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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158299

I wake up at the crack of dawn and go outside to absorb blue light to keep my circadian rhythms in phase. After that I take an ice cold shower to release dopamine while engaging in the Wim Hof breathing method to oxygenate the cells in my body. When I get out of the shower I drink my Athletic Greens™, and have my first Yerba Matte caffeine ingestion, making sure it's at least 90 minutes after I wake up, to ensure the adenosine receptors in my brain have been activated before they get pushed down by the caffeine molecules. I lock my phone in a timed safe to engage in focused work, which I make sure to do in 90 minute ultradian cycles. After that I practice Yoga Nidra as a Non Sleep Deep Rest protocol to prepare for more focused work. When the day's podcast is finished, I then proceed to lift weights and take Tongkat Ali to boost my testosterone and optimise my gains, at which point I go outside at dusk to absorb more blue light to keep my circadian rhythms in phase. When I come home I turn my apartment into a dark cave by turning off all my high-colour temperature lightbulbs and switching on lamps equipped with dim red bulbs. Before bed I engage in a 5-minute Physiological Sigh, consisting of breathing sharply through my nose twice and exhaling slowly through my mouth, which helps me relax. When I finally tuck in the for the night I pop a couple of magnesium threonate pills to sleep.

Who else here is /hubermanpilled/?

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Anonymous No. 16158339

>No activated almonds

Anonymous No. 16158342

doing just fine without all that bullshit. my body knows his shit

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Anonymous No. 16158344

I wake up at 7am, have a cigarette, read the paper over a black tea, and either go to work or uni. I come home, do HW or read, then repeat.

Anonymous No. 16158809

>read the paper
Isn't it grave time already old man?

Anonymous No. 16159416

is anything he says useful?

Anonymous No. 16159418

You know all that shit works because there's no way he'd pull six women at once otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16159421

I am a neet, I go to bed at 3 am and wake up at 1 pm

Anonymous No. 16159508

>is anything he says useful?
No idea about the yoga or timed work/relaxation cycles though they sound reasonable. No idea about the herb pills he mentions either but basically all the shit in the op about lighting and exposure to different light spectrums and using far red lightbulbs at night is useful and has research of varying qualities backing it up.. I dont see it mentioned but you should also use about 10x as much indoor lighting as most people use. Something like 10,000 lumens of daylight spectrum lighting in a standard sized home office is entirely reasonable (or more specifically your work surface should have about 1,000 candella of lighting). Bathing under a 250w infrared heat lamp for 10-15 minutes in the morning is also pretty useful along with being outside as much as possible or if not then supplementing with carefully controlled UV-B lighting several times a week.

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Anonymous No. 16159955

Damn kids and their whatzits and googahs

Anonymous No. 16161530

>When I come home I turn my apartment into a dark cave by turning off all my high-colour temperature lightbulbs and switching on lamps equipped with dim red bulbs.
What a faggot. Who the fuck runs two separate lighting systems controlled by manual switches? Get some multicolor led bulbs and automate that shit like a normal autist.
My shit fades in morning blue light for 15 mins before the curtains automatically open. Then it runs through my daytime phases, changing colors to signal that it’s 5 mins before time to leave or time to switch tasks, and it switches color temps for lunch hour and breaks or rests. In the late afternoon it fades to golden hour so that evening bugs won’t be tempted to come inside, followed by an orangey sunset and finally red light that dims to almost nothing. During the night time I have one bulb set to mimic the current moon phase with respect to the light’s intensity and it goes on and off automatically if there is supposed to be a moon that night.
I don’t even touch the switches except for the bathroom lights, otherwise my phone tells the house when I am home or nearby and turns lights off automatically after I leave and before I arrive, always with the correct color and intensity for that time of day.
It sounds like this guy just likes to waste his time turning switches on and off all day, he probably has OCD or something and that’s why he constantly has to do breathing exercises too.

Anonymous No. 16161583

>Alexa, simon says "You're a handsome guy and everyone thinks you shouldn't kill yourself."

Anonymous No. 16161600

What brand of bulbs do you use?