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🧵 Can I get a non-/pol/tared answer on this?

Anonymous No. 16159330

I'm not a biologist so I don't understand the intricacies of DNA(and I doubt the people who spam this constantly do either) but what does this mean;
That only blacks have archaic admixture or that theirs is a mystery? Because if it's just the latter that means the spammers are equal amounts of sub-human as well.

Anonymous No. 16159336

genetic analysis algorithms discoverd traces quite large traces of africans interbreeding with an as yet unidentified hominid species.
It seems quite dtraightforward.

The problem is that most of africa is a bad location for the preservation of remains

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Anonymous No. 16159340

the theory is that homo sapiens mixed with other hominids in africa, but not out of africa
some say they still exist in the jungles of central africa

Anonymous No. 16159343

Calling the neanderthals a different species comes from an error, when their mtDNA was found to be too different from model people to be the same species, however the authors didn't know that modern people are quite inbred, and the difference is in fact well within the norm. And the results like these are artifacts which come from starting with that as an assumption, it was in all likehood only one species with similar diversity as modern apes.

Anonymous No. 16159344

So only Africans interbred with hominid species?

Anonymous No. 16159347

>some say they still exist in the jungles of central africa
Along with the dinosaur in the Congo?

Anonymous No. 16159408

can clarify based on what I recall from the paper
roughly 60kya basal west africans underwent an admixture event with a hominin who derived its origins from before the neandertal denisovan split roughly 800-600kya (perhaps someone like rhodesiensis). This was after the most recent sapiens exodus from Africa so groups outside of west Africans do not purport this genetic signal at high frequencies. For west Africans, the maximum value of this introgression is 19%, but the mean is somewhere somewhat lower (paper had good violin plots for this) however the purported range they give is somewhat odd for an admixture event that occured 60kya, but that's just my thought other people are cool with the information

Anonymous No. 16159409

>the theory is that homo sapiens mixed with other hominids in africa, but not out of africa

Oceania populations likely have Denisovan/Sapien ancestry

European populations likely have Neanderthal/Sapien ancestry

West/Southern Africans likely have Erectus/Sapien ancestry

The former two occurred outside Africa, the Erectus likely in Africa. Else Euros/Oceania populations would have the ghost DNA West Africans do and Africans would also have Neanderthal/Denisovan DNA.

There are some arguments to be made that the Euroasia interbreeding actually involved a superarchaic population as noted here:

Regardless, all evidence I've seen indicates this interbreeding occurred outside of Africa. Modern genetic testing is also proof of this.

Anonymous No. 16159420

what do you mean by "the most" the science advances paper, if correct, absolutely indicates west Africans purport the highest admixture component of non sapiens dna of any modern people, and the most archaic too. the only group that would come close is the combined neandertal/denisovan component seen in modern Papuans or the Aeta, either way one of those groups past Huxley's modified Wallace line

Anonymous No. 16159424

also no to erectus ancestry unless you're lumping all of African heidelbergensis / rhodesiensis into one giant taxon for whatever reason. The ghost ancestor paper doesn't at all indicate the mystery hominin is erectus, African erectus/ergaster was long gone by the time when the ghost ancestor emerged

Anonymous No. 16159431

So what's the prognosis in layman terms?

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Anonymous No. 16159465

They are hybrids of apes and humans. They are like you, but a few less human genes. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16159501

/pol/ was right again...

Anonymous No. 16159509

They're hardly ever.

Anonymous No. 16159513

If you aren't willing to take a pol answer it doesn't mean anything. Everyone is different and that's like our strength and shit.
The pol answer is that they are niggers and weather the reason they are niggers is because they were once humans that bred with these apes or perhaps they were even niggerer niggers and the addmixture upgraded them to current ghoulish states is hard to figure out and largely irrelevant I suppose.

Objectively speaking humans have different genes and they can be grouped based on these genes and the genes cause real world differences in their abilities and appearance. You can draw various lines and circles around different groups but that's all pol.

Anonymous No. 16159528

/pol/ is always right, eventually

Anonymous No. 16159545

Shitlibs at t0: it's not happening, chud
Shitlibs at t1: it's happening, and it's a good thing, chud
Shitlibs at t2: it's too late to do anything about it, chud

Anonymous No. 16159568

/pol/ flings so much shit around eventually it will land onto something.

Anonymous No. 16159573

Technically also correct, but when it's something as big as saying africans don't act like other humans then when that is finally validated I think it's fair to say /pol/ was right.

Anonymous No. 16159583

>Can I get a non-/pol/tared answer on this?
Because of their high user rate there is inevitably a lot of bleed over into other boards. Beware you get anos on here from there pretending to be fair-minded giving you their typical confirmation bias.

Anonymous No. 16159626

>There are some arguments to be made that the Euroasia interbreeding actually involved a superarchaic population as noted here:
How was that possible with a 2 million year seperation, when it was hard enough with Neandrthals that were far closer in time?

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Anonymous No. 16159654


Judge for yourself.

Anonymous No. 16159657

also no to erectus ancestry unless you're lumping all of African heidelbergensis / rhodesiensis into one giant taxon for whatever reason

I'm not and didn't indicate that by my post.

>The ghost ancestor paper doesn't at all indicate the mystery hominin is erectus, African erectus/ergaster was long gone by the time when the ghost ancestor emerged

If you're going to be tedious about the Erectus lineage and the (multiple) introgressions of mating and DNA mixing--there is no point to this conversation. There was no single point where some random sapien bent an erectus over a rock, like Clan of the Cave Bear, and gave rise to Africans. Homosapiens fucked a lot of hominid variants, multiple times, over thousands of years. It's going to be muddy, a venn diagram with 12341234 circles not a straight line. But at some point we have to categorize them to have a conversation. I mean--without looking it up--how many in this thread would say that Africans have Neanderthal DNA? That's European lineage right---well no---0.2%ish in some Africans because after we fucked the Neanderthals a bit 200k years ago, some of those hybrids walked back down to Africa and fucked there too.

>According to Omer Gokcumen, assistant professor of biological sciences, University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences.
Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme variation is archaic introgression — the introduction of genetic material from a ‘ghost’ species of ancient hominins. […] This unknown human relative could be a species that has been discovered, such as a subspecies of Homo erectus, or an undiscovered hominin. We call it a ‘ghost’ species because we don’t fossils.

Anonymous No. 16159660


Seek help, you're radicalized. The fact that the idea that Erectus was (possibly) a heavier part of African ancestry than say---Oceanic populations makes you jump to this conclusion says more about you than anyone else talking out the science.

You are the yang of pols ying and both of your (populations!) are useless to real discussion.

Anonymous No. 16159690

ergaster was extinct by 1.4 mya. the admixture event occured 60kya, and the bulk of introgression occured from a species traced back to ~600kya. Did you read the science advances paper? There is moderate gene flow that occurs of course, but this isn't that, it's an admixture event, for this unequal introgression of a significant component of archaic dna these populations went from once isolated to no longer isolated, otherwise we would've just seen extended, gradual gene flow. Read the durvasula paper again, it was not ergaster.

Anonymous No. 16159735

>archaic admixture
eurasians have the admix of other archaic species the neanderthals and denisovans the difference being something something IQ or monkey blah blah, but this is essentially just racism bait and distraction from talking about like how IQ and jungle environments promote various forms of uncultured and archaic behaviors

Anonymous No. 16159817

What >>16159409 said. Humans will fuck anything approximately human shaped and beyond, the idea that there was interbreeding between Homo sapiens and another Homo species in Africa is not a surprise at all when it’s already known to have happened in Eurasia and Australasia. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s still more interbreeding events to be discovered not just between H. sapiens and other human species but also between two extinct Homo species

Anonymous No. 16159823

there already have been yeah, denisova cave yielded a genetic hybrid between Neandertals and Denisovans named Denny.

Anonymous No. 16159841

Sounds about right. There’s probably a toe bone or something from a Neanderthal x H. erectus sitting in a museum drawer somewhere waiting to have genetic analysis done on it

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Anonymous No. 16161059

>Humans will fuck anything approximately human shaped and beyond
soientists fuck dogs

Anonymous No. 16161105

not a smartphone in sight

Anonymous No. 16161111

>everything I don't like is confirmation bias

Anonymous No. 16161119

don't forget about dolphins

Anonymous No. 16161125

broken clock is right twice a day but sure, maybe bit more often than that. tho not as much as they brag about.
they also polish their understanding with /sci/ gods skull fucking them

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Anonymous No. 16161169

it means that sub-saharans are 20% not Sapiens (Modern Human), but rather roughly quarter-hybridized with some other form of less advanced hominid great ape that we don't have a good DNA sample for, either erectus or habilis.

Which is probably why Egypt was Kangz, but suddenly everything below 22° N has no joke literal retard IQs, see picrel.

Anonymous No. 16161187

jeet here, how relevant is this to me
am I an ungodly homunculus (more than previously speculated)?

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Anonymous No. 16161275

>not found in present-day asians
The good news is, you don't have 20% extra monkey dna.
the bad news is that didn't save you from being retarded anyways.

To spell it out, if it's ONLY in sub-saharans, then it can have happened no later than this red line (modern algeria, libya, tunisia and morraco are all largely arabic invaders from the east, and the berbers who came up and around through egypt and west, they're still E1b1b haplogroup, Meditids.)

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Anonymous No. 16161283

how do ayys play into this

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16161292

picrel isn't 100% right. but based on this finding it wouldn't be incorrect to say that people on the wrong side of the blue line I've drawn literally fucked a hairless monkey and are not Human the Species as a result, but some other hybrid hominid.

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Anonymous No. 16161295

picrel isn't 100% right. but based on this finding it wouldn't be incorrect to say that people on the wrong side of the blue line I've drawn literally fucked a hairless monkey and are not Human the Species as a result, but some other hybrid hominid.

which matches up with >>16161169 and >>16161275

Anonymous No. 16161297

all this is telling me is that we need mandated race-mixing to eliminate any remaining differences

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Anonymous No. 16161319

And, to paraphrase Sapolsky's studies on private intelligence, less forebrain means less emotion regulation, less impulse control, less empathy, less abstract thought and forward planning. The difference between baboons and chimps is that even when they cook up a good plan, they'll self-sabotage it with impulsive thoughts they don't have the forebrain to resist.

Which is why chronic lead poisoning fucks you up good and it's highly irresponsible that most governments have only banned new lead lines not mandated replacement, why Phineas Gage became an aggressive, hedonistic asshole dumbass that squandered the rest of his life getting into drunken brawls, and why lobotomies regress someone to basically a talking animal.

Or, put in other words
Pic related and this

Or, put even more succinctly

Nah, just acknowledging that subsaharans are still cavemen that physically cannot be uplifted short of extreme genetic repair/reintegration would probably be enough.

Heck, that might even be what they're trying to accomplish with the mixing push. What you see as a human baby tainted with 10% subhuman, TPTB see as a caveman now 10% closer to modern human and no longer being useless at best volatile at worst.

Anonymous No. 16161320

*Primate. Damn autocorrect.

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Anonymous No. 16161460

tfw no qt3.14 australopithecus gf

Anonymous No. 16161467

how does one sound while fucking? I imagine a lot of growling

Anonymous No. 16161480

animalistic, primal, raw, better than anything you're heard before

Anonymous No. 16161506

humans did not evolve in or originate from africa

Anonymous No. 16161543

>Literally just Mbalenhle from down the street, but naked with a fuckton of body hair.

Yeah yeah, christcuck, "Eden's in Mesopotamia." We've heard it all before. Come back when there's literally any data that supports that.

Anonymous No. 16161545

>a fuckton of body hair.
she looks like she has fleas

Anonymous No. 16161564

East asians has more Neanderthal than Europeans, Denisova is more concentrated to Oceanians.

Anonymous No. 16161572

>but what does this mean
That someone made a fake pic. Every human shares over 99% of their DNA and every human group EXCEPT Sub-Saharan Africans has ancestry from other subspecies, being Neandertals and Denisovans.

Fuck's sake, Homo Erectus was extinct well before modern humans left Africa.

Anonymous No. 16161582

Well whatever this other hominid species was, it had huge dicks

Anonymous No. 16161585

actually, small

Anonymous No. 16161686

all nonblacks have neanderthal ancestry, some asian populations have denisovan ancestry
archaic ancestry is not proof of subhumanity. it's one of the many incorrect arguments people make about the cause of black inferiority, while the correct argument involves their environment's lack of seasonality meaning they had no need to develop long-term planning and related higher cognitive functions

Anonymous No. 16161702

haha, just like with climate change

Anonymous No. 16161703

its also
>everyone except me is prone to confirmation bias
>i am uniquely infallible

Anonymous No. 16161705

>their environment's lack of seasonality meaning they had no need to develop long-term planning and related higher cognitive functions
>what are dry/wet season cycles

Anonymous No. 16161771

are you fucking retarded? It's literally published in Science Advances, nobody made it up, you can go read it for yourself.

Anonymous No. 16161774

what do you define as human, and then what do you define as sub-human? What is the threshold for sub-humanity for you?

Anonymous No. 16161822

Nah, her and her gal pals pick them off of each other and eat them.

BBC is a (((myth.))) IIRC, other than specifically the Congo, Africa is actually pretty normal. No idea why they're especially hung, probably the same inbreeding that made them eponymous pygmies. Honestly, can't even be mad, let the sub-5 short kings have their 7 inch dicks.
Ignoring that outlier, as long as you're using actual measurements not self-reporting, the actual largest penises are Native Americans or derivatives for length (e.g. Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil all pretty hung and they didn't get it from Portugal or Spain, Canada is higher than ite forebears because of its 20% natives, it's hard to relocate it, but one I read specifically about race in the US had them as highest) and Scandinavians or derivatives (Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, etc) for girth.

Smallest is southeast asian. Thai ladyboys have no difficulties tucking. 3.71" average. AVERAGE, half the guys are smaller. 3.67" is medical definition of a micropenis. If they start taking HRT I wonder if it straight up flips inside out, don't even need surgery. Or maybe it integer underflows and they grow to 12 lmao.

Anonymous No. 16161845

>nobody made it up
But they did though?

Habilis and erectus aren't mentioned in the study, the study leaves open the door that they actually just interbred with a modern human population that had carried forward DNA from a previous earlier interbreeding event, the study only mentions West Africans in reference to genetic evidence, and the study confirms that the genetic exchange happened before the African-Eurasian split since they found genes in white Utahans as well.

It's literally all fucking lies.

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Anonymous No. 16161846

1. Asians, American Aboriginals, and Caucasians don't have 19% neanderthal DNA. They have 2%. And highest percent of Denisovian DNA is Melanesian at 5%, most have much less.

2. Neanderthal and Denisovian are a much, much nearer ancestral cousins to cross with, only 40,000 years or so, than homo fucking habilis, a species nearly 3 million years old, a literal non-upright fur-covered partial tree-dweller with brains half our size that there's debate if they even had language and certainly have no evidence of using fire. Our first split from other australopithecines, the literal start of our genus, anything further back isn't "Homo."

>>16161295 isn't even describing it bad enough, because the monkey wasn't hairless yet.

Anonymous No. 16161847

>Telling someone to go read a study you haven't read
Rookie fucking mistake, bitch.

Anonymous No. 16161848

>since they found genes in white Utahans as well.
Amerimutts gonna mutt.

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Anonymous No. 16161857

I should say West Africans as opposed to Sub-Saharan Africans. The word Sub-Saharan only comes up in the study once.

And, again, the study found the fucking genes in white people. The proposed model is that the interbreeding occurred before the African/Eurasian split and possibly continued after.

The study ALSO says South Africans wouldn't have this ancestry, as the interbreeding occurred at most 124k years ago and South Africans split off 240k years ago.

Seriously, the OP is nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16161861

Wait, so you're saying the interbreeding that the South Africans didn't partake of is what made North Africans, Asians, Europeans, and Americans not literal retards?

Damn, too bad the super smart mystery Homo didn't stick around, earth would have moonbases right now. Wonder why it died out, too small and weak or something? Glad we at least got some of its genes in most of the planet, too bad it missed a spot.

Anonymous No. 16161969

I really wish people would stop saying this. Arabs did not replace the origonal people anywhere. The north africans today ate literally mostly unmixed north africans. The arabs placed themselves at the top of society and obviously married some north africans. They did the same in spain and Egypt and syria. They are culturally arab. Not genetically.

Anonymous No. 16161987

Wouldn't that just give everybody the same traits and make everyone more related since we would share ancestry? Sounds good to me lol. Paraguay did that by the way.

Anonymous No. 16162239

>That only blacks have archaic admixture or that theirs is a mystery?

Anonymous No. 16162421

American "blacks" only left Africa by slave trade at furthest 500 years ago, 150 years at most recent.
There was no Homo Habilis or even Homo Erectus around to fuck 150 years ago or even 500 years ago. Your premise is incredibly silly.

They're just as Subsaharan African, except their 25%ish percent mixture with Europeans from frequent slave rapes by masters (Y chromosome results say they're 35% european, but mitochondrial tests say 8%, ergo European fathers African mothers) and the last 50 years of mixed couple marriages.

Anonymous No. 16162481

you literally didn't specify what aspect of it was made up. Yeah the Habilis and ergaster part are, but to refer to a super archaic on your part is also fucking false. Rhodesiensis is the most likely candidate given the estimated ~600kya divergence time of the ghost ancestor, and that is absolutely not a modern human
I did read it you stupid fucking nog

Anonymous No. 16162483

the breeding event occured among West Africans 60kya, but the ghost ancestor genes don't persist in Eurasia. 60kya to you is pre Eurasian split? Literally how would this admixture event have occured before the Eurasian split, the paper literally never says this.

Anonymous No. 16162947

>you literally didn't specify what aspect of it was made up.
>Pointed out singling out Sub-Saharan Africans was bullshit
>Pointed out the Homo Erectus part was bullshit
So, I did. I just didn't specify EVERY aspect of it that was made up because it happened to include more lies than I spotted at a cursory glance.

It doesn't suddenly become fucking honest just cause I didn't point out every fucking lie at first go around though, you dumb bitch.

>the breeding event occured among West Africans 60kya
That's just the middle of a 126kya range assuming a single breeding event you dumb fuck. Read the paper in more fucking detail. Just cause a model would fit the limited data they gathered doesn't mean that model is correct. They acknowledge it almost definitely isn't and even provide evidence against it elsewhere, including the fact that the DNA is found in control populations of European descent.

It's interesting that you think West Africans are superior to the rest of us as the greatest recipients of genes from superior forerunners, but I think you might just be a fuckwit.

Anonymous No. 16163421

hey you retarded faggot, tell me the ghost ancestor admixture component found in Eurasians, and then tell me the admixture component found in modern west Africans

Anonymous No. 16163438

Europeans and Asians interbred with Neanderthals.

Anonymous No. 16163472

>hey you retarded faggot, tell me the ghost ancestor admixture component found in Eurasians, and then tell me the admixture component found in modern west Africans
Between 2% and 19%. The paper doesn't go into more detail.

Anonymous No. 16163521

it gives the means as well as the upper and lowers for various west african populations lol. What does it describe the Eurasian component as?

Anonymous No. 16163615

>What does it describe the Eurasian component as?
It doesn't. Simply saying it is some share of the West African portion, which was 2%-19%.

>Non-African populations (Han Chinese in Beijing and Utah residents with northern and western European ancestry) also show analogous patterns in the CSFS, suggesting that a component of archaic ancestry was shared before the split of African and non-African populations.

Why the fuck are you asking me and not reading the paper?

Anonymous No. 16163653

>Our analyses provide support for a contribution to the genetic ancestry of present-day West African populations from an archaic ghost population whose divergence from the ancestors of modern humans predates the split of Neanderthals and modern humans.
>subsequently introgressed into the ancestors of present-day Africans 0 to 124 ka B.P.
Notice how it doesn't mention introgression into present-day Europeans during this temporal range? Presence of minor admixture components from the ghost in Eurasia is probably literally the same as neandertal admixture being detected in Africa.
>Ne of the introgressing lineage in YRI and MSL is larger than that in the other African populations, possibly due to a differential contribution from a basal West African branch
keyword. differential contribution from a basal west African branch.
>models of continuous gene flow produce a U-shaped CSFS for low migration rates and deep splits, they do not provide an adequate fit to the empirical CSFS over the range of parameters considered
thus, looping back
>we have chosen to represent the genetic contribution of the African ghost population as a single discrete interbreeding event
even with the CEU having a U shaped line, they literally suggested that it would only be a component of the admixture seen in west African populations, and that even what haplotypes *MIGHT* be present could be undetectable and/or lost in OOA bottle necks. The vast bulk of this admixture is very likely post OOA, connecting it to contributions from a basal west African branch. Based on their modeling from the supplementary data, the models which identify the gene flow as occuring into African branches as opposed to modern human ancestors possess far lower P values and better fits the data.

Anonymous No. 16163660

>Notice how it doesn't mention introgression into present-day Europeans during this temporal range?
The split of African and non-African populations was during that range. If the introgression had occurred BEFORE that range it also would have shown up as occurring in West African populations before that range, you fucking idiot.

>Presence of minor admixture components from the ghost in Eurasia is probably literally the same as neandertal admixture being detected in Africa.
...wat? The ghost line isn't Neandertal. The fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16163662

literally didn't say it was a neandertal, it's a comparison to how neandertal DNA introgressed into African populations at low levels despite them not seeing a direct admixture event.
"erm but event X occured during tiny Y"
Are you fucking retarded? Did you read literally anything I sent about their models? They not only denote it as an event occuring WITHIN that range, meaning it could have very easily occured in bulk post OOA, but the P values of models for the admixture component occuring from an ancestor into African populations are significantly lower than models for the ancestor into pre-ooa sapiens.

Anonymous No. 16163672

>meaning it could have very easily occured in bulk post OOA
>we find that the lower limit on the 95% credible interval of the introgression time is older than the simulated split between CEU and YRI (2800 versus 2155 generations B.P.), indicating that at least part of the archaic lineages seen in the YRI are also shared with the CEU (section S9.2)

Anonymous No. 16163684

They're literally ALWAYS right. Not wanting to admit to it makes clear you're an enabler at the very least.

Anonymous No. 16163763

All that means is that some ancestor of blacks didn't outmix.

Anonymous No. 16163772

Do you read that and really not realize it's just psyop propaganda? Listen to the language. Think it though. It's literally not even rational. When I see that even the "intelligent" people in our society can't see through this simple stuff, it makes me really lose hope. The "elites" have won.

Anonymous No. 16163918

Everyone has archaic ancestry, that's what Neanderthal DNA is. The difference here is in how the ancestry was identified. Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry was identified by comparing actual samples of Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. We have no samples of these supposed ghost populations in Africa. They're just hypothesised based on models reconstructing the variation in modern DNA samples.
They might not exist, as these kinds of reconstructions are sensitive to your model. They often use simplifying assumptions which treat the common African ancestors of modern humans as one panmictic population until the last hundred thousand years, all intermixing freely, and when you do that you need these archaic populations to explain alleles that seem to have diverged too early.
But these models are probably not realistic. Africa's prehistoric population probably already had structure. You can model things differently, and have multiple subpopulations of Africans from an earlier date. They would still need to interbreed to explain overall genetic similarity, but if you make the interbreeding more restricted and occasional, rather than modelling one big prehistoric melting pot, you can explain the segregation of these anciently diverging alleles into different subpopulations without needing any ghost archaic interbreeding.

Anonymous No. 16164034

Most people don't possess specialist knowledge about any topic,in this case genetics. All that is needed is someone to say some bullshit confidently with some jargon terms sprinkled in and they'll believe it.

Anonymous No. 16164166

Why would she have straight hair in those latitudes? That's hot as fuck, as of in, sweaty. Even I have to shave mine every summer in yurop.

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Anonymous No. 16164215

>Seek help, you're ra—ACK!

Anonymous No. 16164252

>lower limit
read the supp models you stupid fuck I read that part already.

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Anonymous No. 16164277

>BBC is a myth
Is it?

Anonymous No. 16164281

All apes/monkeys/hominids have straight hair

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Anonymous No. 16165187

no they don't, gorilla hair is tightly coiled, just like the african negroes' hair

Anonymous No. 16165894

Robert Sepehr usually spams it

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Anonymous No. 16166166

That's a temporary condition caused by morning mist and even then it's just barely frizzed, far from "tightly coiled". Kinky hair is uniquely human while straight hair is commonplace among most animals.

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Anonymous No. 16166249


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Anonymous No. 16166267


Anonymous No. 16166304

The last part of the sentence you illiterate fuck.

Anonymous No. 16166434

yeah no shit, just like "part" of the neandertal admixture is present in Africa. Read the fucking models you retard, P values are significantly lower for introgression from an archaic ancestor into an African population.

Anonymous No. 16166441

>Artistic license on a reconstruction.

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Anonymous No. 16166451

No doubt due to moisture, same as the gorilla. Orangutans normally have straight hair.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16166465


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16166470

We come from tree Lizards, not monkeys. Monkeys evolve into a species d+2 to humans.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16166479

This planet was apt at generating neutral species. In fact, it spawned humans, 2 away from central neutral. This 2 away position has 8 species. Humans are d-1, d+2 would be 2* positive steps, or to-the-right. You can tell by a monkeys face that they are 2 positive steps out from a perfect transition to humans. You can know we came from this really prosperous tree lizard.

Anonymous No. 16166940

I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 16167049

erectus lasted in small populations up till about 100,000 years ago, so its possible, though its far more likely to be some other unknown species .

Anonymous No. 16167069

>erectus lasted in small populations up till about 100,000 years ago
In Java.
And nowhere else for the prior 200k years.

Anonymous No. 16167072

South Asians also have a significant amount of exclusive Neanderthal sequences

Anonymous No. 16167270

Okay but were those hanabilis dudes as smart as that monkey or were they stupider?

Anonymous No. 16167307

>that highlighting
What’s the fucking point of highlighting if you highlight the whole fucking page

Anonymous No. 16167354

Department of Redundancy Department.

Anonymous No. 16167523

read the models

Anonymous No. 16167564

if erectus survived in one place , its not inconceivable that another group survived somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 16167941

>only blacks have archaic admixture
its not archaic, its chimpanzee

Anonymous No. 16167985

Crossbreeding between humans and chimps is not possible.

Anonymous No. 16167992

I'm reading the report's interpretation of the data used to produce the models which you've already casually accepted while arguing nonsense with me. You conceded my point.

"I accept your concession" wasn't me being cheeky. This debate is over.

Anonymous No. 16167996

The counterpoint to that is if erectus didn't survive contact with heidelbergensis in a bunch of places, it is not inconceivable it didn't survive contact in any place. And your geography argument could be extended temporally as well. Do you think there are wild erectus in the wilds of Java today?

Anyway, you're arguing without evidence.

Anonymous No. 16168099

In that image it says Homo erectus or habilis in brackets. Is this what scientists actually theorize or just some association Robert Sephr(the person whose twitter feed this screencap is from) is forcing?

Anonymous No. 16168103

Correct, but crossbreeding between Africans and chimps is possible and fairly commonplace.

Anonymous No. 16168140

Why do you lie?

Anonymous No. 16168300

I didn't concede on any point you stupid fucking faggot they reference the models in the text and the P values for each and why they chose them are in the supplementary. You fucking lost you stupid nog. Your entire fucking argument stems from
>part of the lower end
unironically kill yourself if you're this fucking stupid, the admixture component is associated with basal west Africans in the text, and then the model that operates under the impression an archaic ancestor introgressed primarily into an AFRICAN population, they fucking modeled for your theory and it has LOWER P VALUES. If you read the fucking models you'd know this you dumb fuck. They ALSO operate on the introgression primarily being derived from an admixture event and not gradual gene flow you fucking moron.
>part of the lower end
guess what that also applies to retard? Neandertal DNA in Africa. Do you think the Eurasian component of neandertal DNA is equivalent to the African component? Are all admixture components just by default equal if they're present to you? Why are you even fighting this losing battle so desperately?

Anonymous No. 16168475

So blatantly too.

Anonymous No. 16169095

What is this? qrd

Anonymous No. 16169248

Current prognosis:
>Let in the niggers goy!

Anonymous No. 16169465

It all makes sense now! The intense anger,the seething,the coping. At last I understand.

Anonymous No. 16170170

Don't worry about it.

Anonymous No. 16170742

I need this explained to me.

Anonymous No. 16171222

human fossils are pretty rare, if you think that the current estimated ranges and timelines are accurate, you're a complete moron, we're litterally talking about a unknown archaic human species of which the only evidence is heuristic dna analysis , of which no known fossils exist.
you cant discount it because there is no more evidence to support it than against it, a new human species vs species known to exist during that time, take your pick , both are possible , considering what ever it is split off long before heidelbergensis.

there are contemporary examples of extreme isolation in africa such as the pygmies, which have been separated for 70-60k years genetically.

Anonymous No. 16171412

(((Robert Sepehr)))

Anonymous No. 16171580

I suspected it was him.

Anonymous No. 16171581

Pure soul. That's what they took away from you

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our ancestors fuc....png

Anonymous No. 16171586

>but what does this mean;
it means that we know Europeans and Asians are around %3-10 percent Neanderthal/Denisovan while we do not know what kind of Archaic Hominin did contributed to the African genetic pool.
So, it does not directly indicate anything, what it means that both African and Non-African populaces has ancestors fucked some cave unga bunga tribe, we know which tribes Nno-Africans' ancestors fucked while we dont know which one Africans' ancestors did.

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Anonymous No. 16171588

>but not out of africa
bro, do you think Neanderthals just diappeared into void when Homo Sapiens arrived?
It is not even a debated subject.

Anonymous No. 16171590

was response to

Anonymous No. 16172178

You're a libtard.

Anonymous No. 16172196

Beautiful image

Anonymous No. 16172784


Anonymous No. 16173463

>some say they still exist in the jungles of central africa
human chimp halfbreeds exist throughout africa as well as in most western urban areas

Anonymous No. 16173970

Stop making up nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 16174031

redpill me on homo floresiensis
They say it actually had comparable intelligence to humans despite a way smaller brain
Something about the prefrontal cortex still being proportionally the same size
But that might just be some way of maintaining liberal cope in case we sequence its DNA and find out it interbred with some modern humans

Anonymous No. 16174389

He was a homo much like you.

Barkon No. 16174393

But you are a gigantimus homomus mark III

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Anonymous No. 16174417

Amazing, really interesting stuff. It makes sense, if nowadays desperate horny human males will fuck goats and chickens, why would they not have fucked something like a hominid in the past.
Testosterone is one hell of a drug.

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Anonymous No. 16174425

/pol/ is a chaotic mess of competing, conflicting ideas. Nazis, communists, racists, libertarians, leftist liberals, republicans, democrats, antinatalists, incels, chads, globalists, modernists, progressivists, straight gay, transvestites, transexuals, asexuals, cucks, conservatives, luddites, atheists, catholics, muslims, jewish people, etc, I've seen it all and still see it all regularly. I know because I'm there practically everyday, and have been for many, many years.
There is no /pol/ ideal, or stance, there is only a place of gathering called /pol/, that's all.

Anonymous No. 16174430

>west africans

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Anonymous No. 16174442

Yoruba, Esan, Mende, and Gambian people, to be more precise.

Anonymous No. 16174474

All sapien no homo.

Anonymous No. 16174810

So basically non-Africans have a smaller amount of comparatively less primitive non-sapien ancestry, while Sub-Saharan Africans have a larger amount of comparatively more primitive non-sapien ancestry. Is this a good high-level summary?

Anonymous No. 16174861

not exactly all this suggests is that some unknown hominid species diverged earlier than other known homininds such as neanderthals and at some point was introduced to the west african sapien population, and contributed significant dna, and its presence is much less signficant in non africans, what kind of hominid it was is unknown, but given the state of current living peoples in those regions, you can make some guesses about that they may have been (ooga booga)

Anonymous No. 16174869

It's extremely embarrassing that you believe this study to be real. There are so many flaws with the Lynn and Vahanen study. Most of the countries had their IQs GUESSED, not even tested but GUESSED!!!

Anonymous No. 16174982

I think its worth stating despite the flaws, no one wants to publish their own dataset with comparable scope , my guess is that anybody working on it comes to similar numbers, and even if they paint a better than lynns , they still arent "acceptable".

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Anonymous No. 16175016

So what's the excuse for Aboriginal Australians or the people of Nepal and Guatemala? They have even lower IQ averages but lack this "less advanced hominid" ghost admixture from Africa.

Also why weren't the Amerindians as advanced as Europeans and East Asians if they were the most ""modern"" derivative of the sapien? I mean it's basically established that outside Mesoamerican Mayan/Aztec civilization Amerindians of both South and North America were effectively Sub-Saharan African tier civilization wise but with worse immune systems and athletic builds.

Anonymous No. 16175163

for the abos , they are evolved for their environment, they probably had higher intelligence when they arrived , as it is believed that they arrived on boats, but lost the ability to make them at some point, they have eyesight that is much better than an average human as good as 20:4 vision in some individuals, and their spacial intelligence is higher than average to match

its litterally what happens when you throw boomarangs to hunt for food for >50,000 years

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Anonymous No. 16175650

If they had higher intelligence why didn't they realize there was nothing in Australia for them and collectively leave a century or two later?

What would convince the abos to stay, abandoned their sea life, abandoned most of their intelligence and throw boomerangs at large jumping rats for millennial?

Anonymous No. 16176433

Australia during the Pleistocene was pretty lush and covered in floodplains with lots of big game to hunt. Then it dried out into an inhospitable hellhole that can’t support anything bigger than a kangaroo

Anonymous No. 16177478

>some other form of less advanced hominid great ape that we don't have a good DNA sample for
Its chimpanzees, we have plenty good DNA sample for them, but anyone in the professions who would speak the truth would get inquisitioned and excommunicated for racism heresy for speaking the truth. Africans continue to interbreed with chimps to this day.

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Anonymous No. 16177516

Australia was fine until the abbos ruined it with deliberately lit bushfires and killed off all the giant marsupials
I'd rather have giant wombats than abbos

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Anonymous No. 16177960

they're still doing their best to ruin the place to this day, they're cancer, they should be wiped out or caged in zoos

Anonymous No. 16178089

crossing the ocean isnt a easy task, also it could be the ones there today are just the ones who stayed, its very possible some did go back.

Anonymous No. 16178118

West Africans have something that pulls them away from Denisovans and Neanderthals in contrast to South Africans, Pygmies and Eurasians.

Anonymous No. 16178929

What is it?

Anonymous No. 16179219

Oh look, it's this thread again.