the level of a three-year-old, throws his shit and punches holes in the walls, the most likely answer to the question why is that you're a shit parent either way (either because you were cursed by god or because you're on a shit ton of prescription drugs and drink). Concordingly, you deserve such a child.

Anonymous No. 16162644

At that point, however, I simply stopped caring.

If your kid is functioning on the level of a three-year-old, throws shit and punches holes in the walls, the most likely answer is that you're a shit parent anyway (either because you were cursed by god or because you're on a shit ton of prescription drugs and drink). Concordingly, you deserve such a child.

Seeing such parents throw tantrums (just the same way their severely retarded kid does), breakdown, see them start screaming. I feel like there's also a good chance that the parents never were particularly high-functioning themselves in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16162972

>your le vaccine-autism theory
I'm not OP, I don't think vaccines have much of an effect in the rise of autism cases we've been seeing over the past decades. I do accept the idea that autoimmunity plays a major role in autism, especially the regressive cases so I wouldn't completely rule out the idea of excessive vaccinations causing an extremely marginal increase in the chances of a child developing autism, but I think lack of diversity in the microbiome serving as an immunomodulatory effect is probably one of the more critical causes of certain subsets of autism.
>Yes, but why do we pretend that this "autism" and asperger "autism" is one and the same thing?
We shouldn't, merging asperger's with autism has done extreme damage to researching the actual special needs type of autism, I even think the concept of "autism" should be done with because all they use to diagnose it is the behavioral symptoms, while the more traditional definition of it is that it's a genetic disorder present from birth, and notion that children can develop it a few years into their life betrays that. Initially the term autism came from the behavior of schizophrenics on their negative episodes, and the etiology has been shown to have multiple causes meaning that it should be reclassified as a syndrome and not a disorder. But even aspies can suffer from some of the physical symptoms of autism such as poor coordination, gut dysbiosis, occasionally epilepsy.

Anonymous No. 16162978

Yay I have double autism!!!!

Anonymous No. 16162999

>I think lack of diversity in the microbiome serving as an immunomodulatory effect
Microbiome is a buzzword. Either way, it would still stand to reason that metabolical changes affecting neurons and what not would have to be measurable. Given that we know that psychotropic drugs hardly ever have the same effects on any two different people, I fear that such a project which is much more general in its task of measuring metabolical rate is going to be difficult at the very least.
>the concept of "autism" should be done with
Yes, but the definition always was socially constructed garbage to begin with.
>and notion that children can develop it a few years into their life betrays that
The problem here is that we're arguing with semantics. Doctors might diagnose brain damage cases or encephalitis or meningitis or a viral infection as autism. Does that make them "autistic"? No..
Then, much of traditional autism research rests on institutionalized cases that were pumped full with antipsychotics and other drugs known to be neurotoxic. In fact, to take an example: In the "autistic" cohort, subjects, if they develop epileptic fits, they will do so either during early childhood or adolescence (per literature). The peak around early childhood coincides with the onset of symptoms more generally (anecdotally, seizures are often reported as having preceded regression in a child) whereas the peak around adolescence might be due to institutions starting to put such clients on antipsychotics and neuroleptics (both known to cause seizures). A bimodal probability distribution usually implies that we deal with two different mechanisms.
>But even aspies can suffer from some of the physical symptoms of autism such as poor coordination, gut dysbiosis, occasionally epilepsy.
So can anyone. We would have to account for a lot of other variables. Either way, it's clear that the current conception of autism pathologizes social deviation while ignoring fundamental difficulties.