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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158816

in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.

Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.

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Anonymous No. 16158823


Anonymous No. 16158828

why you hate Black Queens?

Anonymous No. 16159854

that one on the right looks like she ate pythagoras

Anonymous No. 16160691

they said there were not math geniuses
ok crisis averted racist bros
no need to worry we are still superior

Anonymous No. 16160699

>no need to worry we are still superior
Our superiority was never in question. Certainly not by a solution to a problem that a white man already solved 20 years ago and that was considered in any way impossible by one person in the 20th century.

Anonymous No. 16160707

Did we really need a twelfth thread on this nontroversy?

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Anonymous No. 16161390

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Anonymous No. 16161407

Okay but where's the peer reviews documents that reviewed and verified it?

I don't care about the 60mins interview.

Anonymous No. 16161527

Jesus these two have been ballooning.

Anonymous No. 16161535

>math is racist
>niggers to do math
What am I suppose to feel here /sci/.
If math is racist how is it niggers can do math?

Anonymous No. 16161541


Anonymous No. 16162702

nope, they really are that fat and ugly

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Anonymous No. 16162724

Their proof is retarded.
Here's my trig proof that doesn't use sin^2 + cos^2 = 1

Anonymous No. 16163459

Their next proof is going to be about how per capita is racist

Anonymous No. 16164313

they're very fat

Anonymous No. 16164329

>white man
You didn't solve it though?

Anonymous No. 16164331

they are late to the punch

Anonymous No. 16164367

this is the new twumspam

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scientist inna hat.jpg

Anonymous No. 16165262

Why does seeing blacks succeed in math and science upset you so much?

Anonynous No. 16165264

Redpill me on twum.

Anonymous No. 16165299

forced meme that some schizo has been spamming for years

Anonymous No. 16165347

Twum is the most important living scientist, she only triggers you because she is an African

Anonymous No. 16165374

>in a real life Good Will Smith move,
Ayo, how you like dem bananas?

Cult of Passion No. 16165393

Such a cool story.

Anonymous No. 16166466

She epitomizes contemporary science

Anonymous No. 16166890

Is she a real scientist or is she just a scientist doppelganger?

Anonymous No. 16166956

Can someone post their proof

Anonymous No. 16167900

they're negroes, so doubting them is racist.
is that enough proof or do you want to go to racial reeducation camp?

Anonymous No. 16168571

stop being so racist, why does it upset you to see negresses outdoing you at mathematics?

Anonymous No. 16169662

They can't be so smart!!! Thats not fair!!!

Anonymous No. 16170469

hard to hide that fat one

Anonymous No. 16170988

Based black bitches. Pythagoras up in heaven hollering like a mad man rn frfr.

Anonymous No. 16171104

>Good Will Smith

Anonymous No. 16171107

Good for them though, and I say this as the most racist man alive. Good on them for investing their time into mathematics and not becoming pregnant teenagers or the myriad other terrible things they could be doing. Don't know why any one would shit on some kids because they made a proof. Grow up.

Anonymous No. 16171883

>hello fellow racists
>i like negroes btw

Anonymous No. 16172165

That is true of most serious racists. If you cannot find value in people of all stripes you are not really racist. I'm not saying I want them in my neighborhood or going to my children's school or even to share a polity with them at all, but them dicking around with mathematics is far from the worst they could be doing. Is their success here overblown? Probably, but such patronization is fitting to the recipient.

Anonymous No. 16173119

they should be swinging from vines and eating bananas in africa, not larping as whites

Anonymous No. 16174423

Sending them back is the only decent way to correct the horrors of slavery

Anonymous No. 16174678

its the right thing to do, people who are against it are evil and immoral

Anonymous No. 16174706

Probably stress related. I assume they're introverted types and imaigine being paraded through the media circus is probably uncomfortable for them.

Anonymous No. 16174709

you can find it in google. It's clearly correct but you could figure that out without seeing it. If it was bullshit you would have half of the internet pointing that out but they are not doing that, there's only seething

Anonymous No. 16174717

Ir is correct but highly contrived and its based off of another man's comments about who thought it wasn't worth it to prove, anyway good for the girls doing something

Anonymous No. 16174720

>there's only seething
I don't see anyone seething besides a particular subset of demented 4channers. As
This anon said, good for them. The media being patronizing and sensationalist is not their fault. It's cool that they have an interest in mathematics. Maybe they can get into olympiad problems or something.

Anonymous No. 16175827

Why is America sending all it's money to Israel when it won't even pay to finally send the slaves home to Israel.
Why do the jews deserve to live in the homeland, but blacks don't?

Anonymous No. 16176522

the slaves came from Africa, they were brought over by jews so it should be jews who pay to send them back to their native homeland

Anonymous No. 16176840

It wasn't to scrutinize lol. Just curious what their methods was

Anonymous No. 16177342

These racists can’t even be racist right. At the very least, they could say “They aren’t like the rest of them.” but their jealousy outweighs their racism.

Anonymous No. 16177356

Lmao literally the first thing I though when I saw that poster

Anonymous No. 16177358

Or they have no self-control and keep indulging in shit food like all fat people

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Anonymous No. 16177501

>no need to worry we are still superior
This, but unironically.

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Anonymous No. 16177962

Good pic

Anonymous No. 16178932

Racists get mad at this thread same as they do with the Twum threads

Anonymous No. 16179550

anti-twummers don't belong on the science board, they're all just trolls

Anonymous No. 16180185

what good is yet another proof of a theorem everyone already knows is true?
can these negro wenches do anything useful or is repeating the obvious the limits of their abilities?

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Anonymous No. 16181077

>what good is yet another proof of a theorem everyone already knows is true?
It demonstrates that a handful of modern day negroes, thanks to the tireless efforts and extravagant expenditure of whites, are finally able to grasp what whites understood 2500 years ago

Anonymous No. 16181426

The Pythagorean theorem is the MOST PROVED (by humans that is) of any mathematical theorem ever. A mathematical theorem that has more than one or two distinctly different proofs is uncommon…. but this theorem has been proved — by truly different and unique proofs — several hundred times!!!

Anonymous No. 16181535


Anonymous No. 16181538

>eugenics confusing himself for a racist
Nigger p l e a s e

Anonymous No. 16181546

the Great White and Asian Hope!

Anonymous No. 16181566

so is mathematics only for the white fella and the asiatics now? let the girls be. they're obviously massive dorks and the country would be so much better if other negroes were like them.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16182370

allowing minorities and especially women into the professional world has had a deleterious effect on society

Anonymous No. 16183436

>by humans that is
also by other primates

Anonymous No. 16184968

>If you cannot find value in people of all stripes you are not really racist.
exactly wrong

Anonymous No. 16185652

Hitler found value in jews, he valued them for their miraculous flammability, thats how he was able to burn six million of them in 4 years using only two crematory ovens.

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Anonymous No. 16186835

He also appreciated their enthusiasm for riding the holocoaster

Anonymous No. 16187173

Ayo hol up
*smacks lips*
You sayin we was Archimedes n sheit?

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Anonymous No. 16188484


Anonymous No. 16189148

this dudes one meme is far more popular and respected than those bitches ever will be.

Anonymous No. 16190209

The blacks have really come a long way. When whites first discovered them the blacks were living in the stone age, hadn't even invented the wheel yet. They were ten of thousand of years or more behind whites in terms of intellectual development. Now they're only 2500 years behind, all thanks to the assistance they've gotten from the gracious whites.