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Anonymous No. 16158371

Why couldn't you prove the pythagorean theorem anon?
>intellectually mogged by a high schooler

Anonymous No. 16158414

sin^2(x)+cos^2(x) = 1
(sin(x) = a/c; cos(x) = b/c)
a^2/c^2 + b^2/c^2 = 1
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Here is your proof. Now give me my fields medal

Anonymous No. 16158419

there are like a gorillion proofs of it already so why bother

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Anonymous No. 16158475

stop being racist, you know them sheboons' proof is the only valid one

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Anonymous No. 16158483

I don't think this could possibly be true, those two don't look like sceintists

Anonymous No. 16158484

Why does this image make me laugh? It's 3 negresses just looking so intently at a fucking triangle on the screen.

Anonymous No. 16158487

"Yes, we just discovered triangles, as you can see here"

Anonymous No. 16158524

Its entirely not outside the realm of possibility that two black school girls discovered a ground breaking and important alternative proof. Or whatever the big deal is about. It is possible that two teenage geniuses collaborated to achieve something of intellectual genius. Tbh I cant be fucked looking it up.
But what is it that makes me doubt that the significance or actual substance of this? Because without looking at the details of this story my first thoughts are to suspect:
1) Its insignificant. Like making a big deal about some kid "building" a computer from existing parts.
2) They were coached by some agent for some motivation unknown, that they are smart enough to understand whatever this is supposed to be about but did not actually do any original work.
3) That the story is actually insignificant to anyone who works in mathematics, akin perhaps to those girls who created electricity from urine using already existing science and technology. Commendable for just doing it, yes, but not significant either in a practical sense or as intellectual genius.
Is it me being racist? Well no actually, I would think the same if it were two teenagers of any race or gender.
So is it me just doubting the veracity or significance of any news media after years of misinformation and unsubstantiated hype? Possibly.
So is it jut cynical me wondering if the political climate is just putting out these stories to bait doubters into making racist or misogynistic comments so they can point the finger and scream and then gather validation points? Possibly government funding of some sort? "Look what these girls achieved!" If only we had more funding we could achieve so much more." ( And take a large part of that funding as "administrative costs"). Maybe. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so cynical.

I just doubt the veracity and significance of this story as not having some other motivation. Maybe I need to get off the internet for a good while.

Anonymous No. 16158705

>sin^2(x)+cos^2(x) = 1

Anonymous No. 16158721

>The maths board suddenly doesn't like maths any more
wonder why that is

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Anonymous No. 16158728

trivial via pythagorean theorem

Anonymous No. 16158737

>So is it jut cynical me wondering if the political climate is just putting out these stories to bait doubters into making racist or misogynistic comments so they can point the finger and scream and then gather validation points?
No, you're not cynical because that's the effect this news has on most people, even if it was originally meant as a feel-good story for black students.
It would be naive to assume that this racist component wasn't in some way intended and if it wasn't, then this speaks for the low quality of whichever enterprise published this. Race-baiting isn't just limited to Musk and X, it's a strategy that Trump used, Obama used, Reagan used, Nixon used, heck even the dumbfuck hillbilly from the 1840s tolerated his poor living conditions as long as there was some "negro" face for him to spit on.
Remember BLM 2020? The "I can't breathe" guy? I forgot his name. A guy who threatened to shoot a pregnant woman? A guy who did drugs, shot porn videos, was a pimp, raped women, spawned a bunch of kids he didn't care for? Why would they rally behind a man when every year, a bunch of black men are shot with fairly clean records?

Anonymous No. 16158743

Why is it that conservatives are never responsible for anything? Even when they're just being nakedly racist, it's the fault of the opposition for "baiting" them. They always reject their own agency and frame themselves as purely responding to provocations from the Other, even if that provocation merely takes the form of existing. "Reactionary" truly is the right word.

Anonymous No. 16158769

Why do you assume that liberals (please don't turn this into a us vs. them issue) are beyond racist motives? Conservatives reacting openly to their own racist predisposition does not, in any way, imply that liberals aren't similarly prejudiced.
>it's the fault of the opposition for "baiting" them
"Liberals" accepting the reality of low performance among black people is in itself a testament of their own expectation of poor black performance.