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Anonymous No. 16159177

I'm thinking of going back to college to get my Masters degree but it's been well over a decade since I graduated, and to get into a Masters program I need to pass the GRE. Let's just say that my math is a little more than rusty. I can't even remember how to do simultaneous equations.

Are there any great texts out there that can give me a run through of basic algebra to the higher maths such as trig and calculus so I can pass the GRE? I don't know of any comprehensive math textbooks, they usually just target one are or another.

I'd greatly appreciate any help and recommendations that you can provide.

Anonymous No. 16159395

I have no idea but I bump cuz I want to find out the answer as well .

Anonymous No. 16159448

literally which universities still do the GRE? I'm applying to grad school soon and nowhere I'm looking wants it

Anonymous No. 16159503

some are starting to require it again next year I think after the backlash.
>basic algebra to the higher maths such as trig and calculus so I can pass the GRE
when I studied for the GRE I just opened some old GRE tests and go back from there. shouldn't be that hard to learn tho. GRE quatiative is the easy part, the verbal is harder.

Anonymous No. 16159635

I'm proficient in verbal. I suck in the math department, it takes me too long to figure out the equations and it ends up costing me points. Verbal is a piece of cake compared to mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16159656

Just find any course on linear algebra and calculus that is openly published and do all of those. That will probably cover most shit, depending onnwhat you're aiming for.
t. currently retraining my calculus. Fucking integrals.

Anonymous No. 16159681

You could try MIT OpenCourseWare. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard good things about it.

Anonymous No. 16159701

>falling for the grad school meme
If you need school to learn, you're NGMI. If you need a master's degree to get a good paying job, you're NGMI.

t. making 6 figs with just a bachelor's working a meme job that gives me plenty of free time to self study whatever I want

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16159716

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16159742

Looking for a textbook is not looking for help for homework. Learn to read jackass.

Under YOUR understanding, or laack thereof, more than half of these threads would be deleted, just so you can masturbate to your own ego.

Looking for a book is not homework, or did you just plain flunk out?

There's also a rule against needlessly reporting. I say you need to be banned from this board.

Anonymous No. 16159747

>Reminder that needles reporting is qualifications for being banned
>Telling other that you're going to report others or citing rules is qualification for being banned

Let the mods do their jobs and sit the fuck down you INCEL.

Anonymous No. 16159754

Go cry to mommy and let the adults talk you autistic INCEL.

Anonymous No. 16159758

This is exactly why I think autistic people need to be castrated and banned from the internet.