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๐Ÿงต The Science of Identity and our Sense of Self

Anonymous No. 16159155

I was watching Fox News's show Outnumbered and they were about to discuss this scientific news about how AI can make you believe that you're another person. Stupidly, OJ Simpson had to pass away at that exact moment and so they covered that instead of that news about AI... as if I give two fucks about that fat, old, washed up, murderer. It's a travesty because they never got to discussing that part about AI.

So I have no idea what they were talking about. Do any of you /sci/ people know anything about AI making you believe you're in somebody else's body?

Anddo you think there will ever be a day where we can transfer the conciousness of one person into another? Say you have a comatoes patient that is brain dead but with a healthy body and another patient who has a terminal illness and doesn't have much longer to live, could they transfer the mind of the dying patient into the comatose one as a sort of "body" donor progam?

And just for fun, if you could be anyone else other than yourself who would you be?

>How 'swapping bodies' with a friend changes our sense of self

>Some people think machine intelligence will transform humanity for the better. Others fear it may destroy us. Who will decide our fate?

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Anonymous No. 16159194

I like to get all of my scientific news right from the source, from Fox News.

Anonymous No. 16159231

Your self-concept is constructed with feedback you get from interacting with others. In other words: you see yourself in the manner others relate to you. Since your interactions change your self-concept is always changing whether or not the others are AI.

Anonymous No. 16159246

>Unironic boomer news watcher
>Their bumbo jumbo grift skid is swapped for community gossip about muh eggball player
>Comes to /sci/ to unironically blog about it
Imagine thinking like this

Anonymous No. 16159269

>Wah wah someone is talking about science news on my science board
just up already reddit

Anonymous No. 16159271

>ignores the possibility of self-construction through not interacting with others
many such cases

Anonymous No. 16159286

Give an example of a self-description that is not relative.

Anonymous No. 16159287

the aesthetics of my subjective experience

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Anonymous No. 16159298

What is an eggballs player?

And who doesn't love eggs?

Anonymous No. 16159393

The mind and the brain are the same thing. Brain transplants are technically possible, but pretty much impossible in practice.

Anonymous No. 16159415

Yet no one has been able to explain consciousness aka the mind.

Anonymous No. 16159658

A TV remote with and without batteries are the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16159674

There is nothing to explain. The brain is just a bag of chemicals, and the mind is the resultant observed behavour of those chemical reactions.