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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158500

The youtube algorithm decided to show me this the other day. Watched 5 mins, whats going wrong at oxford?
Look up the guy to see what his qualifications are, just incomplete degrees and lies about a Phd.
Start looking at his paper, utter dogshit
Is this some sort of performance art, i dont get it.

Anonymous No. 16158508

>muh flower of life encoding the secrets of the universe
>in physics when two things are attracted to each-other is because they have similar charge
>they say negatives attract
>cold air drops down, does it attract to the hot air rising up? no it passes right by each-other
is this some skit?

Anonymous No. 16158580

I have been given N fatigue

Anonymous No. 16158581

N factor overdose

Anonymous No. 16158587

>1 x 1 = 2
yall need to edjewcate yourself on mathematics

Anonymous No. 16158589


Anonymous No. 16158610

This is gold. He needs to focus and develop his theories so we can have another timecube lol

Anonymous No. 16158732

Oxford Union is just a place where they invite celebrities to come speak on students' invitation. Most universities, even shitty ones, have some guest speakers who come every now and then. It's really not that different from salesmen and motivational speakers you probably got to see back when you were in middle school or high school. The only difference between people invited to speak at the SJW Club meetings at John T. Glockenspiel High School and the ones at Oxford Union is that some people (namely /pol/trannies) are dumb enough to think that the latter actually matter because uhhmmm...Oxford University is famous and important or something.
If you think that Oxford Union guest speakers are an indicator of Oxford University's academic standards, then you're just as dumb as people who think that Pizza Hut is healthy because there's a Pizza Hut inside their local hospital.

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Anonymous No. 16158754

Seems a little bit prestigious than a pizza hut

Anonymous No. 16159083

He's coping with owing 1 million in taxes to the IRS